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Difficult Video Games


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There aren't too many games that stump me in ways that make me feel I can't game, but they do exist, I believe they exist for every gamer out there. You know, that game that makes you turn off your console after an hour of fighting the same boss, an hour of going through the same level or even an hour of looking at the same darn puzzle.


One such game, for me at least was Ninja Gaiden 2. That game took away my manhood and left it on the floor for others to play with. It was the type of game that made me forget Ninja Gaiden existed and made sure Role-playing games were the only type of genre I would ever truly enjoy. Ethan Hunt would have given up on this game.



What are some of the hardest video games you've encounter? Tell us of your shame, post pictures and give us reasons for why the game was difficult.

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I really didn't find NG2 that hard. I'm not bragging, or anything- NG1 sure kicked my ass, that's for sure- but for some reason I just handled 2 okay.


It seems like I'm posting God Hand in every thread now, but seriously, God Hand. It's a hard game. A ball-bustingly hard game. It's hard...


...But fair.

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I will second Ninja Gaiden 2 as well as Ninja Gaiden (from the Xbox)


I have played through and beaten Kaizo Super Mario Worlds one and two.



I've also played through I Wanna Be the Guy and got all the way up to past Dracula. Fuck the rest of that game.




Though real games and stuff like that, I'll throw my hat to Demon's Souls as well as Mega Man 3.


Mega Man 3 is easily the hardest Mega Man game of them all.

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Ninja Gaiden 2 is a game I played through and did not die a single time on the normal setting. Harder setting gave me minor trouble, but nothing like getting ambushed by only 3 Black Spider Ninjas while walking the streets of Vigoor in Ninja Gaiden Black.


God Hand is def. hard, as is Vanquish (try those challenge missions).


Personally, I like my RPGs to kick my ass. Eternal Sonata on Encore mode is fitting the bill, as I haven't played any RPG this outright difficult since Shadow Hearts: From The New World (the only game whose battle system even comes CLOSE to Grandia XTreme's).

Edited by mintycrys
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Battletoads for NES. I never got past the speeder bike level.


I don't play shmups, which I suppose are probably the hardest genre of modern games. I think the most difficult modern game playthrough I've played must be Europa Universalis on a harder difficulty as some minor country in Asia. Straight-up overall hardest modern game I've played is either Dwarf Fortress (which I suspect doesn't count) or Super Meat Boy.

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Ninja Gaiden 2. I got all the way to the water dragon boss fight and rage quit because, I had no arrows, and the checkpoint started you back where you couldn't buy any. I was not going to do that whole level again for arrows.


Demons Souls was kinda hard for me, not too bad like it was for some people though. SMB is kicking my ass, however.

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Battle Toads, Turtles on Nes, and Demon's Souls have all been mentioned I see. Well how about these:





Total Carnage/Smash TV


Neo Geo:

Metal Slug

Sen Goku 3

Puzzle Bobble

Knights of the round



Star Wars




Jedi Power Battles


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