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Your Very First Game

Little Pirate

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Well when I'm trying to figure out if Nintendo ever MARKETED to girls by making a pink game boy and calling it a game girl, thinking like MARKETING is unavoidable. :getoffmylawn:


Just kidding around, no need for fist shaking! :blink:


the 'boy' part wasn't really to denote gender, so switching the name would probably just confuse the brand if anything


I just hate when companies make the "girl" versions and put up an ad with all things pink and fluffy and what not.

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The first game I played was likely something on the Atari 400/800 home computer like Pac-Man, Joust, Missile Command, or something else. We had that before we got a NES with SMB/Duck Hunt. I have no clue when I started playing games, and have no real memory of it. So I can only assume I started very early.

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Gosh darn. This is a tough one. I'm really not sure. Probably some shareware on the PC.


I do know my first 'system' though, was a Game Boy.


One of these see through ones:




I was such a happy kid. All my friends had Nintendos and cool computer games that I wanted so badly, but my parents were hesitant (because they were afraid to get me hooked on video games probably, and we didn't have a lot of money then), while all I got where the crappy $15 or whatever video games with the LCD screens that had something appear in a pre-determined spot when you pressed a button. So when I got the Game Boy for (my seventh?) birthday, I was over the moon.


I know I eventually got Donkey Kong Land, Super Mario Land, and Kirby's Dream Land (I guess 'Land' was the suffix for the Game Boy versions of the main Nintendo titles), but the game I remember having first, was F-1 Racing.



Haha, such a simple game, and I remember sucking at it, but it was a video game, and so I was happy.

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the game I remember having first, was F-1 Racing.



Haha, such a simple game, and I remember sucking at it, but it was a video game, and so I was happy.


Is that.. is that Tetris city in the background?




Well I'll be...

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It was looking a bit desaturated, thought it was the photo. (And there was the nagging thought it was in Moscow on the main plaza but St Petersburg sounded good enough, n St-ey)

Well I'm good for the style n country.


Anyway main point was it's a real place, and it's used as Tetris is from Russia. In case the tune doesn't give it away.

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The first game(s) that I ever played were Reader Rabbit, Glider, and Dark Castle. My Dad bought a bunch of Macintosh 128K for his law office in 1986 because they were the most advanced computers at that time, and I passed my days cooped up there with those three games (since my Mom didn't see the point of daycare). I actually learned how to type/read from Reader Rabbit before I started kindergarten. :lol: I can't find screenshots of the original game anywhere online though (it was black/white only, just like Glider and Dark Castle).








Dark Castle had different difficulty settings and was really freaking challenging. I actually played it on an emulator when I was 15 and rediscovered it online, and I couldn't even get to the level that I got stuck on when I was a five-year-old. :|


I love obscure Mac games! My dad bought a few weird ones.


Super Mario Bros 3. Got it with my NES. I was like... 3 or so at the time.


My parents had no idea what they were creating.


Welcome to the revolution.


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Dark Castle had different difficulty settings and was really freaking challenging. I actually played it on an emulator when I was 15 and rediscovered it online, and I couldn't even get to the level that I got stuck on when I was a five-year-old. :|

Holy awesome! That was definitely the other game I played on my uncle's mac. It took me forever to get anywhere, and I'm pretty sure I never beat it.


Edit! I found images for Crystal Quest (apparently not just Quest), and The Dungeon Revealed (apparently not just Dungeon).


Crystal Quest:



The Dungeon Revealed:



Both those games were so fantastic.

Edited by diedan
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Copypasta from the Old Republic:


Doing some research, it seems we had some sort of Amstrad computer (think it was a CPC6128). Not one with a tape deck, but the floppy drive. Really showing my age...


We had a few games, which I seem to recall were bundled with a joystick. Not sure which I played first, and some may have come separately.

- Scalextric (basically an F1 game with a track-builder as well)

- Trivial Pursuit (can't have had more than 100 questions on it, which really ruined its replayability :lol: )

- N.O.M.A.D. (you pilot a ship around in 2D)

- Roland In Time (managed to find the name on Google. Weird sort of platformer)


We also had some sort of Track & Field-type game, as well as some sort of 'educational' one. I think it had frogs in it, and some thing where you aim a hand which throws a ball to bounce off walls and hit a target (they may be two different games).

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The place: the local grocery store.


The machine: An NES Play Choice 10.


I had a quarter from someone/somewhere and my mom would NEVER let me play the arcade machine. This time, I was with my dad and he let me play. My first game was: Super Mario Bros. Yep, same as everyone else.


I later started playing Elevator Action and Pole Position at the local roller skating rink.


In school I remember playing a game on the Apple ][ where these animals would get scrambled and you had to put them back together. I have no idea what this game was called but it was fun.


I never owned a video game (outside of the Tiger electronic games) until I was about 13/14 when my dad allowed me to buy an NES at a garage sale for $5. It came with two carts: Mario/Duck Hunt/World Class Track Meet and Contra. A week or two before someone had given us a box of stuff left over from an estate sale. In that box was a bunch of NES games.


After we got the NES hooked up I went through every game trying to get them to work. I had yet to learn about cleaning games or even the NES blow in the cart trick. I was able to get one game going and my siblings and I played it for hours that night ...



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Hmmm... My first console game was definitely Super Mario Bros., I know that much... Things get blurry when I try to think of my actual first computer game, though...


Digger, maybe?



You see those two colors they have going on there? We didn't have that fancy shit. We played it in black and white on my dad's laptop.


But if it wasn't Digger, it might have been... King's Quest? Damn my shitty memory... I really don't know.

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Willow from the NES.

My first PC game was Commander Keen.

My first SNES game was Super Mario World.

First N64 game was Goldeneye 64.

First PSOne game was Gran Turismo.

First Dreamcast game was NFL2K1.

First PS2 game was the Mark of Kri.

First Xbox game was Halo.

First Xbox 360 game was Oblivion.

First PS3 game was MLB 10 The Show.

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