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Top 10 Overrated Games


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10. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

9. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

8. Super Mario Galaxy

7. Gears of War

6. Street Fighter 4

5. StarCraft II

4. Uncharted 2

3. Burnout Paradise

2. God of War

1. COD: Black Ops


Sorry, Hot Chops, but in terms of fun San Andreas was a step backward for the series.


*Edit* - Crap, Jack got in before me. Now I have to rejigger my list...


*Edit2* - That was hard, I wasn't too unhappy with the list as it was.

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That is a lie, in terms of fun GTA SA was miles ahead of Vice City. Mountains, parachutes, stunt jumps of hundreds of feet, air vehicles, intuitive infrastructure allowing highspeed chases, forests.


The only thing that was really better about VC was the music and the story. In terms of gameplay SA beats VC with a dead horse

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That is a lie, in terms of fun GTA SA was miles ahead of Vice City. Mountains, parachutes, stunt jumps of hundreds of feet, air vehicles, intuitive infrastructure allowing highspeed chases, forests.


The only thing that was really better about VC was the music and the story. In terms of gameplay SA beats VC with a dead horse

Everything felt too small in SA. I know the map was huge (for the time), but instead of it being a huge city, it was several tiny-ass cities, spread way apart.


Also, fuck the gang territories mechanic in the ass with a serrated dildo.

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That is a lie, in terms of fun GTA SA was miles ahead of Vice City. Mountains, parachutes, stunt jumps of hundreds of feet, air vehicles, intuitive infrastructure allowing highspeed chases, forests.


The only thing that was really better about VC was the music and the story. In terms of gameplay SA beats VC with a dead horse

Everything felt too small in SA. I know the map was huge (for the time), but instead of it being a huge city, it was several tiny-ass cities, spread way apart.


Also, fuck the gang territories mechanic in the ass with a serrated dildo.


Alright, I'll give you the gang territory thing, I never played that segment of the game, but I can imagine how tedious it would've been. Are you seriously suggesting things felt small? The farm where you get the quad was about 1/4 of the entirety of VC, I mean come on! Come on!


The myriad of ways in which fun could be had dwarved the potentially fun segments of VC. Dwarved, Ethan. Dwarved.

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3 cities and some small villages.




Brilliant infrastructure in the cities btw.


Airports! It has airports! Multiple airports! what does VC have? A dock. A dock with a bigass ship that goes nowhere.



My case, it rests

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That is a lie, in terms of fun GTA SA was miles ahead of Vice City. Mountains, parachutes, stunt jumps of hundreds of feet, air vehicles, intuitive infrastructure allowing highspeed chases, forests.


The only thing that was really better about VC was the music and the story.




Oh woops.



10. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

9. Minecraft

8. Super Mario Galaxy

7. Gears of War

6. Street Fighter 4

5. StarCraft II

4. Uncharted 2

3. Burnout Paradise

2. God of War

1. Call of Duty: Black Ops

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The cities were not tiny at all, the south-airport alone took almost a minute to cross at full speed in a cheetah. There is just no reasoning with you.


Besides, how does something feeling small take away from the fu- ow hahahaha.. almost walked right into that. Never mind, let's agree to disagree. Even though I'm right.


As in me being the bigger man.




Y'know.. because you're wrong.

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I don't recall there being a noticiable difference between any of the PS2 GTAs beyond the setting.


With all due respect, I found the differences as notable as night and day. Allow me to enlighten:



- placed franchise in 3D world, core gameplay remains unchanged from the original top-down GTA

- added real world music to radio stations

- a more flushed out story compared to previous two games


GTA Vice City

- slightly revamped combat system

- smarter and more aggressive (dare I say too aggressive) police AI

- addition of helicopters

- addition of a vocal protagonist

- addition of purchasable/unlockable clothing

- addition of various weapons/tools

- tweaked physics that failed miserably; resulted in goofy animations and the ability to die if you "fell" off a 3-foot patio

- added the ability to shoot out tires


GTA San Andreas

- largest vehicle selection of every GTA game before and since, including helicopters, planes, boats, bicycles, lawn mowers and jetpacks

- added the ability to paint, customize and enhance cars

- more mission variety, including things like flying remote-control vehicles and even participating in a triatholon across the map

- largest GTA map to date, including three distinct (and large) cities, and countryside/desert between them.

- added the ability to recruit gang members to aid in missions (a flawed mechanic that I think Volition refined well in Saints Row)

- longest and most robust story of all GTA games to-date

- added the ability to change the protagonist's body by working out or pigging out

- drastically refined combat/aiming system

- refined the flawed physics of Vice City

- balanced the enemy AI

- introduced specific hit areas on vehicles; tires can be shot out, gas tank can be targeted for one-hit-explosion

- included a camera for taking/saving photos. You can also hand the camera to a friendly NPC and have him photograph you


I could go on and on, but to summarize -- San Andreas was a significant improvement to what was already a great game, and it pushed the Playstation 2 hardware to it's limits.

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>San Andreas

>Incremental Changes




Anywho ...


10. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

9. Minecraft

8. Mass Effect 2

7. Gears of War

6. Street Fighter 4

5. StarCraft II

4. Uncharted 2

3. Burnout Paradise

2. God of War

1. Call of Duty: Black Ops


(I did that correctly, yes?)

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Oh snap, that's gonna cause a ruckus.




Are you kidding? I was prepared for that. Although most people on this board are fans of Mass Effect and TES: Oblivion, I've been repeatedly surprised by the amount of criticism they get from those same people.


I don't think either game is perfect either, but some of you guys have posted massive lists of things you felt were major flaws.


I don't know if I think ME2 is overrated, but I do think that it's experiencing that phenomenon whereby people don't play the first game in a series, come in on the second or third installment, and then rave about the game while oblivious to the merits of their predecessors.


For example, ME2 definitely has better framerate, and better combat. But almost everyone I know who's finished ME 1 and 2 feels like the story of ME1 was better. You can always tell when someone didn't finish ME1 because they'll gush on ME2's story without mentioning the first game.

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10. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

9. Minecraft

8. Mass Effect 2

7. Gears of War

6. Street Fighter 4

5. StarCraft II

4. Uncharted 2

3. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

2. God of War

1. Call of Duty: Black Ops



I honestly preferred Vice City. San Andreas when I played it was repetitive, especially with the body-building "mini-games". Also the graphics just didn't seem to be as good as VC, and the whole place was just seemed to be covered in a lot of fog. Plus the radio stations were better in Vice City. SC was traded in pretty quickly by me to get Metal Gear Solid 3.


Also I really enjoyed Burnout: Paradise, though it could've done with having Crash mode. I do miss that.

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