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  On 12/30/2010 at 4:19 AM, diedan said:

Agreed. In 2010, I managed to rack up a measurable credit card bill, get divorced, gain some weight, accomplish very few things outside of work, and not a ton at work either. 2011 will hopefully be a bit brighter. I mean, it is an odd year.


Oh, and my Internet time has gone from like an hour or so after work to about 6, at least. This is not good.


Yarg. Your year does not sound any better than mine, arguably worse, although similar.


My credit is in a scary place too... AND now that I'm finally graduating, I get to start paying off my student loans (35k+ at the moment) in six months.


2011 is really asking for a turn around.

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Oh student loans. I don't even think about them anymore. It's just been part of my billing life for the last 6 years. I can't wait for that to be done. That will be so much extra money it's absurd.


And I don't want to think about my credit card. I took two big trips this year and they murdered it. Totally worth it, but it'll be tricky to get back to financial stability, especially with my insatiable desire to go to bars. Ah, responsibility, how I loathe you.


Edit: I should say that I finally feel like my life is coming together, despite everything in 2010. 2011 is already looking positive for me, and I'm really excited to see what my life can be going forward. 2010 was just generally awful until a little over a month ago and there's something psychologically wonderful about starting a new year. I'm actually pretty excited about the entire prospect.

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  On 12/30/2010 at 12:03 AM, Faiblesse Des Sens said:





lol I'm not the only one who thought of this.





On topic:


the last time I really made a resolution and was serious about it was like... '09, when I realized I went through all of 2008 without going to one live show, the first year in like... 10. So I made it a resolution to see more live music. And totes fulfilled it.


I can't really think of anything pressing enough that I need to make a resolution about it. Maybe manage my (attendance) points better and have more time off?

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  On 12/30/2010 at 12:42 AM, brida said:

-Work at Atlus this summer in an internship over at Irvine


Interesting! What are you going to do there?


Also, for my resolutions (and I tend to have a lot):


- work out more (that was one of my resolutions for this year and while that one worked out well, I could put in some more effort)

- take up martial arts (a childhood dream of mine)

- get back into drawing and sewing

- start learning Chinese

- learn an instrument

- actually finish the games I start playing/get through my huge backlog of games

- and in general, make 2011 less shit than 2010.


It's going to be a busy year!

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I don't do resolutions but I do have goals.


In 2010 I paid off my student loans and became debt free. I moved out of my parents' home after living there 27 years. I *mostly* maintained my weight though since October I've gained at least 5 lbs. I proposed to my fiancee and she didn't laugh in my face so I'd say 2010 was a pretty good year for me. :-)


So my 2011 goals are:

  • Make myself more valuable at work
  • Start a RothIRA with the misses
  • Get married!
  • Save up as much money for the wedding/honeymoon as possible
  • Find a second income or sell a bunch of my unwanted stuff to achieve the goals above
  • Get a good plan in place for more permanent housing.

Edited by Battra92
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I have one main resolution. Ironically, it would make a good custom license plate.




That means getting my license and taking care of all that crap.


My other resolutions include:


* Not talking too much

* Wasting less time and focusing on important stuff

* Maybe...just maybe...cutting back on trolling a little (this one's debatable)

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ah resolutions, how i despise thee. although 2010 has arguably been a pretty crap year for me as well, so i'm actually kinda feelin' the resolution thing this time around.


- more workouts and yoga, for years i've been really good with this and then sometime around august this year i had work travel + family/pet deaths + now taking my brother around for his eye surgery crap that has ended up in an unheard of like 4 1/2 months of not really working out at all. i feel like crap so this one should be pretty easy

- taking less crap from people and generally being more stubborn. irl i tend to let stuff slide more than i should cos usually it's not worth dealing w/ people being jerks, but after dealing with childish dickheads lately i'm totes over it and the gloves are coming off.

- get my passport. i've been saying i'm going to do this forever. 2011 is the year, i feels it

- i was going to save for a house, but i might just save to travel instead. either way saving more money is in my future.

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I'm basically going to seriously try my best, and boost myself on my own, without relying on others to do the job for me. I want to learn to be self-sufficient, and I feel that by forcibly depending on myself, this is the only way that I will learn to break my habits of procrastination and laziness.


Also, I plan to EXERCISE MOAR. Probably try to gain some arm muscle tone and strength, while trying to avoid stunting my height by doing that. :s In short, being more fit and finding a happy medium for my body.


  On 12/31/2010 at 3:22 AM, Sharpie_Cakes said:

I'm actually going to work harder than I did in 2011.


Sacré bleu, miss! 2011 hasn't even arrived yet and you're already saying that you're going to work harder than you did in a future year? Are you secretly from the future and have reset the time map on your end back to now? Explains the deja vus I've been having lately, actually… :shifty:

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  On 12/31/2010 at 11:46 AM, slithy toves said:

well, i did go to a bar earlier this year that had a picture of a banana fucking a coconut next to someone writing "2011 best year ever" so maybe they're from the same time traveling clan? oh, and if anyone ever goes to amherst, ma go into the bathroom at any bar. best/weirdest bathroom graffiti ever.

That's the best time travelling graffiti involving two food items getting it on that I've ever heard of ever!

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  On 12/31/2010 at 11:46 AM, slithy toves said:

well, i did go to a bar earlier this year that had a picture of a banana fucking a coconut next to someone writing "2011 best year ever" so maybe they're from the same time traveling clan? oh, and if anyone ever goes to amherst, ma go into the bathroom at any bar. best/weirdest bathroom graffiti ever.


Amherst is a bit odd what with the UMass / Amherst College crowd. Massachusetts is weird, isn't it?

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  On 12/30/2010 at 12:10 AM, MagicMagicPony said:

when my boyfriend woke me up one morning to ask


"is this outfit totes profesh?"


i knew that I had done some good in the world


When I told my gf this, you have no idea how hard she laughed :P Mostly because she hates how I do that- her example from me was 'this coat is totes comf'.



On my actual resolutions-


1) Eat less. I don't have a weight problem, like lam my metabolism is still keeping me too skinny even though I eat ridiculous amounts. However, my digestive system isn't having a good time, I need to eat less overall. It also makes me very lethargic and I KNOW that I'll be more productive if I only eat as much as I need. Also I need to eat healthily more consistently- I can always get a good rhythm for a week or two; up to 5 fruit/veg a day and all, but I always lose it at some point and it stays lost for another few weeks. Pain!


2) Waste less time. Not necessarily procrastinate less (I save that for the days before essays are due), but I need to cut down on spending hours and hours playing a game when I could spend an hour or two on it, then another hour reading a book, then another working, etc. Just to be more productive.


As a side note for that I need to read more books. I'm studying literature for christ's sake, and I spend half my time playing games instead of reading Ulyses, or Dickens, or Woolf or something. Jeez. I love reading too- games are just so much easier and more accessible. In many cases more fun, too. I've written several essays on books I haven't actually read. It's pretty disgraceful.

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  On 12/31/2010 at 7:24 PM, kenshi_ryden said:

As a side note for that I need to read more books. I'm studying literature for christ's sake, and I spend half my time playing games instead of reading Ulyses, or Dickens, or Woolf or something. Jeez. I love reading too- games are just so much easier and more accessible. In many cases more fun, too. I've written several essays on books I haven't actually read. It's pretty disgraceful.


This. I'm supposed to be trying to be a writer, but I spend most of my time playing video games or frittering it away on the internet.


Must... better... self...

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  On 12/31/2010 at 7:32 PM, TheForgetfulBrain said:
  On 12/31/2010 at 7:24 PM, kenshi_ryden said:

As a side note for that I need to read more books. I'm studying literature for christ's sake, and I spend half my time playing games instead of reading Ulyses, or Dickens, or Woolf or something. Jeez. I love reading too- games are just so much easier and more accessible. In many cases more fun, too. I've written several essays on books I haven't actually read. It's pretty disgraceful.


This. I'm supposed to be trying to be a writer, but I spend most of my time playing video games or frittering it away on the internet.


Must... better... self...


That's not all bad, really...as long as you're playing games with good plots and storyline. I mean, if you think about it, it's almost like reading a more interactive version of a book. XD


I might as well bring this up too: Visual Novels. (NOT just the hentai ones, you perverts!)

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