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Single-Player Gamer


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You know, you got some of the most amazing video games out there. Like Gears of War, Halo Wars and the very RPG worthy borderlands, and the only problem I have with them...is that I am a single player gamer. I have never played with another person that isn't family, I enjoy playing video games by myself and don't ever see myself changing that. It's not because I hate people (I really do), but because I like playing and stopping at my own time, I like gaming without competition, I am my own gamer and that's alright like it's alright to enjoy Multiplayer games.


So I want to know if there are actual single-player gamers out there?

What are some of the reason (if your a single-player) that you avoid multiplayer games?

Would you ever get into them if given the chance?


I'll admit, I hated Borderlands cause it was obviously built as a multi-player game, not that you couldn't enjoy it by yourself but it clearly went down 5 points out of 10 if you didn't have a partner. So there were times I wish I did have someone to play with, but again, I chose not to find anyone cause I just can't imagine playing with anyone.


Here are some of my reason for gaming myself

1. Medical wise, I come and go at will, so you can't count on me to be there.

2. By choice, I don't want to be there XD I don't want a commitment

3. Most multi-players I know are hardcore, they take it extremely serious. I'm casual, and goofy.


I'm sure I have other reasons, but the point of this thread is find out if we have actual single-player gamers, a rarity for sure, or is it? Not sure till you guys comment.


Note: I do understand you guys casual multi-player gamers out there, but I don't think I can ever find someone who fits my personality. I truly was built to player single-player mode. TWSS

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For the most part I play single player. I do play a MUD but 80% I'm there I'm doing things on my own there.


I simply do not have the free time or attention span to be competitive at a lot of multiplayer games. I can't put in eight hours a day of practice to get good enough to enjoy them. Even if I could, I'd get bored too quickly.


I'm not going to pay a monthly fee for an MMO. The remaining MMOs are either too simplistic or have a fee structure I don't like.


Most shooters I play in short bursts. I'll play an FPS for two weeks and then move on to another game. It's hard to be competitive that way.


The only other games I ever spent playing any considerable amount of time with online is the RTS. I played Command & Conquer 3, and DotA. I gave up on DotA because of the community.

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I prefer singleplayer most of the time, with few exceptions.


And Jack, the reason I don't like multiplayer being added to singleplayer games (when it doesn't seem necessary) is because even though I can just not play it, it's still time and effort and resources that the dev spent on multiplayer instead of singleplayer.

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But it's still resources (money) being devoted to multi instead of single.


And I often don't like it when they're different teams, because it gives the two modes completely different feels. Essentially then it's two entirely different games, a multi and a single, with the same name just slapped on both.

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If any of you have added me as a friend on Steam already, you would know that I play a TON of adventure games (point-and-click mostly) on my PC/Mac. So yeah, I'm mostly a single-player gamer because I just simply don't have the time to play online. :(


Honestly, though, considering that nearly all the multiplayer games played here on the forum are FPSes, and that I nearly don't have ANY experience with an FPS, I'm pretty sure I'd just drag you guys down if I ever went online with you guys, anyway. -_-

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Being an achievement hunter, multiplayer usually means shitty multiplayer achievements. Yes yes, I know achievements don't mean anything, it's still annoying.


Added multi just makes me feel I'm missing out on something, not getting the full experience if you will.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting hung up on these occurrences, since from a dev standpoint it usually makes sense. I'm just saying I find it personally aggravating.

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Most multi cheevos are bad. I don't mind the ones that are just "Play X matches" or "Play on X maps" and so on. But if it's something that's going to change people's behavior in-game, I'm probably not going to be too happy about it.

I agree with every word of this.


I also in general hate achievements that I don't have direct control over, and often multiplayer achievements are of that nature.

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Multiplayer achievements are almost always annoying. Lots of times the community is dead, so you've got to boost no matter what. Wrangling together a bunch of strangers is just a pain in the ass. Then there's the ones that are just ridiculous - play a billion matches, reach level 1000, whatever. Just stupid time sinks.


On the other hand, I was looking over the Dead Space 2 list and it looks like there's a good chance the achievements will either be single-player only, or can be gained in either single OR multi. Which would be awesome.


Another thing I hate is the lower and lower amount of games with local multi. Multiplayer is fine by me if I can play it with a friend side-by-side, I really wish more games had it.

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That's not what I mean, though I can see how it could come across like that. What I mean is that I usually don't really enjoy multiplayer, so I would rather the dev/publisher use its resources on the singleplayer instead of the multiplayer.


I usually do enjoy cooperative a lot though. When I say multiplayer I mean modes in which you play against other people.

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Games like Borderlands are the exception, not the rule.

Ha! I played the entirety of Borderlands as a single-player game.

Really didn't feel like I was missing out on anything either.

Left 4 Dead, though, that's another story. That game is just boring in single-player.

At least Borderlands doesn't force retarded bots on you.



I'm mainly a single-player gamer. I play games like Call of Duty for their sp campaign more than anything else.

I'll try the mp of a game, of course. But I rarely play it for more than a few hours.


Notable exceptions were COD4, which I got pretty late but still played over 10 hours of MP. Killzone 2, I must've played over 15 hours of mp.

Thought it was pretty good and I loved how the matches were structured.


More recently, I got Black Ops for the sp campaign as usual but I found myself really digging the mp. I skipped MW2 so it felt kinda new and different from COD 4 Think I've played it for about 20 hours over a period of a month. But then I got Civilization V and just kinda stopped playing.

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My most recent exception is Monday Night Combat, which I've been playing religiously. The last time I played a multiplayer game so much was the Halo: Reach Beta, and before that was the CoD4 Beta.


I have this weird thing where I get into betas, fucking love them, play them constantly, but then never get back into it once the full game releases.

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I'll admit, I'm not great at multiplayer because I don't play it much. Bottom line is, I stink. Sure, I could probably kick ass if I played constantly, but that just ain't my thang. I think I prefer single-player games because it's just me and only me. Although I do enjoy a good co-op every now and then.

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I like to multi with friends. I loathe multiplayer games on public servers; I juts don't have the time to sift through the bullshit. Since most of my close friends either don't game or play different games than I do, I don't play multiplayer very often at all.


On the other hand, I have had fun messing around in random AC:B matches for the past week. For some reason it's multiplayer doesn't aggravate me nearly to the extent other games' multiplayer modes do.

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SP gamer right here, listing the reasons there;


-I hate people

-I hate people with headsets

-I hate matchmaking systems

-I hate LAG

-I hate not being able to connect to people being forced to troubleshoot while I should be gaming

-I hate the lack of structure

-I hate it when people wanna fuck around when I want to get things done and they want to get things done when I want to fuck around.

-I hate being either a lot better or a lot worse than my cohorts.

-I hate Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch or any gamemode that's purely competitive

-I hate most games (I'm interested in) not including MP coop modes or structure therein.

-I hate it when I can't take SP mode progress into the MP mode.


But most of all I hate it when there are network issues that I cannot explain or make go away, it makes me annoyed with a product I'd otherwise have nothing but praise for (AC:B, Worms 2)



@OKP: I like Borderlands online coop though, so whenever you feel like shooting hordes of similar guys and wombatdogwolves, I'm down

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You guys act like most of the time multiplayer is just a tacked on afterthought.


Dead Space, Uncharted, Assassins Creed, Bioshock, Fable - all SP games

The Sequels?


You can at least see where we come from. I find it kinda funny cos now games have MP modes folks play them longer and buy less new games as a result. Console game sales dropped 25% last year, partially as a result of this :P


I'm primarily a SP gamer. Can't be arsed too much on relying other people or the overly competitive nature.

I do like games that are primarily MP only like TF2, MNC, BF:1943, n Blacklight. I think there should be more cheaper MP only titles. Get a SP Campaign game with a decent storyline, make MP separate. Still waiting on COD: Elite (e-lite...light..gettit?). $20 or so, with monthly/quarterly map packs for like $15.

Crysis 2 will be an interesting prospect. Main game is Crytek, but the MP is made by Crytek UK(Free Radical) which could turn out pretty nice. Though I don't have high hopes on Crysis 2's Console friendly MP mode after seeing the few gameplay videos about. Seems very small(in relation to original Crysis)

I'm with Battra on local MP and really dissapointed with it's decline this gen. I'd love to have had some co-op Uncharted action with siblings.


So yeah cos I'm mostly and RPG/action game player I tend to be on SP modes and prefer a strong story.

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