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Monday Night Combat


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Gunner Has a minigun and mows people down at medium range. Has an AOE slam attack that can instakill or knock people back. Also has a mortar to take out turrets very quickly.


Tank has the most heath and armor. is a close range fighter and can set people on fire that does DOT damage. Also can charge a short distance and push people back. Also can blind enemies and temporarily disable turrets with product bomb. And a Rail gun for snipe harrasment.

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Gunner is used for long-distance pro harassment and turret destruction with mortars, and for laying down a curtain of murderous suppressive fire with the miniguns.


Tank is used for close-quarters destruction of bots, pros, and turrets alike, and has a long-distance railgun to compensate for lack of range, but gets absolutely trashed at a perfect medium-range by basically any class.

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In short, the ejector is the green hazard vendor you see on the top levels of each arena that corresponds to an ejector pad on the ground floor, often in a bot lane. If you spend $50 to hit the ejector, all bots on the pad's effective area are destroyed (or knocked away if overhealed with heal aura). It can also be used to eject pros from the arena or outright kill them.


The Annihilator is the padless hazard vendor that you find in the center of every map. It costs $250, and will destroy all small enemy bots on the field, hurt Jackbots substantially, and deal a minor bit of damage to pros. Annihilator control is imperative; even if your enemy has no bots worth $250, it's worth it to merely hit it so that the enemy can't. Having money for the Annihilator is a must, so only upgrade skills AS YOU NEED THEM as opposed to trying to get every skill to level 3. Always assume that somebody on the enemy team has the money for it, and will rush the Annihilator given a chance. Don't let it happen.


Also, default sensitivity for the Sniper is waaaaaaaay too much. I'd go with 3 at the absolute highest. I use 2, and find it to be great for jumping in & out of scope.

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Also, default sensitivity for the Sniper is waaaaaaaay too much. I'd go with 3 at the absolute highest. I use 2, and find it to be great for jumping in & out of scope.

That would be why I can't quick-scope... I think I even turned it up from default. But then I play most games with higher sensitivity than most people do.

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