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Top 10 Overrated Games


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  On 1/3/2011 at 9:07 PM, Yantelope said:

No it's not. It's a good game with widely documented faults. It's not overrated. If a game has glaring faults *cough UNCHARTED 2 cough* that are widely ignored then you have overrated.


Nobody talks about its faults, they talk about how Molyneux is up his own ass. No one ever talks about the shitty (nonexistent) conversation system, the monotonous button mashing combat, the retardedly obvious morality choices or the fact that the game doesn't even take itself seriously. All anyone ever complains about is that Goddamn tree that doesn't actually grow over time, and the fact that there is always some non-important piece left out of the final product because Molyneux doesn't deliver.


- http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox/fable

- http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/fable-ii

- http://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-360/fable-iii


All three above 80%. That's overrated.

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I thought the combat was fun too. Sure it's not as deep as other games, but it's enjoyable.


And the fact that the game doesn't take itself seriously isn't a "bad" thing, it's just something that maybe you personally don't like. I love that it doesn't take itself seriously.


That said, Fable III was a disappointment.

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  On 12/30/2010 at 3:06 PM, Strangelove said:

I like Ninja Gaiden a lot, but....yeah. It's overrated by the hack n slash community, not really the entire gaming community.

Difficulty is fine if its actually difficult, but being cheap is shit. NG2 is the worst offender. Thank God Sigma 2 fixed it.

The story is shit, the voiceacting is awful, the characters have as much personality as a pubic hair, the level designs are atrocious, and the animations are stiff as hell. I myself dont really like "canned" combos. Thats why I dislike Tekken. Remembering button press sequences is lame. The entire game is all about blocking and pulling out the same awkward looking combo ad nauseum.

I like a bit of customization.


That being said, Sigma 2 is a lot of fun if you play it like a normal person. I like mixing it up and shooting useless ninja stars and using crappy weapons and running around like a retard. Co-op is also fun.


Plus, titties. Lots of titties.


Sigma 2 had such a bad port though.


Fable III is a good game if you expected something.


If you expected nothing it's fucking great.

Edited by Chewblaha
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  On 1/4/2011 at 5:33 AM, Chewblaha said:

Fable III is a good game if you expected something.


If you expected nothing it's fucking great.


I expected nothing and was still disappointed. It's not so much the farting, or the fact that it doesn't take itself seriously that bothers me, I think. What bothers me, is that Molyneux tries to act like Fable games are these epic adventures full of amazing moments of heroism and questing. When, it's not. At all. It's just a dude running around. There are no big battles (not even when you're king does that fight seem massive - it always felt isolated to wherever your player was at the time), no life changing decisions. I mean, I only saved about 2 million of my citizens and still didn't notice much difference, except that nobody ever came to collect the dead; and that was just annoying.


I dunno, you just can't sell me shit under the guise that it's steak and expect me to be happy that it's pretty good for being shit.

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This probably belongs here:



I should point out that the only reason the 'non-gamer' played it was because it was thrust upon her by her brother as part of his work.

Which means while the non-gamer may enjoy it they're:

1. A fucking non-gamer, i.e they don't actively go out n buy n play games. It's like making an anti-virus suite for Mac owners.

2. About the only way the non-gamer will end up with this game is if a gamer sits them in-front of it. Very few gamers would want to inflict that on friends n relatives.


There is a market for this game full of peopel who would probably very much enjoy this sort of thing. The problem is there's pretty much abso-fucking-lutely no way to get that market to play this game without delving a copy of Fable and an xbox to their door and say 'play this game or you will die in 7 days'.

So about the only audience the series can reach are regular Joe gamer. And, especially the vets, this is a game that doesn't massively appeal and would be like sitting Stephen Hawking down to watch an episode of HOW2. Why do that when you have 100 odd research papers sitting in your pigeon hole that would provide something much closer to your kind of level.

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  On 1/4/2011 at 5:33 AM, Chewblaha said:
Fable III is a good game if you expected something.


If you expected nothing it's fucking great.

All I expected out of Fable III was that it would basically be Fable II with a little bit of new stuff added. I was still let down.


I mean, I enjoyed the game okay, but not as much as either of the first two.

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  On 1/4/2011 at 6:41 PM, TheMightyEthan said:
  On 1/4/2011 at 5:33 AM, Chewblaha said:
Fable III is a good game if you expected something.


If you expected nothing it's fucking great.

All I expected out of Fable III was that it would basically be Fable II with a little bit of new stuff added. I was still let down.


I mean, I enjoyed the game okay, but not as much as either of the first two.


That's expecting something.

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