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Final Fantasy Thread



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  1. 1. What is the best FInal Fantasy?

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VII was the first one I played, and I genuinely enjoyed it. It's still my favorite, though I admit nostalgia may have something to do with it. My next favorite would probably be Tactics. I never did finish VIII, but I really liked Rinoa & Squall's story. XII would probably come next, then X. I've also played X-2 & IX. Still have to get to XIII.

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I'm a sucker for romances, and Final Fantasy VIII had the best. It also had a huge advantage over X because the character didn't look like Sora, and didn't have awful voice acting [as in none at all].



XIII is not as bad as people make it seem, I still enjoyed it enough to beat it. Best in the series? Not by far. Worst in the series? I remind you of X-2. Actually, XIII-2 is about to come out I'll keep judgement until then

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I'm no true FF fan, so call me a bandwagoner if you like. I only got into FFVII. I liked the industrial futuristic style of Midgar, and how it mixed in with the rest of the world design. The Materia system was also great - simple but effective. Same for Limit Breaks. The plot... got a bit angsty at times, but overall I stayed interested to the last, and really liked the characters.


After that, I tried FF 6, 5, 1, 8, Crystal Chronicles and SaGa II, which was branded FF Legend II in English. None of them hooked me though. I always inevitably ended up putting them down within the first several hours and leaving them alone after that... I'm about a decade out from having tried most of them, but if I had to pick one to return to, I might do 5... or 6 of course. After 7, only 9 even caught my eye. The aesthetic of the others repelled me more than attracted. The realistic characters look like pop stars to me.


*ducks behind a cactuar, shielding half of one foot perfectly*

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IX is good...


I'd say the lack of other races is a slight flaw with XIII. (Though XIII-2 brings in at least one moogle). Like with IX your party ends up with a few humans, a quen, a rat, a black mage, 2 summoners, and whatever Amarant is. They really got to stretch their legs on the character design.

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The main flaw with XIII is actually that Frocobo wasn't the main character.


The only part of that game where I actually cared about the story was Chapter 8 with Sazh and Vanille. that was fantastic. Everything else was rubbish though.


The part where Sazh meets his son, his son turns to crystal, he finds out that Vanille was the one who branded him, and how he reacts to all this showing despair and threatening to shoot Vanille was just so....human. It was just great. Then he supposedly shoots himself. only problem there is he gets his summon in battle right before this, so of course he's not going to be dead for real. They nearly ruined that moment by forcing a summon battle into it.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Good read, thanks for posting that article Dean.

However, I'm really turned off with people constantly ragging on Final Fantasy XIII. Don't like the level design? Go play Mass Effect, because that's not linear at all. :unsure:


Anyways, I think it's time I sit down and seriously play through either VI, VII, or IX on my PSP/Vita (next month!). I'm part way into VII and IX, but I think I'll work through VI first.

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Good read, thanks for posting that article Dean.

However, I'm really turned off with people constantly ragging on Final Fantasy XIII. Don't like the level design? Go play Mass Effect, because that's not linear at all. :unsure:


Anyways, I think it's time I sit down and seriously play through either VI, VII, or IX on my PSP/Vita (next month!). I'm part way into VII and IX, but I think I'll work through VI first.


You poked a bear! Seriously though, as awful (and it is awful) as the level design is, it's the whole package that brings a tear to any true Final Fantasy fans eye. And no, I'm not talking about the fans that tout VII as the best ever Final Fantasy in every aspect and spend their spare time writing Mills&Bloom style fanfiction about Tifa. I'm talking about the fans that have loved Final Fantasy for the game as much as the story.


Once Sakaguchi left, Square-Enix lost all sight of what Final Fantasy was all about and their confused little minds though Final Fantasy was all about visuals and fancy designs and anime storylines. No. Final Fantasy was about traversing a world and getting stronger, visiting villages to do side-quests, hunting down summons, finding hidden stories, playing mini-games and testing your skill against ultra-powerful optional bosses. That's a lot of GAMEPLAY right there. What does XIII have? Follow the line, battle, watch the cutscene, repeat. That's not a lot of game there. The fact that you feel referencing Mass Effect as an alternative is valid is nearly enough to prove that. Why didn't Blue Dragon, Dragon Quest, The Last Story, Lost Oddessy or one of the other decent JRPGs this generation come to mind? Because what comes to mind with XIII are games where gaming takes a backseat.


As a huge Final Fantasy fan, I was really disappointed with XIII. I'm sure it's a wonderful game movie but it's not what Final Fantasy is really about. Versus XIII will hopefully recapture some of that magical Final Fantasy gameplay, at least Nomura has a better grasp of what Final Fantasy is all about but honestly, aside from Versus XIII, I think I'm done with the series. It's a good thing then that the spirit of Final Fantasy lives on in Mistwalker and The Last Story.

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People give Sakaguchi too much credit. I get that he created Final Fantasy and thats awesome and I have much respect, but people need to stop putting him up on a pedestal.

He only directed the first 5 FF games. So to me thats really one good FF game he made, FF4.

The rest were concepts of his, other people did all the work. He only supervised Chrono Trigger and Parasite Eve too as a matter of fact.

Not only that, but he also "worked" on FFX, which a lot of people would say was when Square truly lost their way(even if they were still called Squaresoft at that point.)

People can create something, but usually it takes others to make it as good as it can be.

The ship didnt sink because of him, he just left before it did. Square Enix would be putting out the same quality stuff with or without him right now.


Mistwalker is also not a haven for amazing jrpgs. Lost Odyssey was awesome, Blue Dragon was not. He doesnt have a nearly perfect record to be have such a status.

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MasterDex, a lot of that, is obviously your opinion, which I respect. And those things you liked about the older games are things I enjoyed when I played through I and IV. To me, there's nothing that "Final Fantasy was all about", that's the whole purpose of Final Fantasy, you can have a fairly traditional Final Fantasy like X and then follow it up with a game like XII.

I think you overly simplified XIII, it's not about walking from point A to point B, then fighting the boss, then a cut scene. I never looked at the game like that. I liked the mythology of the world, the story, and I enjoyed most of the characters. And that's what made me pour 60 hours of my time into. I don't mind the game being linear if that means it can offer a stronger story. I don't need side quests, most of the time I don't even do that shit anymore. This isn't 1998 when the only game I got all year was a 80 dollar Ocarina of Time cart that I plunked hundreds of hours into. These days, I play the main quest, try to get as much out of as I can, then move on (the noteable exception being my recent adventures in Skyrim). I loved the battle system, it might be my favourite in the series... I loved the way characters leveled up too. I loved it because it was so different from what came before it, and that's why it felt like a Final Fantasy.

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People give Sakaguchi too much credit. I get that he created Final Fantasy and thats awesome and I have much respect, but people need to stop putting him up on a pedestal.

He only directed the first 5 FF games. So to me thats really one good FF game he made, FF4.

The rest were concepts of his, other people did all the work. He only supervised Chrono Trigger and Parasite Eve too as a matter of fact.

Not only that, but he also "worked" on FFX, which a lot of people would say was when Square truly lost their way(even if they were still called Squaresoft at that point.)

People can create something, but usually it takes others to make it as good as it can be.

The ship didnt sink because of him, he just left before it did. Square Enix would be putting out the same quality stuff with or without him right now.


Mistwalker is also not a haven for amazing jrpgs. Lost Odyssey was awesome, Blue Dragon was not. He doesnt have a nearly perfect record to be have such a status.


I respectfully disagree, Strangelove. Sakaguchi may have only been director of the early FF games but his influence on the development of all Final Fantasy games he was involved with is fairly easy to see. You can see the how the type of game that Final Fantasy used to be became the type of game Mistwalker began creating and though you might not think that Blue Dragon was fantastic, it was certainly above par and certainly better (gameplay-wise) than FFXIII.


Sakaguchi gets the credit he gets because he deserves it. I think you're just trying to downplay his influence on the series as a whole. It's fair enough if you want to believe there's no correlation between the shift that Final Fantasy went through and Sakaguchi leaving but I think the correlation is pretty self-evident. You've got Sakaguchi and Nomura, master and apprentice. Nomura follows the path that Sakaguchi laid out pretty well while still instilling some of his own style in his games. Then you've got Toriyama, who comes from an entirely different, and I daresay more profit-orientated, school of game design who hasn't directed anything that could be held side-by-side with anything Sakaguchi has worked on. My point is that what Final Fantasy was and what it is are two entirely different things and though I don't claim that Sakaguchi has a perfect track record, I do claim that he has a better grasp on what made the Final Fantasy series - and JRPGs in general - fun to play.


MasterDex, a lot of that, is obviously your opinion, which I respect. And those things you liked about the older games are things I enjoyed when I played through I and IV. To me, there's nothing that "Final Fantasy was all about", that's the whole purpose of Final Fantasy, you can have a fairly traditional Final Fantasy like X and then follow it up with a game like XII.

I think you overly simplified XIII, it's not about walking from point A to point B, then fighting the boss, then a cut scene. I never looked at the game like that. I liked the mythology of the world, the story, and I enjoyed most of the characters. And that's what made me pour 60 hours of my time into. I don't mind the game being linear if that means it can offer a stronger story. I don't need side quests, most of the time I don't even do that shit anymore. This isn't 1998 when the only game I got all year was a 80 dollar Ocarina of Time cart that I plunked hundreds of hours into. These days, I play the main quest, try to get as much out of as I can, then move on (the noteable exception being my recent adventures in Skyrim). I loved the battle system, it might be my favourite in the series... I loved the way characters leveled up too. I loved it because it was so different from what came before it, and that's why it felt like a Final Fantasy.


Personally, I'd consider both FFX and FFXII fairly traditional from a 'bigger picture' design PoV. While XII offers a more MMO-style battle system, it keeps pretty well with the design philosophy of the Final Fantasy series. FFXIII on the other hand entirely eschews that philosophy and that's the reason so many diss it. While you might think that there was nothing that Final Fantasy was all about, there were things that, from the very first Final Fantasy, cemented themselves to the series (or the greater part of it at least). Of course, there were additions along the way but the spirit of what Final Fantasy was all about remained. I can't imagine that the series would have gained the popularity it has if the games in it were structured more like FFXIII than FFVI, FFVII or FFIX.


I don't think I oversimplified FFXIII at all and I think your inability to mention anything but story, characters and mythology as the things that kept you playing shows that. We're not talking about a movie or a book where those things have high relevance. We're talking about a game and as far as I'm concerned, the game part is the most relevant part of the whole. You can have great characters and fantastical worlds, etc, etc but without good gameplay (Which FFXIII doesn't have - at most it's mediocre), you can't objectively say that the game is good. The GAME isn't good. The stuff around the game may be but what's the point of a game that looks and sounds and reads nicely if it doesn't play nicely?


Perhaps it's a difference in what we believe makes a game a game but if I was Toriyama, I'd be ashamed.

Edited by MasterDex
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XIII just felt odd. X did the same thing to me but I grew to like it after a while. It never happened with XIII. I dropped it the next day.


And people used to really hate on X too*... then with X-2, which was fine.



I don't feel like discussing any further. I'm just so sad from the state that Final Fantasy is in now...


Edited by MaliciousH
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