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Resolutions! We can't not have a resolutions thread. It's a rule.


Did we have one already and I missed it? I might have.


So, I think I am making the usual resolutions (eat more vegetables, drink less beer, be more awesome) but what are YOU doing.



Have you ever actually like, completed a resolution or stuck with it longer than 3 weeks? Tell us about it.










I think some of you should resolve to say 'totes' 35% more

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Drink more water. Though I started that a month or so ago, so not exactly a purely 2011 thing.

That one I should actually achieve. It's been going well the past month (except home for Xmas)


For one that probably won't happen:

Procrastinate less.

Learn to sleep properly or nap or something.

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Generally just be more productive with my time. I waste so much of it doing nothing. So, possibly read more, write more, be a bit more active.


Also, I'm looking to improve my awesomeness factor a bit if at all possible.


I am going to continue to drink as much as I do, smoke lots and lots of cigarettes, and get little amounts of sleep, because I like all of those things waaaaaay too much to ever give them up.


I could totes try to write totes more. It totes doesn't go over as well irl though.

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I have never had to work out in my entire life. My metabolism has done it's job of keeping me looking like an average American while being able to eat whatever and do nothing all day.


On the 1st, I have to actually start an exercise routine before I ship out to Texas for basic March 1st. 2 months of hell, and then another two months of hell! Exciting.



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-Start running again, let myself go a bit this dark semester

-Bring Nightmare Mode's viewership from the 600ish daily daily range to 1k; it's close when we post but sticks at 600 when we don't.

-Work at Atlus this summer in an internship over at Irvine

-If I can't go to E3 (depends on money), then at least talk to some industry contacts which I've been reluctant to touch base with..

-Read some more...I did so this year and I hope to up that a bit more this year

-Final bout with programming: try to learn C++

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Boy, I've got a laundry list. But I'd rather not call them New Year's Resolutions, because those are... you know... don't tend to have the best shelf life.


But still.


- Figure out how to break up with my girlfriend as nicely as possible (good thing our two year anniversary and v-day is coming up, hey-o)

- Move to Washington

- Procrastinate waaaaay less (or increase attention span/willpower/productivity)

- Start exercising and eating well again (lose beer belly)

- Get a short story published somewhere decent (which means write or re-write one so it's good enough first)

- Pay down credit cards big time


Basically keep my life from sinking down that black hole it's been spiraling this past year.


Fuck 2010.



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Basically keep my life from sinking down that black hole it's been spiraling this past year.


Fuck 2010.



Agreed. In 2010, I managed to rack up a measurable credit card bill, get divorced, gain some weight, accomplish very few things outside of work, and not a ton at work either. 2011 will hopefully be a bit brighter. I mean, it is an odd year.


Oh, and my Internet time has gone from like an hour or so after work to about 6, at least. This is not good.

Edited by diedan
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