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Monday Night Combat


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Let's talk about the Assassin, because I really like playing the position. So far, my initial strategy has been to just rush in cloaked, pick some guys off with the grapple, and then either die or run away to try it again. Tonight, I started spamming the slash to get some fast hits in as well as picking off bots and spawning Gremlins.


How can I be a better Assassin? What endorsements would be good? Should I try/become familiar with another class?

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I would say that you would be more of a credit to the team if you rushed to the other side and got rid of all the bots: assasins are probably the class that can get juice the fasted by farming bots. If done right you can have juice within a minute of the match starting, and with this you can take out their turrets, and thus allow our bots to get in.


I would say it's best to stay in the shadows unless you are certain you can get a backstab: front grapples are probably two thousand times more dangerous to you than they are your opponent.

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One of the things that assassins should be doing is taking out the bots. Not only do you make money really fast off of them, you also build juice incredibly fast at which point you juice into their base and wreck their defenses. You should only go after enemy pros that you can get a kill without dying yourself and usually you should avoid tanks at all times. One death blossom would drop your health to around half and a charge would kill you instantly without any armor endorsement.


For endorsements:

Gold Armor - You NEED this to survive.

Silver Rate of Fire - This would speed up the rate of your slashes so you can knock out bots/pros/turrets a lot faster.

Bronze - You can basically put anything you feel you need here such as skill/health recovery or speed.

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One of the things that assassins should be doing is taking out the bots. Not only do you make money really fast off of them, you also build juice incredibly fast at which point you juice into their base and wreck their defenses. You should only go after enemy pros that you can get a kill without dying yourself and usually you should avoid tanks at all times. One death blossom would drop your health to around half and a charge would kill you instantly without any armor endorsement.


For endorsements:

Gold Armor - You NEED this to survive.

Silver Rate of Fire - This would speed up the rate of your slashes so you can knock out bots/pros/turrets a lot faster.

Bronze - You can basically put anything you feel you need here such as skill/health recovery or speed.





I wouldn't worry about putting too much stock into health recovery. Skill recovery is probably the way to go if you have gold armor and silver RoF. Also, that dash attack on the RB? Use that to close the gap quickly when you're coming up behind someone for a grapple attack. With a maxed out katana, a full-on dash attack, and a grapple, you should be able to do some pretty hefty damage. Just make sure you tell someone who you're going after, because later on in the match it won't kill them outright, but will surely weaken them so someone else can pick them off.


Also, if you know you're going to die on an attack, then make sure it's for a good reason. :X

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Actually, health recovery may very well be the best option for a bronze slot, but you'll find out why once you try going up against really good players. Skill recovery helps one skill you shouldn't be relying on (smoke bomb), one skill that you shouldn't really upgrade to level 3 anyway (cloak), and one skill which would benefit greatly from skill recovery, except that it recharges insanely fast at level 3 and drains incredibly slowly when in use (dash), so skill recovery, while helpful, is irrelevant to her playstyle.


The ability to dash for extended periods of time at level 3 >>>>>>> the ability to recharge cloak while standing still in-cloak. It doesn't matter that they can see you if you're moving too quickly for them to catch up with and kill.


Also, this multiple thread thing for MNC is starting to get old real quick.

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I disagree with minty, Knifington, and have skill regen on my assassin build, for whatever that's worth.


I'll acknowledge that minty is more knowledgeable about the game than I am, but I still disagree with him on this point.

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Whenever I use assassins I usually only upgrade to dash 2 and passive 3, cloak and bomb are left at 1. Occasionally getting dash 3 when I have way too much money on hand. Cloak last long enough to get behind the enemy base and you shouldn't be running around with cloak that much anyways since it's better that they don't hear the humming sound.


Health regen gives you time to break off and recover fast enough to get back in especially if you constantly pester them with shurikens.

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Since the game's started, people have figured out how to play to the Assassin's strengths.


Skill recovery assists with survivability vis-à-vis reliance on skills to stay alive. If you're relying on something that could run out at a moment's notice and leave you stranded and uncloaked in the enemy's base (which totes sucks a big one), things need to be changed. It does, however, help the grapple recharge faster, but attempting to assassinate pros is something the Assassin should do sparingly, like picking off the weaker players and those who aren't paying attention when they waltz into your base like they own it. Engaging any heavy class is a big no-no unless they're stationary and firing at a target, and you're cloaked and can line up an entire shuriken clip for a kill. Engaging any pro that can see you or has already seen you is a no-no. If they're in the red and retreating? Go getcha some. These instances are few and far between enough such that you'll normally have a fully-recharged grapple by the time you need to use it again, anyhow.


Speed is a decent bronze endorsement if you plan to only kill bots and turrets. The speed helps you gtfo much more efficiently. Remember, natural Assassin runs gold speed, and with the old dash glitch, shit was unreal. You could run 6-second laps around Grenade III using it. Speed's usefulness is tempered by the fact that Dash 3 is so amazing, and arenas aren't huge enough that you'd need the extra speed to get from point A to B as opposed to using smoke bombs and lunge attacks off of higher ground. In the end, speed doesn't matter much in the long run unless you're running a bot combat build and staying in the pit the whole time, then it's sorta useful.


Accuracy isn't a bad endorsement to use, because of the huge boost it gives to shuriken launcher usefulness at range. It doesn't do anything for the sword, but does allow you to harass at a greater distance.


Given that the Assassin is a low-health close-quarters combat pro, any health endorsements you can give her will give you more of an edge, especially since you'll have Katana, Dash 3, and lunge grapples (and now the newly-buffed face slap) to keep her offensive. And like Bag said, Dash 2 is where you'll be in most matches unless they go on long enough for you to have extra money, then get Dash 3 (and send out lots of Gremlins).

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Skill recovery assists with survivability vis-à-vis reliance on skills to stay alive. If you're relying on something that could run out at a moment's notice and leave you stranded and uncloaked in the enemy's base (which totes sucks a big one), things need to be changed.

That won't happen if you're smart about it though.


Honestly though, you probably should listen to minty. He's a better Assassin than I am.

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