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The Circle Pad Pro, which I believe is still a Japan-only item, has a properly sized circle pad.


Maybe Nintendo will understand not everyone is up to buying a third 3DS and launch a revised Circle Pad Pro (factoring in the additional shoulder buttons) for the international market. Wouldn't solve the CPU difference, but from the looks of thinks it seems more like a system performance upgrade than for games.

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I'm sure I've seen a photo of it and it's a button. Can't find it now though.


While I was having a look I did find a new bit of info. The new ones will have changeable covers. So all those £200 special editions should now be £20 covers and hopefully as a pack-in with new games for an extra tenner. Quite excited by that news as I've seen some I love (animal crossing and link between worlds spring to mind) but I couldn't bring myself to buy a new console just for a change of colour but could be tempted by a cover

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  • 2 weeks later...



So Super Smash Bros 3DS will make use of the analog nub and extra shoulder buttons on the New 3DS, but it won't make use of the Circle Pad Pro for the old 3DS, because Nintendo is retarded.

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For Smash, I've never used the C Stick for Smash Attacks. Using the A button offers better control of my attacks, IMO.


The Circle Pad Pro wasn't even properly supported, so a lot of people just blew it off. I was reading up on some of the games that used it, and the Circle Pad Pro wasn't always a proper second analog stick, just an alternate analog stick.


I've had an XL for not even a full year, Nintendo. Hell, I think a lot of people have recently bought either a special edition 3DS XL or a 2DS. I'm not ready for another handheld, Mr. Iwata!




Edited by Atomsk88
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  • 2 weeks later...

So what are some games you guys have enjoyed on your 3DS? I'll have a 2DS in my hands in shy of a fortnight, figured I'd see what the recommendations are to eye up stuff in Xmas & January sales when I bore of Pokemon.


Fantasy Life seems to be popular of late. Part RPG/part-Animal Crossing (which I tried on DS, didn't really capture me much).

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  • 1 month later...

no reason for it not to be real. There's a nintendo direct tomorrow, the ambassador program in the UK, it was released last year in Australia...


I'm hoping it's tied to the release of Majora's Mask. If there's a limited edition XL I may be tempted otherwise I will wait, unless there is some compelling new information tomorrow (e.g. faceplates on the XL, free copy of xenoblade chronicles if you register in the first month).


I agree it couldn't be more ill conceived. It's like when Apple called the ipad 3 "the new ipad" that was a complete nightmare when the one after it came and the old one was still called the new one. Yes simple is appealing, but you can take it too far.


I get that they don't want to give it an entirely new name - it's not a new generation after all, but something that denotes it is actually different is needed. Like 3DSi, 3DS Advance or hell, even "New 3DS with c stick" yes it is clunky and no one would use it in the real world but it would read like a description not name, so in adverts so would help if they didn't want an all new name and would make compatibility issues clearer to the uninformed.

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Damnit, I wasn't expecting the n3DS here so soon. I could probably afford one if it really does comes out next month, but I kinda feel like I should focus on my PC right now. :/


I still need a new case and a proper CPU cooler, and I was starting to think about maybe saving up for a GTX 970. Blergh, being a broke student sucks. I should do a potato salad kickstarter or something.

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