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What is Retro/Classic to you?

Commander Shepard

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Defining what is retro and classic to gamers is gradually becoming a difficult issue to agree on, with the current generation of gamers and the coming future generations of gamers. Many will agree that the stuff like the NES will forever be retro, but what about "fairly" recent consoles, handhelds, and such like the Playstation, Nintendo 64, or, as much as I read in other gaming forums, the original Xbox? This thread is to voice your opinion on what you think should be classified as retro or classic and why! Let us define what is retro or what should be retro! I will watch this thread so we can construct a consensus on what TAY posters think is retro, so let your voices be heard (but if you do just name a system with no explanation as to why you think it should be retro, it will be removed)

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Retro for me are the NES, SNES, Gameboy, etc. Stuff that was either only in black and white (Gameboyyyyy, first one anyway) or could only be 8-bit or akin to it.


Classic for me, is something that I think I will always love, no matter how old it gets. Halo is a classic for me, as well as Sly Cooper, Morrowind, COD4, The Windwaker, RE4, etc, etc (I started gaming on the Gamecube for consoles, and Gameboy for handhelds, so I totally skipped the N64, Dreamcast, PS2... a lot of my "classics" are not that old).


So I guess for the purpose of the thread, I think the SNES, NES, and Gameboy are retro. I don't think any console is a classic, only the games on it that you will always play.

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"Retro" for me means that a generation of consoles automatically gets added to the nostalgia pile once they are two generations behind.


And Jack, you're wrong. PS2 and Xbox will be retro by JUST the next generation after our current one, and in the generation after that, PS3 and X360 and Wii will be retro, while stupid hippie kids everywhere start wearing retro Kratos and Master Chief shirts and (thinking that) making references to the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube games will put them in the in crowd. Keep in mind that this is 3 generations after PS2 and Xbox.


Meanwhile, the 8-bit and 16-bit era shall be seen as only a curiosity once again, and simply being too old to be cool… that is, until 70 years later, when futuristic hipsters living in New York City shall don the Triforce and Mario mushrooms on their holographic T-shirts, and thus the cycle shall begin anew again.


Can I just say, "Fuck you," to all of the people today that are going into nostalgia mode over fucking cassette tapes? I mean dear god.

Edited by Mudkip
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For me, it's really just anything that I played as a child. So, for me, personally, I see the Odyssey2, Atari 2600, NES, SNES, and Gameboy all as retro consoles.


For some reason I also have this sensibility that something that few people experienced, a console that appeared and burnt out, while I was in my younger years also qualifies. So things like the Phillip's CDi, Sega CD, Jaguar, Neo Geo, Lynx, 3D0, etc., are all retro as well. They remind me of a time when there so many companies were trying to get a foothold on the industry and had wonderfully asinine ad campaigns. (Jaguar 64, DO THE MATH!) I guess by that definition, retro=nostalgia.

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retro is an easily changeable term. classic is not. so anything that you played over a decade ago could probably be considered retro to someone, just like styles of clothes or stupid haircuts. classic is generally held to a higher standard, as something that was played back then but still has relevance today. so like pac man, mario bros. type stuff. we'll only know what retro things become classics as they change the game or keep their relevance.

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Well I'd say retro is like 1st to 4th generation. Anything Pre-Crash is definitely retro. That was video games "phase 1". Were on Phase 2 at the moment shifting to Phase 3.

Phase 1, so 1st-3rd gen (Pre-crash) was consoles finding their feet, trying all kinds of ideas from sticks to numpads n TV overlays n all that whackiness. Phase 2 was the Nintendo Era. Some of it's slipping into retroville, some of it still kinda modern. I'd say thats 4th to 6th gen. Controllers started to become more conformed, gaming got into mainstream n it's where I'd say most of the classics have come from. And we're now in Phase 3. Gaming becomes multi-functional, online n social. Consoles don't just play games anywhere. The internet really has it's teeth in and I think at the moment gaming is in it's coccoon, ready to turn into butterfly or moth.


Err went a ramble there. I just guess to explain my "Phase 1" thoughts..


In regards specifically to the retro forum, basically anything that isn't from the current big 4 goes in there. I guess I wouldn't consider Dreamcast "Retro", since I wouldn't call PS2 retro either, but that's sort of where that'd belong since not much else to put it.

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Halo is what 2002?

It's as classic n retro as glasses with 00's for the eyes.


Games can have retro-aesthetics or retro-feel. But it takes good old time to make it a retro game. And it takes time, good luck and endearing game play to make it a classic.

I'd say from the current stand point this gen has produced very few "Classics". Things that will live on as long as Pac-Mans, Mario, Sonic, Zelda etc and be as well remembered.

GTA I'd say is the only current game I'd be confident enough to say we'll look back on in 25 years n call a "Classic".

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What annoys me personally are comments on Kotaku that refer to games like the original Halo as "classic". Maybe I just dislike being reminded of my age, but just because someone was so young when Halo came out that it was their first FPS, doesn't make it "classic". Classic are games that made or helped to define genres. Games that made those genres "popular" to the tweens/teens of today are just "greatest hits".


/end elitism

Yeah, well I'd say that Halo is just junk but that's just my snobbery speaking.


Yeah, the original XBox is not old school. I still play a few original Xbox games on my 360 so I just consider them last gen. Too bad the 360 wasn't 100% backwards compatible. :-(

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For me, I immediately think of the stuff I grew up on: ColecoVision, NES, Genesys, Gameboy, LCD Game-N-Watch, that kinda stuff.


That stuff's all classic, but to a degree, so is the PS1 stuff.


The difference in two terms, "retro" and "classic", in my mind is game mechanics. Retro would be anything from back when developers (pretty much) only thought in 2D falls, or anything that feels like the game mechanics came straight from those games, a good example is a platformer like Scott Pilgrim , people are going to identify that kind of game experience as retro. (Most of Shadow Complex is very retro)


For classic, the N64/PS1 stuff is classic 3D gaming, but an HD version of 3D game from that time would only feel retro if you knew it was an HD version of an old game...otherwise you might just think it's a bad game.


So a retro game would be something based around old school (pre-PS1/N64) game mechanics, while a classic would be any game that's more than, say, 15 years old...

Edited by peteer01
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Anything before PS2 in my view. To me it's more about the types of games that were released on the consoles that make them retro. I consider Dreamcast retro because it had a lot of retro-style games. Dreamcast was the transition console... it had a lot of the old stuff, and some of the new stuff. PS2 is what I consider to be the first "new generation" console, but it's mostly because of the style of games that came out for it. With PS2, classic games were no longer profitable, and we started to get a lot of easy games with long tutorial levels and 30 minute movie intros before you were allowed to start playing the game. You started being rewarded for time investment rather than skill. I guess to me, if you can pop the games in and start playing within a few seconds it's "retro". And that is what I still prefer to this day... I don't have time to play a lot of these new games; I want to just sit down for a few minutes, play the game, and then turn it off when I get bored (and with games on mobile devices we're returning to this paradigm, but in a very castrated way).

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