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Final Fantasy Thread



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  1. 1. What is the best FInal Fantasy?

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But I forgot the most important cool thing! You know the lame villain characters? Yeah, they're generic and lame. Good job with Vayne's speech in Rabanstre though. Not many games would dedicate a CG movie to making their villain seem like a nice guy. I actually fell for that little ruse for a while.


BUT: the meta story about free will vs. fate is important and cool. Vayne wants to cut the world free of the gods. Ashe does too. Vayne wants to rule the world once the gods are out of the way. Ashe wants to rule part of the world once the gods are out of the way. See the significant difference? There isn't one really.


Now think about Balthier. He's already done the whole free will vs. authority thing, except on a much smaller scale with his dad instead of gods. Balthier doesn't have any particular reason for tagging along with Ashe. He isn't even her constituent! Why does he do this?


"Because he's a party member!" you say. "Shut up!" I say back.


Balthier sees Ashe facing the same crisis he once faced. Balthier ran away from his problem, and built himself a new life constantly on the run. Balthier doesn't want Ashe to meet the same fate. Through Balthier's subtle guidance, Ashe finds a path that is neither submission to fate (the gods) nor running from it. The most significant line in the game is at the top of Pharos, where Ashe ultimately chooses between Abeing bound to the gods, the past, and power or B uncertainty. Balthier knows the correct answer. He know more about nethicite than anyone there, and he certainly isn't impressed by the misty dead man. He doesn't tell Ashe this though. He says "It's your choice".


This is the fundamental difference between Ashe's decision and Balthiers. Balthier was made into a Judge, given a strict path to follow. He learned from that, and allowed Ashe to make a mistake if she saw fit. Had Balthier stepped in and tried to force Ashe away from her dead husband wraith, even with the best of intentions, he would have turned her away from the correct decision.


So Balthier's decision to promote Ashe's free decision ultimately resulted in the world being granted free will as well. It's pretty heavy stuff. I haven't done it justice with this write up. It's cool.


The entire game is laced with the fate vs. free will thing really. There's rebellion/empire for Vaan, duty/family for Basch, daddy issues for Balthier, restrictive society/exodus for Fran, and Gods/no Gods for Ashe. Only Penelo doesn't face a variant on fate/free will, but that's because she might as well not have existed as far as the story goes. Seriously, a wasted character.


Oh yes, and what is the imperial succession by blood but the most ritualized form of fate? Larsa faces this stuff too.


TLDR If you want to go all literary on this game's story, it will not disappoint you. Those who complain that it lacks "heart", don't realize that it has something much better. "Brains"

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I actually dont remember the music of ff12. It sounded like generic orchestra filler. Just something to have because it has to be there. Like ominous tones in crime drama tv shows.


And yeah, the grinding would be a lot better to digest if there were dialogue and story inbetween. The fact that you can go hours in a dungeon without one single character speaking or something important storywise happening really makes it feel like a dull mmo.


It doesnt do anything wrong, but it doesnt do anything right either because....it just doesnt do anything. I found the game after 30 hours of playing it to be pointless. Just nothingness. The story goes nowhere and the gameplay never changes either. I was playing it for that long and the game wasnt even over. Its a complete haze to me.


Thats my opinion though. There was defi itely something there because no way i would play a bad game for that long, but i never felt fulfilled. It felt like a game that would only get better and deeper, but it never did.


The license board does suck though. Ill say that. Bad idea.

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oh, yeah, riovanes that is a BITCH. that's a bit into the game but you'll want to save BEFORE and then make separate saves for after. ironically enough in one of my games i just got there tonight and i remembered what i was about to do. i was a little intimidated still and i've done that battle like a thousand times.

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Only two votes for X? You people make me sick.


blitzball = worst thing ever



actually, especially after the card mini-games after viii (which i actually hated as a game, i liked the card game in it) and ix were good mini-games you give us.. BLITZBALL


worst mini-game ever

Edited by slithy toves
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no, i just think blitzball sucked. i never said anyone else should have but my fucking lord did i ever hate it. honestly i was probs genetically engineered to like x-2 when everyone else hated it not cos of it's awesome job system but it's lack of blitzball (that was sarcasm, best job system ever, tho maybe poor execution, was x-2)

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Blitzball is fun once you accept the fact that youre not playing blitzball or some other similar fun sports game, youre really playing a nerdy strategy game based entirely on statistics.

Sad but true.


the one good thing about blitzball is that you could actually beat ffx w/out getting that far. you could p much just ignore the 20 - 30 minutes they tried to make you play it.

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no, i just think blitzball sucked. i never said anyone else should have but my fucking lord did i ever hate it. honestly i was probs genetically engineered to like x-2 when everyone else hated it not cos of it's awesome job system but it's lack of blitzball (that was sarcasm, best job system ever, tho maybe poor execution, was x-2)


i thought most everyone agreed that the job system was in fact awesome and by far the best part/only good part of the game?

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