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Okay, whatever, all I'm saying is that if you give me dialog choices then don't make the cutscene character directly contradict my approach 3 seconds later. Either don't give me the choices, make the character's attitude in cutscenes change based on them, or make the cutscenes such that they work well with any choices.

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  • 4 years later...

Remake/remaster/re-something announced:




Will have some extra stuff including a new character, story branches and events as well as some online battle stuff. :P

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Uh, what? The decisions thing is true and weird given the narrative but it's still a fantastic puzzle game. Don't listen to Ethan, he's a shit mod!


Also, this being on Vita is some seriously weird platform choice. I wonder if it'll at least be on XBO in the West considering it was originally multiplatform. This is Atlus we're talking about, though, so the stupidest possible outcome is basically par for the course, I guess.


I probably would've been all over the Vita version a couple years ago but I don't know at this point. Some recent Vita versions were very much in "Oh god why" territory.


This is the new Atelier game. I think it's the last one they'll be putting on Vita because it seriously looks like they didn't even try lol.











And here's something from a recent Digimon game lmao




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At least with the Atelier one you can tell it's the same basic geometry, just with lower quality assets.  That Digimon one is just... wut.


*Edit - As far as Catherine, it's alright as a puzzle game, I enjoyed those parts fine, but the story aspect completely ruins it.

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Gameplay wise I enjoyed Catherine immensely. While the story isn't some masterpiece and some of the details are foggy in my memory, I was engaged in it.


With that said, I don't see how adding a third woman in Vincent's struggle is beneficial in the game's narrative. Sure it'll be more eye candy for the player, but part of Vincent's struggle is the polarizing nature of Catherine and Katherine. Does he mature and become a respectable man for Katherine, or does he wade in youth where he can have excitement with Catherine.

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Some more details, seems like it'll have a mode for people who are not good at puzzles and a mode for people who want more of a challenge.


In regards to Rin:


She supports Vincent, who is taunted by his nightmares, and becomes a healing presence that exemplifies new values.


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