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Little Pirate

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Two very common ones: Spiders and heights. Nothing I can't overcome, but I'm not a big fan of either.


I guess a more peculiar "fear" of mine is... small groups of school girls. :| They're always whispering and giggling. I never know what they're talking about and I'm always CONVINCED they're looking at and talking about me... :unsure:


This especially bothers me when they're young (like 15-17). It doesn't bother me when they're my age. But I guess groups of 26 year-old girls don't really whisper and giggle anyway...?

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Needles. I have gotten so many injections for my travels. Most when I was a kid and some freakin painful ones. Not one where just the needle hurts but like for days after too. By extension I hate IV's and Giving Blood. Last time I gave blood for insurance purposes I had a seizure. I can't even watch it on TV. Thinking aobut it makes my skin crawl and I get phantom pains. Lol actually my armpit hurts just thinking about them.



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Ive had to wear glasses since I was 14 and going blind is one of those things that stirs in the depths of my mind. It's not something I dwell on often but every now n then is wake up or whatever and can't see, I shit myself.

Without vision I'd be ducked. Visual effect artist kinda implies use of eyes :P

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Dude being old will be awesome. I can pretend I'm deaf to ignore people who annoy me, make people carry my shit by acting like it's too heavy... Scream at kids and just use the excuse that I'm senile.


The best part of being old is how awesome the video games are going to be.

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Dude being old will be awesome. I can pretend I'm deaf to ignore people who annoy me, make people carry my shit by acting like it's too heavy... Scream at kids and just use the excuse that I'm senile.


The best part of being old is how awesome the video games are going to be.


Everything will be motion controlled and you'll break your hip.

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Dude being old will be awesome. I can pretend I'm deaf to ignore people who annoy me, make people carry my shit by acting like it's too heavy... Scream at kids and just use the excuse that I'm senile.


The best part of being old is how awesome the video games are going to be.


Everything will be motion controlled and you'll break your hip.



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Dude being old will be awesome. I can pretend I'm deaf to ignore people who annoy me, make people carry my shit by acting like it's too heavy... Scream at kids and just use the excuse that I'm senile.


The best part of being old is how awesome the video games are going to be.


Now one thing I fear is that I will be like the old people who have trouble with technology. I don't want to be so far behind the times I became a nuisance.

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Dude being old will be awesome. I can pretend I'm deaf to ignore people who annoy me, make people carry my shit by acting like it's too heavy... Scream at kids and just use the excuse that I'm senile.


The best part of being old is how awesome the video games are going to be.


Now one thing I fear is that I will be like the old people who have trouble with technology. I don't want to be so far behind the times I became a nuisance.


Not to make this thread take a depressing turn or anything, but the level of care my grandmother needs...


Like she's in a care facility nearby because it's too extreme at this point. My mom has to help her go to the bathroom when she's here and she can pretty much barely move without her walker.


Thinking of my parents getting that old and incapable, or myself (in some five decades) - ahhr.


Don't wanna!

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Have you guys ever seen this?



That's pretty severe.


I think this was more awkward for the clown than for the lady... I can't think of seeing someone this upset by clowns alone--maybe something bad happened. inb4 IT clown and molesting jokes.

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