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Final Fantasy Thread



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  1. 1. What is the best FInal Fantasy?

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I thought XII was the MMO.


Close enough.

Its so close that I didn't even bother playing it.




I've always described FF12s battle system as the most streamlined version of ATB we've ever had. No loading to get into the battles, you can move around while you wait for the gauges to fill, you can still pause if you want, you don't have to mash X like every other FF unless you don't want to, etc.

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Yeah FFXII is nice. I had a bummer moment in packing last week to find I was missing XII n X-2 and non of my friends had it. Then last night got a call that one of them did have it, just with their books, so I'm finally gonna beat that damn game cos it was pretty good (I'm like 90% of the way through, just I dragged out setting off the Bahamut stuff)

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  • 2 weeks later...




So FFVII is supposedly getting a PC (re)release. Cloud Saves (he shoots, he scores!!!) n achievements too. Given the initial PC release currently needs a host of mods n tweaks to run on modern systems I assume this is a reworking or re-port of that. I doubt it'll be the fabled HD remake.

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No, not an HD remake but it'd be nice if they spent the time, upped the graphics a tiny bit (think, 3DS version of Ocarina of Time, looked like how you remember Ocarina looking, just a bit nicer), and released it on PS3 and Steam. I really want trophies for FFVII.

PC Gamers: do you really want to play a 90s-console JRPG on your PC? Or should experiences like that stay with consoles?

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I just find games like FFVII "feel" like console games (specifically PlayStation, in this case), and maybe a game like Civ 5 "feels" like a PC game. I remember someone posting a similar article on one of the big gaming sites when FFXIII came out, and it was something I identified with.

But if it has mods and a strong modding community, that's a pretty big advantage.

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I think the only reason a lot of PC games aren't suited for consoles is the lack of kb/m support. There's no reason not to play console games on a PC though, unless it's a REALLY shitty port, since as soon as you've got the game booted and a pad in your hand it doesn't matter what box it's running on.

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Hm. I don't know. Obviously, as North Americans (and Euros) it's hard for us to say what's going on in Japan, but you'd think the original Final Fantasy would be the most profitable, considering how many releases it's gotten, and how little it cost to develop. Or Final Fantasy IV which has been released a bajillion times. I don't know anyone who played XI (though, admittedly, I'd play the rumoured Vita version).

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X came out around 2000 I think. By the time X came out, I felt this general decline. Its a great game still but there was something off. XI by most accounts was still good but it stopped a fair number of kids like me from getting it because of its requirements for a HD and internet connection for the PS2. It priced me out. Then came XII with its changes to the battle system. It just didn't jive well with my tastes. XIII was pretty eh. XVI almost killed Final Fantasy from the looks of it.


Square Enix really need a core battle mechanics to give Final Fantasy a new Final Fantasy feel. Between X to XIII, there was some stark changes between the games. It feels as if they're not related besides the name. Between I to X I could trace that they are part of the same franchise. Changes and evolution to the game mechanics have to be made but what they did was too many deep changes.


Personally, I feel that Kingdom Hearts style combat would of been the way to go. It has a menu system and its active. Just the sort of direction FF needs. However with Kingdm Hearts having tha system, FF just can't just take it. So fuck do I know how they can set a new feel.


So yeah, what I am trying to get at is that Final Fantasy isn't winning any fans with its constant changes some of which are pretty deep. If they want a game that can topple VII, they can start with giving FF a stable flavor.

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