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Greatest Game Openings

Hot Heart

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I was reminded that some of my favourite games have great openings. What are yours and WHY?!


Oh, obviously BEWARE SPOILARZ.


Mass Effect 2


The way the story begins may be a bit of a copout but it sure does have an impact. There's nothing quite like walking through the Normandy as it's being blown apart. And that memorable moment where you step out onto the command deck. The only sound is your breath, while you can see (even walk into) floating debris and stare out into space through the destroyed roof. And I still get tingly, watching Shepard float off to his/her death accompanied only by the sound of his/her frantic breathing (he/she gets better).


Of course, there's the bit after that too. Waking up, fighting your way off the station and your first meeting with Miranda, who appears, frowns and then shoots your former party member dead before cracking wise in the ensuing conversation.


Also: 'He/she's a hero. A bloody icon' :P





Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis


It begins with Indy crashing through a window into a darkened room. It appears he's raiding somewhere. Turns out you're looking through the Barnett College archives. Without any verbs available at this point you're encouraged to click around on the artefacts until you trigger a fall down to the next floor. It becomes humorous when you repeat the same process, seeing the various ways Indy gets dropped down not three but four levels.





Halo 3: ODST


The Halo games usually have impressive openings. No exception here. You get a bit of mystery and intrigue at the start but it's the sequence where you experience an ODST drop inside your SOEIV (Single Occupant Exoatmospheric Insertion Vehicle, if you must know) that sticks with you. And with a great score from Marty O'Donnell, you feel the full force of the moment. Everything seems to go according to plan but then you're ordered to change course away from where you were originally headed...then a slipspace rupture occurs, with the resulting shockwave sending your team's pods spinning and colliding. Shit is happening. Then the screen goes black.




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If I would have to pick one it would have to be Final Fantasy VIII (like I mentioned in the FF thread). I often would start a new game just to look at this:



The music and graphics made such a big impression on me, I still love it to this day.

(That said - I loved all the FMV's in the game. They were great.)

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The opening for the original Mass Effect is my favorite game opening of all time. I often refer to it as the "Top Gun opening." If you're not sure why, see vids:





I also think ME's opening is far more cinematic and noob-friendly than ME2's. If you go from the start of ME to the end of the Eden Prime mission, it's like a 80 - 90 minute movie.


Super Metroid also is one of my favorite game openings along with Contra III and Mega Man X.





I also love the intro to Bioshock.


EDIT: FFVIII's intro was great. I used to watch it over and over again!

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I also think ME's opening is far more cinematic and noob-friendly than ME2's. If you go from the start of ME to the end of the Eden Prime mission, it's like a 80 - 90 minute movie.


I would agree it's more noob-friendly (being the very beginning) but I'm not sure about 'cinematic' (both games have that) or what you mean by the last statement. It's not really like an 80-90 minute movie because all you've got up to is the classic 'inciting incident'.


Good pick though. A good start to the series. You didn't really think I'd dislike it, now, did you?

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Not sure why, but I loved Snake Eater's intro movie (which I can't find) and the James Bond sequence. Him pulling off the mask once he had finished the HALO jump and all that




I also enjoyed Halo 3's with Master Chief falling to the earth with Cortana talking.



THen Kaizo Super Mario World's intro.


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Devil. May. Cry. 3.



One of the most badass cutscenes in the HISTORY of gaming, followed by a crazy out-and-out brawl that is ridiculously fun no matter your skill level. First time player? It's the best way to learn the combat system. Hell-hardened DMC vet? The enemies just keep coming- it's one hell of a party!


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I was always a fan of the Half-Life 1 and 2 openings due to the interactivity. And despite all my hate towards Fallout 3, I liked the "intro" (which I consider the part until you exit the vault). It just feels like something an interactive medium should do. I mean, it's entertaining to watch badass fights in cinematics, but that could easily turn into you getting upset because the game took away all your fun.


As far as cinematic stuff goes... Hmmm... Maybe American McGee's Alice?

Edited by Cyber Rat
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Before watching this go back n watch the FFIX intor. That was the first FF intor I'd seen.

This was the second:



Certainly quite a change. And man the graphics were awesome. It was like my first PS2 game iirc (not first I played though)

So yeah I'm sat down and I'm just



Other month we ended up sitting down and watching all the FF openings from VII to XII. I hadn't seen VIII's before then. It's my housemates favourite.

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And despite all my hate towards Fallout 3, I liked the "intro" (which I consider the part until you exit the vault).


Yeah, I'd consider that the 'opening' and it is an 'introduction' really. No longer is it just an opening cutscene.


I quite liked Fallout 3's opening...not actually bothered to play much beyond that though.

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FFVIII and X both have great openings, with VIII edging out just a little in my opinion. I also put forward some more Square-Enix games:


Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core

I was really impressed when I saw that play on my PSP.


Final Fantasy Dissidia


Seeing the major characters from across the series first 10 games battling it own was just plain awesome.


Kingdom Hearts


Another visually impressive video from the PS2. Also reminds of FFVIII a bit with the use of water and moving through unknown locations


and Kingdom Hearts 2



I've also become a fan of Hikaru Utada's music through these games.

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Not sure why, but I loved Snake Eater's intro movie (which I can't find) and the James Bond sequence. Him pulling off the mask once he had finished the HALO jump and all that



Yeah, the MGS 3 HALO jump opening is pretty cool. Probably would've posted it myself if you hadn't already.


But since you did, here's my entry.


The first thing I think of when I read game opening isn't actually the beginning of a game, but rather an "opening video".

The kind that usually plays either before the start menu or when you leave it on the start menu for a few minutes without pressing anything.

Like this




I absolutely love that montage and especially that theme song. Whenever I pop in MGS 2, I cannot not watch it.

But here's an entry more similar to the other ones



This is only the opening cutscene, but my actual entry is the whole Tanker level of MGS 2.

I played MGS 2 pretty late, so I knew going in that I'd be playing as Raiden.

It didn't bother me that much. But the Tanker level is still one of the best parts of the game.

Aaaand you play as Solid Snake, so that's always a plus.

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Totes agree on Mass Effect 2 and Halo ODST. I also like the original Super Mario Bros. It's so simple, yet effective.


"Hey Mario, come to the castle. There's a cake in it for ya."


Cake? Fuck yeah!


I didn't like the opening to Halo 3, just because of the position that Chief landed in when his suit locked up. He looks like some dead cockroach. Thought it was kind of insulting, actually.

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I didn't like the opening to Halo 3, just because of the position that Chief landed in when his suit locked up. He looks like some dead cockroach. Thought it was kind of insulting, actually.


Yeah. I said Bungie games had great openings, but this was a little lacking.


I mean, partly surfing down to Earth on a hull door is pretty cool, but I feel there should've been something like the bit with Master Chief fighting Covenant on the ship (which was shown in a rubbish comic). Something beyond a little fighting in a jungle.

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