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Tomb Raider: the Reboot


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Did anyone play the PC version of Rise of the Tomb Raider and find themselves having trouble getting it to launch? The game itself works fine whenever I can actually get it going, but it only seems to want to actually start maybe one out of every twenty times. So annoying.

Nope, it ran perfectly for me.


Did you get it via steam or go the Windows 10 Store route?


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  • 7 months later...

I finished the new game (new for PS4 at least!) recently and I find that I didn't enjoy it as much as I was expecting I would.


It's weird because I really enjoyed the 2013 one, played it 3 times and on 2 platforms. But this one I couldn't even be bothered to go back and collect stuff.


I think the fact that here Lara doesn't really talk to anybody else except Jacob makes it boring for me. And I feel like there is no character development at all. Just her finding out secrets about her life but the Lara you see at the start is pretty much the one you see at the end. And the events pretty much happened the way you would think it would. Chasing after a magical artifact can only really lead to disappointment as games like these, based on reality with some supernatural elements, never really go with the supernatural ending. They kind of just reset everything and nothing world changing ever happens.


Also, the map for the first game was smaller, but I thought it was better. The map for this feels like an open world, I would have preferred a tighter, smaller map like the first one, or like the first Batman game seeing as both are supposed to be metroidvanias.


Also, snow is so damn boring. I think that also played a part in my dislike of the map.



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