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Character Classes


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The first time I play through games like that, I usually pick the Red Mage build because I want to be able to fight, but at the same time I want to be able to experience the spells in the game. Getting the class that can do a little of both lets me try out both sides of the game simultaneously.

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I lend more towards ranged fighting. It's so rewarding to kill of bad guys without them even getting close enough to harm me. I'm not so much into setting up traps though. I feel like if you set up traps you're locking yourself in somewhere and I like the flexibility to move around freely.


That said, what I really like most is a mage that controls his own pets. (IE. Summoner from Final Fantasy.) But for some reason if it's controlling robots I get turned off. It's a complicated thing to describe fully.


If you put them together it sounds like a Ranger kind of class but I have yet to see it designed in a way I like.



Also taking the kind of game were are playing into account changes what I like to do. But in general:

Open world - sniper/ranged or summoner/mage with pets

Fixed battles (IE FF13/Star Ocean/ Tales of...) - I prefer the quick melee characters.

Turn Based - Hard to nail down but generally whoever has the strongest non-elemental attack.

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Brute/Warrior/Barbarian, I usually pick the guy with the sword the size of a small car, I believe this to be a remnant of the days of sidescrolling beat 'em ups.


Lately I've been more intriqued by stealth-play though. It started when I went for another Obli playthrough and decided to watch Picard die as a thief. I enjoyed robbing people and stealth kills. After this realization I asked for the Sly Collection for christmas, another such brilliant idea. Realizing I apparantly have a thing for stealth that I somehow never knew of, I also decided to try Thief. I'll install/play it after I finish the Sly Collection and Two Worlds II (in which I'll play as thief/rogue, I think) (unless the class is female only, I can't play as a female protagonist, it bothers me)

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i'm with the brain here, if there is anything that lets you carry two weapons i'm all over it. especially if they let you play as a girl. other than that i like to be something well-rounded, i.e. if there is a red-mage type character and there's only one character you can play i'll probably take that in the absence of carrying two swords/knives.

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Oh, totally missed that, yeah if there's a character with the ability to double-wield, than it's not even a choice anymore. I especially like it if the weapons don't have to be the same, for instance a sword + axe or an axe + dagger, or an axe + nunchuks.


I defintely like axes. Then again, I'll take a big slab of concrete on the end of a stick as well. Blunt weapons rock.

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Really depends on my mood and the game. I'm a "I'll play anything except class X" guy when it comes to shooters, where X varies from game to game. Spy in TF2, Recon in BC2... MMOs and RPGs, I can usually play almost anything. Just started grinding with a warrior in Cladun, while playing a social-only bard in a D&D campaign. It really depends on my mood.

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I usually see myself picking supportive/technician roles. I like making things, then repairing them while they break down. If they're things that fight alongside me then all the better. I get a charge out of using the TF2 Soldier's Buff Banner and seeing a bunch of my teammates dishing out the pain left and right.



I tend to lean towards sniper classes in sci-fi action and shooter games. I just find it more fun to snipe things and get a greater sense of accomplishment out of getting a headshot on a moving target.

I feel the same way but for some reason I only like sniping in single-player games. Deus Ex, Fallout, Mass Effect; I'll use sniper rifles almost exclusively when I want to be lethal. In multiplayer I almost never want to pick one up. The Sniper is my least played TF2 class and I don't think I've ever played as Monday Night Combat's Sniper.

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I like self-sufficient characters, especially if they have some overall coolness to them. Usually this ends up being a monk or a paladin type of character, something with a stable build that can heal or regenerate with little cost, while also fighting effectively. But I tend to take a liking to stealth classes or magic classes at times too (see "overall coolness" above.)


I don't play tank or pure melee classes that much, though. Although, in games such as Aion where death tends to be costly, I might play a tank just because staying alive would count more for self-sufficiency. I've also made healer classes as alternate characters in games with good communities, for partying and such.

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In multiplayer games, healer. I'm always the healer. For me, triage comes as naturally as breathing. I'm also personally insulted whenever someone under my watch heals themself instead of having faith in the healer.


In single player games, I prefer the sneaky types. Get in and get out, as quickly as possible. Kill only what is necessary, and do it from range. If I need something from someone, I'll get up close and take it from them. Also, I leave no witnesses.

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Sniper, all the time. I was pro in COD4, but I am terrible at it for the most part in MW2 due to all the fags quick scoping. I actually zoom in and hold my breath, etc, etc. I have to actual have a rifle that I like the feel to though, which is one of the reasons I was so good at it in COD4. I really like the M2... whatever it was (first sniper rifle you got). I loved the feel; I loved how it was bolt action. There was no greater satisfaction then getting a headshot and hearing / seeing another bullet getting put into the chamber, one by one. The Barrett works pretty good in MW2, but the inclusion of a thermal sight and such really ruined it for me. No skill in MW2.


I booted it up again a few months ago, and went twenty to one for a streak of about 10 games. I have still not lost my touch it seems.


Sniping in other games is a tad different. I can snipe decently in Halo, but I need people to actually back me up, so I don't get shot at. I can't no scope; at all. In KZ2 I couldn't snipe for shit. Not sure why, might have just been the feel. I did much better as a Tactician, or Sabo on there. I usually did really well sniping on BC2 (Beast modeeeee). I kinda quit after I got the M14 (or was it the M21?). There was no need for me to even have a sniper rifle.


I usually even snipe in single player games given the chance. Loved it in Borderlands, but I liked it more because of Bloodwing.


If I don't snipe, I usually like classes with SMGs, quick weapons. If it's a game with no guns, same thing. I like fast, quick characters. I just find it more amusing.


I really feel like playing BC2 or COD4 now...


I really can't wait to see what EA does with the guys from Infinity Ward, or what the reconstructed team does. They really fucked over Snipers in MW2, and Black Ops (Although, they did potentially snuff out quick scoping, thank god).

Edited by Iamaquaman
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If I'm playing through a single player campaign, I'll pretty much always opt for the basic tanky-warrior character, because I'm less likely to die. So, in Mass Effect I play the Soldier and in Dragon Age, I was a warrior with a shield and one hander.


If I'm in a multiplayer situation (such as during the spates of when I play WoW), I like to choose a hybrid melee/healer character, which pretty much just happily heals everyone. I hate tanking when other people are around. Just. Bleh.

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