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Metroid: Other M


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I've been wanting to pick this up, though I'm kind of unsure about it.


I've played a little bit at the store and I've enjoyed it, and the concept of having a classic Nintendo character with feelings is really exciting, though I never got to see any story-related scenes in the game.


Any info on whether or not it's worth the purchase of a new copy as opposed to a used? As stated I enjoyed the gameplay from the small moments of time I had to play the game during an off time in the store.

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It's a fun game. The story is trying really hard to be American but is still very much Japanese. It's a bit strange (and also not all that good.) Depending on how much of a Samus fan you are, you might not like her characterization (or her voice.)


On the other hand, the NPCs are hardly ever around, except for cutscenes (if you were worried about that) and the gameplay is nice.


Can't really say whether it's worth buying new or used, though.

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*Shrug* I liked it! I had a lot of fun with the game and the story wasn't all that bad but if you've played Metroid Fusion you already know the story.


The gameplay was fun and a little cryptic and tricky at times. Either way it was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot. That said, I'm glad I only paid $30 for it.

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I thought it was a really good game. Just take out all the cutscenes and it pretty much solves most of it's problems.


Also, switching from 3rd person to first person is retardedly easy. It really wasnt as difficult as people made it out to be.


Did people really complain about that? Most of the complaints I heard were centered around the fact that Samus wasn't supposed to talk and that her boobs were all Team Ninja could get right. Oh and people bitched because she had short hair in the flashbacks. I thought that was kind of a sexy look for Samus...

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I thought it was really great! Yeah, yeah, the story is crap, whatever. I actually liked a lot of the cutscenes and the convoluted nature of the story didn't bother me at all, neither did Samus having a personality. I thought it was interesting. I think people take this kind of thing waaaaay too seriously.


I could have used a bit more open backtracking and the items being revealed when you cleared a room was a bit disappointing, but overall I thought it was a good attempt at bringing back 2D Metroid. I really liked the perspective switch mechanic. I have no idea why people complained about that.


For me, it ranks behind Super Metroid, Prime 1, and Prime 3, but is still better than Prime 2, Metroid, or Metroid II. (I have yet to play Fusion).

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*Shrug* I liked it! I had a lot of fun with the game and the story wasn't all that bad but if you've played Metroid Fusion you already know the story.


The gameplay was fun and a little cryptic and tricky at times. Either way it was really fun and I enjoyed it a lot. That said, I'm glad I only paid $30 for it.

Pretty much my opinion as well, especially the "only paid X for it." I got it through Dell for $35, and for a while Best Buy's @Gamer had a coupon for that price.


I'd go for a used copy, or if you can get it cheap that would be best. I mean, I think Team Ninja deserves more credit than basically hounding them for small details.

Edited by Atomsk88
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How is it not a Metroid game? The only difference between this and other Metroid games is this one has an (admittedly crappy) story. Gameplay wise, this is even more of a Metroid game than any of the Metroid Prime games.


I characterize Metroid games as having strong, non-linear backtracking components. At any given point (after the first few minutes) in Metroid, Super Metroid, and even the Prime series, you had the freedom in where you could and couldn't go. The only thing that dictated where you couldn't go was if you didn't have enough missiles to open a door or didn't have a certain upgrade (though morph ball bombs could be used creatively for sequence breaking). Other M sticks you on a very rigid path and you don't have the established level of freedom until after the game is over.

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Other M is technically the only linear Metroid game (not sure of Prime Pinball). Zero and Fusion are like Super Metroid in that you are mainly restricted access due to equipment. I say mainly because in Fusion there is a story element, but for the most part it's get to Point B from A by any means. In Other M, there's not much room for personal exploration.


Other M is an odd duck; it changes traditional Metroid gameplay elements like the expansions, upgrades, and health. Oh my, the health issue. It's kinda laughable that the primary purpose for the dozens of Navigation rooms littered in the game is to heal yourself. Enemies act like road blocks, in a sense of almost padding the time in your adventure. Still, it's not a bad game, but there are a handful of Metroid games that are superior to it.

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Metroid Other M is not a great game. It is good, but not great. I think everyone expected great, because up until now Metroid as a franchise has basically been batting 500.


You should buy Other M, and buy it new. This is because Other M experiments. Buying Other M used or not at all is casting a vote either for another 8 year hiatus or for a swift and speedy return to the franchises roots.


Now make no mistake, I like traditional Metroid games. However, you know what I like even more? I don't know yet. I want to find out. I bought Other M new, and I viewed it as a vote for continued experimentation. Odds are, Nintendo won't ever surpass Super Metroid if they remain restricted to the Super Metroid formula.


Of course, this logic would justify buying any crappy experimental game. Don't do that. I don't condone purchasing bad games. There are two reasons why you should still buy this one. It is good, and we can trust Nintendo.

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