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Well that's always a possibility, but I'm not one to underestimate the lows people sink to on daytime talk shows, especially Springer.


To be quite honest, I don't believe that about 90% of reality television is even close to 'real.'


Although I'm not sure what's more depressing.


Reality television being faked or reality television not being faked.

Edited by TheForgetfulBrain
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Not reality television. Daytime talk shows. Big difference.


I know. I figured you were going to say that, but I was too lazy to delineate what I meant.


I was basically just making a leap to reality television, not referring to the talk shows anymore.

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This one cracks me up SO MUCH. She dreams about a fucking murderous COTTON BALL MAN. Even Maury can't keep his shit together.



I'm afraid of most bugs with lots of legs, are really squirmy and are fast runners...so spiders is the biggest one for me. Also centipedes, cockroaches, worms, maggots, etc.


I'm also afraid of heights, but only when near cliffs/balconies. I refuse to drive whenever we're on elevated roads on mountains & valleys. I feel my legs become so weak & wobbly, and I get light-headed.

However I'm okay with bridges and flying on a plane for some reason...maybe just a little nervous in the beginning but once I reach the bridge/take off on the runway I'm cool.


I guess bridges are usually blocked off and if you fall you can escape more easily than sayyyy...a road on a mountain cliff? I have no theories on flying, though. That should scare me the most, tbh.


Edit: I posted a video that allows embedding.

Edited by Leyez
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I suffer from arachnophobia. Not that like small household spiders scare me, but tarantulas and giant spiders terrify me. The worst part is the beady eyes and the fangs. Their faces creep me the hell out.


A display case of tarantulas or a guy with one will put me into panic attack mode and I'll have to be dragged away from the premises.

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I'm afraid of spiders.


Though when I was in fourth grade, this kid I know opened up his apple juice cup (it was a foil top exposing all of the cup) and drank half of it.


He dropped his lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and pickles into the remaining apple juice.


He then mixed in some ketchup, mayonnaise, and mustard into the monstrosity and mixed it. It was a thick orange color with (I"m actually gagging and nearly throwing up remembering this for the thread) chunks of lettuce and stuff in it.


Then he drank it..


I threw up.


I have a phobia when it comes to the aforementioned dressings and pickles now.

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hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the best phobia ever.


But for me, I'm afeared of:


Going blind (thanks for making me think of that one, Bouch.) I actually did go blind once for 2 minutes. and it happened while I was taking a shower... longest and most horrible 2 minutes of my life. Freaked my Dad out though when I started screaming.


Tall grass and fields -- I always feel nervous in them. I like snakes, even poisonous ones. Just when I can see them and know where they are at. When I'm in a tall field I'm on high alert by default.



really I think that's about it.


I hate bugs/ spides / things with more than 4 legs, but I wouldn't call it a fear. I see them, I kill them. If I was afraid, I'd freak and run and wouldn't be able to come near it to even kill it.

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I'm just generally paranoid (not in conspiracy theory way, more in the way that if people are late, I tend to assume the worst. And I have to lock all my doors always, and probably lock them a couple of times. It's not debilitating, just likely mildly irritating to anyone who has ever lived with me.)


I also developed vertigo a few years ago. So, heights freak me out if I don't feel secure. I can ride roller coasters, fly in a plane, etc., but I cannot for the life of me get on a ladder. I get all woozy and feel like I'm going to fall, and then likely fall.


And I don't like the water. I try to avoid it at all costs.


I can get claustrophobic in elevators and other small spaces with lots of people. I don't mind crowds, I just don't like being in tight spaces.


Yeah, so a lot of small weird things.


EDIT: Oh, I forgot the worst. Conjoined twins freak me the hell out. Seriously.

Edited by diedan
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No Phobias. Got a bit antsy around escalators as a kid, but that was more because I saw some nasty shit happen involving an escalator once.


Other than that I'm pretty fear-free actually. I'm fascinated by heights, fire and insects (the most common phobias) and tight spaces are comfortable to me, although I enjoy open spaces just as much.


Used to have a fear of choking/suffocating, but that was mostly because I actually almost died every night by severe astma attacks. I've long sice grown out of it, although a night of binge-smoking will still fuck up my breathing for a day or 2.


I'm quite mentally balanced, actually.

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