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Dreams without Ethan

Mister Jack

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I had some super screwy dreams last night.


I can't remember the others, but there was one I woke up from at like 3am and couldn't go back to bed for a while, I was so freaked out.


Essentially, I was the guy from this movie I just heard the plot of (won't name names for spoiler concerns) and had murdered some people and was paranoid, afraid and guilty and knew my entire life was over, as I had murdered some folks and it was just a matter of time before everything was found out.


Might not sound like it, but easily the most disturbing dream I've had in longer than I can remember.

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I have a recurring dream in which I (as a child) ride a big shaggy dog at high speeds through a dusky village lit by torches. I have a feeling I'm running from something, although nothing is chasing me. Everything I see looks like it's been put through a red-dusk-gloom filter and the flames on the torches are motionless. In the middle of the village is a colliseum, which spontaneously forms around me as I "enter" it.


Archers then appear and shoot the dog, which turns into my ex girlfriend from middle school, who evaporates and tells me to grab the rope. What rope? The rope dangling next to me, which I then grab and use to sort of swim through the air. But it's a kind of half-falling, half floating swimming and the archers are gone and I see the dog running out of the colliseum while the rope takes my higher into the sky.


Everytime I have this dream, I remember more of it the following morning. For instance, the latest addition is the archers and the rope, I never remembered/dreamed this before, but I do now. I only have this dream, or any other dream, when I do my 3 alarms thing though. I basically set my alarm 3 times, the first at 9:30, the second at 10:30 and the third at 12:00. I find that by interupting REM and regaining semi-consiousness, I have enough clarity to convert images to long term memory, I don't have that in a normal uninterupted (polyphasic) sleep cycle.

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OK the only part of my dream last night that I remember is sitting in a fancy restaurant before it opened with my Mom and my sister and I was looking at the J Crew website and they had started some sort of club with local chapters. I was trying to find out which dress to buy so that they would let me join because, J Crew cocktail parties? Yes please.

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Back in middle school, I was a huge anime nerd and one night had a dream about Dragon Ball Z. Bulma, Vegeta, Goku and I were sitting around a campfire roasting marshmallows, and Goku reached in the bag for a new one. Vegeta grabs his hand and yells "Those are my marshmallows, Kakarot."


They proceed to super saiyan then fight one another.

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I rarely dream/remember dreams but last night's was crazy.


It started with me apparently going to watch a DVD of some TV drama that lots of people had said was really good. I think it was State of Play, except I've seen that and it is good...and nothing like what follows.


So I start watching it but then, in the way dreams work, I was also the main character. Except I wasn't myself, but someone who looked a bit like the guy from A Prophet (which I've not even seen). All I can remember is that 'I' was at work but for some reason I knew one of the 'twists' would be someone trying to kill me. But because I knew this, I made sure to get a gun. So, when the person came to kill me (who turned out to be a regular customer), I drew my gun before they could get theirs, and killed them.


And then I got away with it because it was self defence...and because there was a guy there of some authority (I can't even remember what) who had witnessed the whole thing and said as such. Then it got weirder...


It turns out, there are, like, rival vampire mafia gangs (WTF?!) and that we have to watch out for each other and that my cousin (who actually works in the family business also) is possibly a target for assassination. It's at this point that I realise everything had been taking place at night, and everyone was dressed like a biker/Arnie in Terminator. So, in typical dream fashion, there my cousin is across the street from the shop, and I go over to talk to him when suddenly a car pulls up and my cousin cries 'It's him'. So then we go hide behind a wall and peer out. OK, so I spot this guy is a little person (probably Peter Dinklage looking like he did in Elf) and decide to jump out and start beating the crap out of him, throwing him around. I think part of the 'fight' moved into a cornershop (convenience store) which happened to be across the road (isn't in real life) and I trashed the place.


Next thing, I know, I'm riding a motorbike home. But it's like something out of Easy Rider except it has an actual gear lever...that I keep having to look at. Last thing I remember was avoiding the little speed humps in a road I travel down a lot and seeing moonlight shining through the trees.


So fucked up. :lol:


tl;dr: I am a vampire mobster who dresses all in leather and picks on little people.

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Lately I've been having dreams that I didn't graduate college. It's unsettling.


For the past few years I've regularly had dreams in which I've had to either re-take or finish up high school classes due to some sort of mix up. I've always had my college and graduate degrees in these dreams and I am usually very annoyed at the teacher or classmates who don't understand the material being taught at all.


In my most recent dream I disrupted a civics class when the teacher kept making mistakes about the relationship between the three branches of government. I was sent to Saturday school for my efforts.

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My father told me about an interesting dream he had the other night.


In this dream, he wanted to go to the store to buy some juice, but he only had one dollar. Then my brother tells him that he could go to the 7-11 and buy "Adolf Hitler brand elderberry juice" for thirty five cents a gallon. The dream ended there.

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