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Final Fantasy Thread



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  1. 1. What is the best FInal Fantasy?

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For only just now wanting to play my favourite game in the series.

Anywho you can rectify it here:

(it's on sale)

edit: I shall join in the gushing that FMW started later.


edit 2: In the meantime S-E are streaming bunnies and moogle cut outs for FFXII release


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Oh yeah I was going to respond. Been a bit busy.

So for the most immediate stuff: Yeah I got annoyed with that bit on my first play through (many moons ago) and I also wasn't paying attention and ended up with Vivi in Oilevert cos he was one of my most powerful members...except he's useless in Oelviert because of the anti-magic. It's not too hard as long as you've levelled up well so far. I ended up going off the game and ultimately replaying it through (since at the time I shared memory cards with two siblings so couldn't be saving like 4 blocks of emergency game saves). You've got Ipsens Castle coming up which is kinda fun. It is some more traditional "break up the parties" JRPG-ness. I'd say with the Desert Palace the harder part is getting past that hedgehog guard (though I've found playing it on PS3 it's much easier, same with the Vamo Alla Flamenco sequence I managed to ace that where I usually haven't managed (also the Jecht Shot bit in FFX HD, maybe I've just gotten better reflexes over the decades). Oilevert is very much the story change to a much bigger thing. Though I guess Iifa Tree (it's with an I not an L I learnt not too long ago) initiates that and ends the "alexendria war" segment of the story. It does do a very good job of gradually scaling up the stakes.

And original post:
1. You don't like the castles? I guess Alexendria is fairly regular, but Lindeblum is quite pretty castle. Lindeblum, even semi-destroyed, is pretty cool looking.


3. I don't have my copy on me (see my previous post on lending it to my sis) but this image is the character quotes from the manual (and in the opening menu cinematic if you leave it to idle I think). Does sum them up. Though errr...going against your destiny is still a big part (and one of my absolute fave parts of the game is centred around it)

When you get to this soundtrack:

Still gives me chills.

I guess if you're at Dessert Palace you've already had Vivis big thing on his creation and confronting eventually "stopping". But also their chocobo baby :)


4. They (sorta) explain the tail later. As for designs they're all based on the original sprite designs of the first game (Final Fantasy IX is very much the "easter egg/refrences" one of the series. Ramuhs story is part of...FFV iirc, Garland is the big bad from the first, there's a bunch of bosses that are the crystal bosses from the first game too. Cid Fabool is Fabul from FFIV. Etc Etc)

Amarant, Vivi, Garnet (sneaking out of castle clothes), ?, Freya, Zidane. And Stiener is a Knight and Quina is ?!?!


ATEs were pretty cool. And you get the fun side stories, like in the Forbiden Forest it cutting to the band setting up and playing...err the marching theme from FFVII in the town with Sister Ray installed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They're pretty great, the speed up stuff has been great for some light grinding. And the Sandsea made a total breeze.

Just unlocked the secondary license board, kinda feeling I've probably not set up my dudes as "efficiently" as I could, but there seems to be a fair bit of overlap in skills between boards without like ending up just screwing over everyone.

Looks so dang pretty. Though not a fan of the art style chosen for the trophies.

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I have to say, while I approve of most of the changes for Zodiac Age, I'm less a fan of absolutely vital spells like Esuna being taken out of magic stores and instead put inside chests that you're never told about.  I'm having to use a walkthrough to find out which chests I'm supposed to open to get the spells I need.

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  • 3 months later...

Well, how about that. About a year later, World of Final Fantasy is coming to Steam. First Nioh and now this. It's almost like Sony is paying these companies for timed exclusivity or something...



Now please just announce Dragon Quest Builders. It's the one I want the most and it's also been about a year. You're porting it to Switch, ffs, just release it on PC too!

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You were big into Matsuno, but went over to Ogre Battle before long. Probably likes Trails, or Ys, or something.

Pfft. While I haven't played Ogre Battle, this is spot on. For a mainline title though, IX is my favorite.


Morph those two things and you have me... plotting to make a Ys or Trails clone but I don't let anyone see it.

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We talking gameplay or story? If we're talking story...



The demo goes to the end of the first Mako reactor. It's mostly the same, but after Avalanche's bomb goes off and renders the reactor nonfunctional, Shinra intentionally exacerbates the explosion to blow up the whole facility.


If we're talking gameplay...



There's a "classic mode" that lowers the difficulty and makes characters attack automatically while you just handle menus, but I didn't try that mode. In the normal mode each character can be individually controlled and they each have unique abilities assigned to the triangle button. Cloud has the punisher mode which makes your normal attacks more powerful and allows you to counter physical attacks but also makes you move slower and doesn't allow evasion. Barret has an overdrive shot which does a lot of damage but has to be recharged after each use. You can speed up the recharge by mashing triangle. Both characters can evade using circle or block using R1. Your ATB bar charges over time, when you do damage, or when you block attacks. The ATB is divided into two segments in the demo, but I bet it will go higher in the full game. Each segment of ATB allows for one menu action, which includes magic, items, or character specific abilities. You can access the menu for every character at any time during battle by pressing X, which slows down time while you pick your commands. Limit breaks are still a thing and still charge up by taking damage, but Cloud's Braver is now a regular ATB ability and he starts off with Cross-slash as his limit instead. The scorpion tank boss is much tougher in the remake than he was in the original game and fighting it requires targeting different parts of its body. It took me about 10 minutes, give or take. Enemies have a stagger meter similar to the one that was in FFXIII. You raise it up by attacking quickly, exploiting weaknesses, or using abilities specifically meant to raise it faster. Once the meter fills up the enemy is stunned and you do more damage until the bar is drained. Combat in general seems to be harder than it was in the original game. I didn't die at any point, but I did have a couple of close calls. Those Shinra soldiers with the metal claws went from being mindless cannon fodder in the original game to pretty dangerous threats in this one. Unlike Kingdom Hearts where you can use potions whenever you want, here you can only use them when you're out of combat or when you have at least 1 segment of ATB meter to spare.


Edited by Mister Jack
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  • 1 month later...

So I've seen some discussion on FFVII Remake that greatly concerns me.


Mainly... it isn't the entire game?! Also,

The story is changing, like Zack is alive because of a parallel timeline. And because of fate changing, there are these agents of fate that are trying to set things back in place.


Like, the game is 100GB, but only covers Midgar?! People are thinking it's gonna be a trilogy, but I looked into older news and while it was actually stated the game would be episodic (How was this so unknown?!), there's no official confirmation of episode length. What in the hell, Square Enix? Is Nomura taking us on another ride?!

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You didn't know?


I do agree they have been very quiet on it lately, nothing saying like "Part 1" or anything on the current box art, but they were very open about it when first launching it. It's why I'm not bothering with it so far given FFXV took over a decade to come out and this is already several years in production. They're barely through "Disc 1" so doubt it's only going to be a trilogy unless they opt to strips other bits back. Personally I'd wager it doesn't get complete at all. 

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