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Monday Night Combat


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Eurgh. Fucking lag.

I wish they'd hurry up and set up dedicated servers for this thing. I know it's beta n all, but I'm not gonna sit around about a month and just assume that once the launch button hits they'll magically add dedi's there n then. They should be in place pre-launch or I'd have no guarantee they'll ever get put in place. This is the same shit I had with Lead n Gold and it really kind puts you off investing in these smaller £10 MP only games. Yeah most other MP games cost a fair bit more, but at least they have Dedi's up n running. Not like there's a cost to the developer (though yeah there will be in the beta until like everyone else can set em up)

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Eurgh. Fucking lag.

I wish they'd hurry up and set up dedicated servers for this thing. I know it's beta n all, but I'm not gonna sit around about a month and just assume that once the launch button hits they'll magically add dedi's there n then. They should be in place pre-launch or I'd have no guarantee they'll ever get put in place. This is the same shit I had with Lead n Gold and it really kind puts you off investing in these smaller £10 MP only games. Yeah most other MP games cost a fair bit more, but at least they have Dedi's up n running. Not like there's a cost to the developer (though yeah there will be in the beta until like everyone else can set em up)


To clarify, do you mean a separate server program like HLDS? Right now you can use the game executable as a dedicated server but it's not ideal seeing as how the game is tied to your Steam account.

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Okay, okay. I know I need to get this game, but I need someone to help me put aside my fears. I read reviews of it, and I was like "Yeah, alright, kickass, this sounds gr- TOWER DEFENSE? Aw hell no." I am so godawful at tower defense, and I hate it, so please someone tell me it's not as tower defense-y as the reviews made it sound.

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Quick Look: Monday Night Combat



It's as much a tower defense game as TF2 is a Diablo clone. Yes, both games have you collecting weapons that have different stats but it's not the focus of TF2. MNC has you building turrets/towers, they shoot at things, they're important to the game but they are not the driving force behind the gameplay.

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Yeah, the tower defense aspect is mostly like "our towers are down, build some more towers" than actually constantly worrying about your towers.


If you ever played Tribes, the towers in MNC are more like the turrets in Tribes than the towers in a real TD game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jesus it's hard to get back in, though I think I've succeeded.


I'm playing with the drunkest hillbilly ever.


No one to play with.


It's actually kind of depressing.




Really depressing.


Still depressing for most of the night.


Seriously guys.



It was depressing.

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Well it's not in my dropbox, and the dropbox won't scroll. The only 16:9 option it gives me is 1280x720, though it does give me some 16:10 resolution options that are even higher than 1920x1080.


*Edit* - Nevermind, I got it to scroll. I just thought it wouldn't scroll cause there's no bar on the side and every time I rolled the scroll wheel it closed the dropbox, but after I did that a couple times it somehow selected 1920x1080 anyway, so I'm okay with that. :D

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