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Brutal Melee

Mister Jack

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So we have a thread for awesome weapons like guns and swords and such, but there are plenty of games that also include or focus entirely on just the use of your bare hands (and the rest of your body) to kick ass. Not all barehanded fighting is made equal though. Some games just feel like you're delivering a wimpy little slap, while the good ones feel like you're caving people's faces into their skulls. Post your favorite examples of badass brawling here. Any game can qualify as long as it has at least a modicum of weaponless combat and it was personally satisfying for you. Weapons like brass knuckles or mech fists are acceptable, but swords and daggers are not.

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Also, Condemned: Criminal Origins, or Condemned 2: Bloodlines- though really these are about brutal improvised close combat, not solely hands. You can't even use your fists in the first game, though in the second the fistfighting mechanics are pretty complete (although the game overall is nowhere near as special).

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Condemned 2 was pretty good until it added those ridiculous powers at the end. Took all the fun out of combat.


Yeah the whole last part of the game was worth forgetting about. They also made it so damn complicated (relatively, for a brawley game), which would have been fine if Monolith had the vision and good design to back up the gameplay, but it didn't- the first game was much more balanced and enjoyable, I found.


How about the fistfighting in Batman: AA? That was pretty satisfying and face-crunchy.

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Condemned 2 was pretty good until it added those ridiculous powers at the end. Took all the fun out of combat.


Yeah the whole last part of the game was worth forgetting about. They also made it so damn complicated (relatively, for a brawley game), which would have been fine if Monolith had the vision and good design to back up the gameplay, but it didn't- the first game was much more balanced and enjoyable, I found.


How about the fistfighting in Batman: AA? That was pretty satisfying and face-crunchy.


The takedowns and ninja-like attacks are amazing and satisfying, but for the love of everything, don't try and play the Adam West style and try to bum rush baddies, expecting "BAM" and "BIFF." You will regret it.

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