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Awesome Collector's Editions

Mister Jack

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Some Collector's Editions just give you a kinda neat tin case or some paltry DLC. But then you get games with Collector's Editions so damn balla that they deserve special attention. They usually cost more, but there are plenty of people who would agree that it's well worth it. Post the sweetest Collector's Editions for games both past and future here in this thread.

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I have various special editions/limited editions, this is my favourite:




The Blazblu SE includes beautiful Boxart, Blu-ray movie detailing the extensive movelist for each character and also shows fighting strategies and tips, soundtrack on 2 discs, 42 tracks in total.


And the game is just awesome.


Two other SE that make up my top three are Infamous SE, and Shadow of the Colossus SE, both beautiful boxes with nice art booklets/pamflets.

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Every IIDX Premium LE since IIDX Red, of which the only ones I'm missing are Happy Sky and DistorteD (the best ones ;_; ).


IIDX GOLD did come with the mother of all video game artbooks,



and IIDX Empress' Konamistyle Complete Edition cost 250 bucks:




There's a bit more than just that, and its value has dropped since I let my sister put the smooooch pins on a track jacket she wears a la Satonaka Chie.



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I was gonna get assassin creed 2 black. Till i realised it would probably be a shitty model.

Most CEs I have are from pre orders. Just tin cases n such.

Wither 2 I've sang about its regular edition plenty of times no need for the collectors.

Map, die cast figuring, concept art book(not screens) making of, nice case and maybe soundtrack if its good. That'd do me fine.

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I have every Metal Gear collectors edition, mostly for new numerous sealed copies of the Metal Gear Saga Vol 1 & 2. My Bioshock 1 collector's edition comes with that awesome Big Daddy statue, and mine wasn't even broken. So that's nice. Halo Reach had an awesome one too, and I was able to snag that for $45, so you can't go wrong there.


I think my all-time favorite collector's edition has to be a toss up between my T rated Elder Scrolls IV collector's edition (that I got for free on launch day!), or my Mass Effect 2 collector's edition - just because of how hard they are to find.


Sidenote: I was able to get Oblivion: CE for free on launch day because Gamestop was running a promotion where if you traded in any two Xbox 360 games, you got one for free. Doesn't matter the cost. So I ordered Perfect Dark Zero and Project Gotham Racing 3 from the Microsoft Retail Loyalty site for a grand total of $7, played them both for a week, then traded them in for Oblivion.


Best. Decision. Ever.

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I'm a huge fan of Collector's Editions as well. I tend to get really nice ones even if I don't plan to play the game any time soon, like the Fallout 3: New Vegas CE, which I mainly want for the extras:




...and now I'm looking up all the CEs mentioned here. This thread is going to cost me.

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And you still have the Fallout 3 CE that you never played. :lol:


I only get excited for Collector's Editions when they're sequels to a game that I loved, and they MUST have something small like a statuette or a plushie. I don't care for making-of DVDs or art booklets, or huge items like a helmet or night-vision goggles.


I'm still bummed I didn't pick up the MH Tri CE:




Then again, I don't think I would have used that Wii Speak much if at all. That Lagiacrus bust (and the Rathalos that came with a pre-order) is awesome, though. All I got was a Qurupeco for registering my copy at Club Nintendo... Lame.

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