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Name That Videogame!


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  1. Hot Heart: 11 points
  2. Yantelope: 5 points
  3. Bouchart: 4 points
  4. staySICK: 3 points
  5. FLD: 3 points
  6. D-K: 2 point
  7. Pheermee: 1 point
  8. Mister Jack: 1 point
  9. RadiantViper: 1 point


Ayyyyeeee... Increasing the lead even more, Hot Heart leads with 11 points.


Get ready for the next one.

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To keep the game going until Smooves returns. Notice that I included the full screenshot, as this game is relatively obscure. I consider this difficult enough without fragmenting the screen.


Edit: a little doubt about leaving the HUD in there, but eh.. by the by this is my favourite game for its respective platform

Edited by D-K
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Urban Chaos. The only reason I know that is because of Urban Chaos: Riot Response, the amazing sequel from Rocksteady Studios.




I guess after further review, Riot Response wasn't a full-blown sequel. More like a reboot, seeing as how it was a different perspective and developer. But, they were both published by Eidos so I think my initial thinking was merited.

Edited by Gyaruson
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All the other stuff that came after this answer is disregarded.


This is MY goddamn thread and you people WILL respect it! :angry:


  1. Hot Heart: 11 points
  2. Yantelope: 6 points
  3. Bouchart: 4 points
  4. staySICK: 3 points
  5. FLD: 3 points
  6. D-K: 2 point
  7. Pheermee: 1 point
  8. Mister Jack: 1 point
  9. RadiantViper: 1 point


Moving on!

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Jazz Jackrabbit is correct!


Iamaquaman enters the fray!


  1. Hot Heart: 11 points
  2. Yantelope: 6 points
  3. Bouchart: 4 points
  4. staySICK: 3 points
  5. FLD: 3 points
  6. D-K: 2 point
  7. Pheermee: 1 point
  8. Mister Jack: 1 point
  9. RadiantViper: 1 point
  10. Iamaquaman: 1 point


Let's get ready.

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