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Final Fantasy Thread



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  1. 1. What is the best FInal Fantasy?

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The reason FFVII and FFVIII have shitty controller support is because S-E just threw the old ports from the late 90s on Steam with little to no work done on them. It's not just the DS4, even my DS3 (which was a 360 controller as far as my PC could tell) didn't work all that well with it.


FFIX is a brand new port, though. So, I'd expect it to be more in line with modern expectations from a PC port.

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  On 4/15/2016 at 2:07 AM, TheMightyEthan said:

Dean said he had problems with the ds4 but his 360 controller worked fine.


Not my 360 controller, but yeah this is correct. And that was both running it natively as DS4, and with running it with DS4Windows that makes it appear as Xinput. Sounds like Steam Controller has similar issues too. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster hitting Steam May 12th.


That's surprisingly fast after FFIX's release. I guess the assumption that they had been sitting on a completed port for a while was true. That's now FFIII through XI + XIII and XIV we have on Steam. All that's missing is I and II as well as XII, which is rumored to be the next one to get the remaster treatment.

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Yeah hoping for FFXII but I reckon that's maybe some ways out. I don't know if to condemn or commend their Steam release strategy, since we had FFIX go up end of 2015 listed as "Early 2016" then suddenly change to launching in April followed by this popping up in the database, then suddenly being "yeah this'll be out in two days".


I won't be buying though, I got the HD remaster on PS4 only just last year, but strongly recommend it to anyone yet to play it. Pretty solid line-up n after FFXII one of the better Final Fantasies for a HD upscale (FFXII actually has HD-quality textures cos it wasn't sure if it'd be a PS3 game or not, and it looks sweet just running in PCSX2). It's my go to "my first final fantasy" recommendation, the battle system is rather forgiving and best of all obvious, like it's "red barrels explode" kind of enemies and I really like that. Playing FFIX and while I love it none of the elemental weaknesses really make much sense (the "this is undead, throw a phoenix down on it" or "this is stone, throw a Soft on it" enemies are really the only obvious ones). The way Aeons play was a great step-up from essentially just being super-powerful black magic of the old games. Solid voice cast too. Some meta-humour to be derived from Bender advocating against machines (though it's not beyond Bender to do that either).

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They're bound to announce the FFXII remaster sooner rather than later. They've pretty much run out of mainline FFs to dump on Steam and FFXV is almost out the door. They'll probably go back and bring I and II at some point but what after that? Considering how well most of their releases have done, I don't expect they'll just stop. This is where things could get interesting. For example, an obvious one is the mobile port of Final Fantasy Tactics. They could easily port that over. Most of the mainline Dragon Quest games are also on mobile. That could provide them with another steady stream of releases that would last them at least a couple years.

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  • 4 weeks later...


We knew it was coming, and now it's officially teased. Happy that it's not just the opening cos I was like "of course this'll look good, it's an FMV". The textures on the original were really good anyway and looked pretty sweet in PCSX2, so it'll visually scale up to HD quite well. Main thing will be seeing what changes are made cos there was the "international Zodiac job system" or whatever version it was that came out in Japan that mixed up a bunch of the levelling mechanics n got rid of the stupid ass 4 treasure chest zodiac spear shitfest they put in.

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Unsure if played FFXII or not, but they'll be the Judges. They're cool, and actually the main characters you see the models/action figures of in Forbidden Planet n such too from FFXII. (and I guess also Fran n Baltheir...which if you've not played FFXII he shares the same VA as the...errr...relic people things in Destiny in the Queens space port thing. I've not played Desting in a while).

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  • 3 months later...

I don't think it's been officially announced, but going by the pattern it is almost certainly coming to PC:




(As the article points out, the FF10 PC remaster was only announced a week before it was released)

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Yeah, if IX and X came to PC, this is most certainly coming as well. The only question is when.


The real question is what they'll do with Kingdom Hearts. I'm also curious about their stance on spin-offs like World of Final Fantasy. I assume it'll come but you can never be sure about what goes on in S-E's demented brain.

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Final Fantasies on Steam:



FFIV: The After Years




FF Type-0


Final Fantasies not on Steam:




FF Tactics


The odds are pretty in the favour of FFXII getting a PC release come end of '17. Type-0 n FFX got HD ports on console then ported over to PC so even stronger odss. They've even alluded to bringing FFXV to PC too. Steam Spy puts FFX HD at 200K owners which isn't bad for a primarily PC game. 160K for FFIX. Even Type-0, the sort of step-child of the series has 130K, and FFVII rocks in at a pretty decent, and somewhat expected, 1,000K (which it's sold without steamworks on the S-E store, since I have that version, so that won't even be all the copies).


XII will be rocking mainly for the fact that as anyone who played it in PCSX2 knows, it came with HD-ready textures already. It released in 2006, just as 7th gen was bursting on to the scene. I think there was the anticipation of it being played on PS3. Main downfall is the mushy text and maps. I imagine upon release someone will do a "PCSX2 versus Zodiac Age" comparison.


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Some playthrough of FFXII: Zodiac Age at Bhujurbe. I think this is the current set-piece for the demos at the moment, makes sense I guess. Very little spoiler, get a bunch of town and a dungeon and a couple scenes all in a close area.

The game graphics I'd say are only slightly improved if any over the scaling of PCSX2 but as mentioned above that's not a surprise given the original quality of the textures that came with the game. The text though is beautifully crisp as are all the HUD elements and nice to see the QOL additions suck as Benny Hill mode which in combination with the in-built gambit system will be nice. Shame they were locked out of the menus on this but I guess it's still half a year off so a strict demo atm makes some sense.



World of Final Fantasy I'm aware of being upcoming but I've a feeling it's gonna drop under the radar. Seeing the video piqued my interest slightly but tbh seems like it might be better suited to something like Vita if that wasn't pretty much dead. My dad actually thought I was watching someone play Pokemon (he might have greater rose tinted glasses than I. :P)

The stack stuff seemed kinda neat, and I guess as they're saying it's pretty much "Final Fantasy: Pokemon" in many core elements. No idea if it has a decent story though I feel with the looks and such it's not aiming for anything overly complex. 

Edited by deanb
Fixing to direct lines instead of mid-stream timestamps.
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