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Final Fantasy Thread



83 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the best FInal Fantasy?

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Final Fantasy 4 was the best in my opinion with FF6 close behind. I feel like FF4 just edges out over FF6 or it's just preference. Both are fantastic games and they are the reason, along with the first game, that people think anything good about Final Fantasy. Most of the other games are pretty sub-par or just uninteresting. Granted after 9 I stopped looking at them. I would rank them in an order like 4,6,1,5,7, followed by who cares. 7 edges out the rest that I don't care about because it's the first 3D one and nostalgia.

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In the absence of Tactics, I've gotta go with XII.


I loved that game, despite what anyone says.


The voice acting was surprisingly good, the visuals spectacular, the towns vibrant and original, the gameplay like a streamlined MMO (which I loved), the story complex and interesting, the characters compelling.


I don't know, I loved everything about it. Not being able to finish it is one of my greatest gaming regrets.


Unfortunately, I got way too obsessive with trying to level and get 'everything' which is pretty much impossible but for the most hardcore for FF games, so I had more than a hundred hours when my PS3 died and I lost the data. Not going to do that again.

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  On 12/30/2010 at 2:46 AM, Bouchart said:

Just for full disclosure, the only Final Fantasy games I ever played were 1, 4 through 9, and Tactics.


Yeah, I should mention, the only ones I've played fully are 7, 8, 10, 12 and tactics.


I'm missing the classics. (Didn't have a SNES or PS when I was a kid, and was too young when I had a NES to get into the first Final Fantasy)


Buuuut, if I get a 3DS, I guess I can go back and play some of the ones I missed, finally.

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XII I definitely liked much more than most seemed to.

I loved the singleplayer MMO like aspect to it. Yeah it had no overworld but the world was awesomely big and it wasn't as linear as X n XIII.

The Gambit system was pulled off quite well. It looked great for a PS2 game.

I think about the only thing I particularly disliked was Vaan. Everything else was pretty nice. Oh the chaining system was fucked up too. That'd be something where patching would be good.


As for ones I've played:

VII, IX, X, XII fully


I, II(I think...) IV, XIII n beta of XIV.

I'd love to give VIII a shot but I hear the re-release don't work on PSP. or any of the ripped CFW ones.

And VI. I have it on an emu on my PSP. Just need to sit down with the PSP some point. I've heard good things of it.

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  On 12/30/2010 at 4:49 AM, SkyGriever said:

I'm a FFVIII kind of guy myself. I don't know why, but it talks to me much more than VII. I loved the Junction system, unlike most people. And the whole love story hit me hard (Yes, I'm a straight guy who's a sucker for a good love story. sue me).


Oh, yeah.


The space scene with Rinoa and Squall?


I was crying my lonely eyes out with that one, way back in high school.

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i'm getting the idea that this is just straight up numbered ff's so it is going in japanese order to avoid confusion. plus US FFII and FFIII were re-released starting on GBA w/ their japanese numbers so i don't think it's that confusing. if tactics were included it would be my favorite by far. i don't think i've ever owned more copies of or put more hours into any game in my life.

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Holy shit, I came here thinking VIII was gonna be the dark horse and it's WINNING? Dang, yo. I would have changed my vote if I'd known- I voted for VIII because it's my favorite, and I wanted it to get a little love, but honestly I think VI was the best.


Oh, and IX was weaksauce, that is all.

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  On 12/30/2010 at 6:32 PM, Chewblaha said:
  On 12/29/2010 at 8:43 PM, Strangelove said:

I picked FF6 because i truly believe its the best one, possibly the best jrpg.


That being said, FF8 was and is still my favorite.


It's the second best JRPG ever, VI that is.


The first being Legend of Legaia (Swooooon)



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III. The original NES version. People cite IV as the step from low-quality non-story driven RPGs into the modern age, but I would say that's actually III. In fact, as seen in XII, the aspect of not being the main character but seeing what world-changing events happen around you is seen often in RPGs today, and that definitely, definitely began in the first two-thirds of III. Look at my avatar. FFIII forever.


2nd Place: FFVI

3rd Place: FFXIII

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