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Gran Turismo


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GT5, anyone? I just got it the other day, and DAMN, what a game. I'm still pretty terrible, but since I'm racing in a Ferrari 512BB it hardly seems to matter- I can corner like shit and still blow everyone away on the straightaways. God damn that is a sexy ass car.


This is not my first GT- I played 3 back in the day for all of ten minutes before hating it with the fire of a thousand suns. I don't know if the game has fundamentally changed, or I have... but 5 is the shit, my friends. What car are you guys driving? Are those license tests driving you crazy? And why won't that goddamn Trueno show up in the Used Car Dealership?

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Selling your car and getting a racing wheel for Gran Turismo?


My mind is blown!


Hahahaha, it is pretty ironic, isn't it? I just don't use it- both my jobs and the grocery store are within walking distance, and this city has a great bus system, so there's no point to having it.

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I've got it. I'm rubbish at it. I just have the best car so can beat everything despite spinning off all the time :D

I still have to give you a good race online. Then again, with my A and B spec levels being 23 and 22 respectively, I'd expect to probably blow you out of the water. :P Maybe later?


While I'm here, those fucking NASCAR school challenges are a god damn nightmare. I just about got Bronze on them all, enough to get the trophy and I thought "NEVER AGAIN." And I didn't even win a NASCAR to do the series race either. /o\


TIP: I can't remember what series it was in B-Spec that lets you win the Pagani Zonda R, but it'll be your friend doing the Like The Wind series. Lengthen out the top speed and set the suspension cambers to 4 on each side and you should be able to compete on the oval tracks properly.

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I've given up with the NASCAR challenges. I can't do one of the intermediate ones, and it's annoyed me to such an extent that I've just given up.


What level are endurance races? I want to do a million hour race. They're fun.

Level 25 I think. I can't wait for them.


Yeah, the NASCAR challenges are too sensitive for the poor DS3. It seems like it was made specifically for people with racing wheels. The whole game kind of does.

Some of the stuff like the oval racing really does need the wheel for it because it requires that much accuracy. You can get away with it more on the traditional circuits I think, but I don't have any qualms with the DS3 driving experience outside of the damn NASCAR challenges/races.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I should find myself a wheel to play this with.


Watching my brother play it... I noticed one the of the AI driving a Prius... I drive a Prius IRL and I lol'd. No way a Pruis is racing material. At all. Acceleration suck ass. I doubt a sport tuning on it can even save it.

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Okay, finally gave this game a spin.


I. Want. A. Racing. Wheel.

I know I can do better with a wheel. Hell, I think I can do better with the controller with practice but yeah...


A decent one costs about the same as a new PS3. I think I will need to have my younger brother help finance this. He somehow got enough money for this game so I think he can manage to get enough to help for a racing wheel.


*Or cost about half a PS3. I dunno now...

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Really, I want to cry in the Nascar portions when I'm going for gold... +00.042... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF


And now I FINALLY GOT IT AFTER A BILLION TRIES and this is only the training portion... :'(



To think I try to go perfectionist on a racing game...

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For some reason, I expected a lot more people to comment here. GT5 sold loads, didn't it?


I've been playing the series since the first one but it wasn't until the second game that I started being able to play decently (Thanks to the help of a Kiwi and the dual analog method), I've been enamoured with it ever since.


We should try to get a few races going, maybe if there's enough willing to participate, we could even set up a tournament.

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So, don't bother getting one of the Ferrari F1 cars for anything other than that 1 make race that popped up last week. They can't be used in regular Aspec or Bspec. Like not even the Endurance races. :( Just for practice, online F1 only races and Special Events with them as the make. Would have been super for them to list that in the Description :angry:

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