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Games that disappointed you

Mister Jack

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A lot of times we can smell a shitty game coming from a mile away (movie license lol). But sometimes there are games we're really looking forward to and we truly believe they'll be good, maybe even great. Then we get our hands on them and, against our hopes and expectations, it turns out to suck. If you've had your heart broken by a shitty game in a pretty dress, here's your thread to vent about it.

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Spores broke my heart n made me cynical of what I'm told. Hence my current "demo games when possible" policy.

On paper it seemed fantastic. A revolution of what games could do. And it was from will wright.

In reality it was shallower than a misers bath tub. The tech was still good but the game was so lacking. Thing is you could plainly see that another year or twos effort, or a fresh mindset and the game would of been amazing. The next sims.

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FFXIV. It was so horrible they fired the director and half his staff and sent out an apology letter to its registered users.


Should of sent one to us beta testers too. Why do a beta if you won't listen till weeks after launch?

I'm LOLing cos they delayed ps3 version but pc version felt like a port from ps3.

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Spores broke my heart n made me cynical of what I'm told. Hence my current "demo games when possible" policy.

On paper it seemed fantastic. A revolution of what games could do. And it was from will wright.

In reality it was shallower than a misers bath tub. The tech was still good but the game was so lacking. Thing is you could plainly see that another year or twos effort, or a fresh mindset and the game would of been amazing. The next sims.


Oh man, did you remember the HUGE user backlash from EA's inclusion of Securom inside Spore? Things were pretty bad without it, but Securom was just a huge dealbreaker for me back then, and it still is now. :|


EDIT: Also Jack, you rich, rich bastard, you keep getting richer and richer. Soon you'll have all of the gaming topics clenched in your fist in a pointy-making horizontal monopoly!!

Edited by Mudkip
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Oh gosh. I've bought so many games at full price I regret.


Like many have mentioned though, FF13 was a HUGE disappointment. I mean, I was looking forward to that for YEARS.


And... it was atrocious.


Disciples III is another that I was waiting for, a long, long time.


Five, six years? Boy, that was a waste of money and a sad disappointment.

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Prototype. Such a good concept with such a clumsy execution.

this. and Transformers: War For Cybertron. not really a bad game, just wished I had waited to buy it at a cheaper-not-full-price...price and picked up something else instead.


oh and also Scribblenauts. it was fun for a little while and the concept is pretty cool, but I just can't play it more than maybe 15min before wanting to do something else. this and Prototype were gifts though so...that eases the disappointment.

Edited by Dr Acula
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Yeah some publishers need to learn to be flexible on price. Cos its not that certain games are bad, just not worth the $60 they're asking for.

Some games are made on q shoe string and would be cool at $30 or $40. But publishers go ahead n stick em at same price as AAA titles that cost tens of millions.

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It's not the worst game I've ever played, but it had all kinds of bugs, not much mission variety, and the powers weren't very balanced.


And don't get me started on that F'ing retarded twist ending.


Yeahh, another game I haven't finished that I probably never will...


I think price makes all the difference in games like this.


For $5 - $20, I won't feel too burnt, but full price at $40 - $60 (plus tax, if it's retail), I'll be really disappointed.

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I agree with a lot of stuff here including Prototype, Devil May Cry 2 and TF: War For Cybertron. Mister Jack hit the nail on the head as to the problems with Prototype. WFC isn't worth the full price, and could've done with a bit more single-player variation, as I don't think it took off in multiplayer popularity. DMC2 was just terrible in terms of plot although some of the new gameplay features, like the wall-running were cool additions.


FFXII was pretty shoddy if ya ask me. Never plan to finish that one. Got bored with the MMO-lite style gameplay and the AI system.

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WFC isn't worth the full price, and could've done with a bit more single-player variation, as I don't think it took off in multiplayer popularity.

another thing I forgot to mention. I don't have a gold XBL account and don't even like playing multiplayer so I really have no idea why I bought WFC at $60. that part is my fault yeah, but still...the single player, while kind of fun, could've been waaaay better.

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