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Tomb Raider: the Reboot


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I'd love to buy it day one as well but I really don't have the time to play it right now and it turns out I'll have to buy a $100+ textbook next week so I can't really afford it either. :/


Besides, I've already got Heart of the Swarm pre-ordered and it's coming out in the middle of my mid-terms so I don't know when I'll even be able to play that one. :(

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obviously haven't played the game but that review seems to address the point a few people on here brought up about nathan drake being so trigger happy in Uncharted.


Shame they couldn't have come up with an interesting angle on it as I'm sure if I was in that situation the last thing i would want to be doing would be spraying bullets like they're going out of fashion. It's a real shame games are just so heavily in to killing things it's pretty ridiculous when you think about it. Even guns blazing action movies don't have even 1% the body count of most video games and a lot of action movies aren't about the killing I wish we could get away from it being the main thing to do in games.


Maybe it could have been about her surviving in nature and trying to get stuff to escape the island. Maybe with an enemy camp she had to sneak in to to get certain things and maybe even as a last resort having to kill someone with stuff you'd actually find lying around and not a random gun just lying there. If you did kill someone having to wrench the pistol out of their hand or automatic from over their shoulder when his colleagues(?) heard the fight and are coming to investigate would add an interesting element where you may just decide it's easier to run especially if you don't even know how much ammo will be in it and there isn't spare just lying around.


. Can you imagine how much more interesting and provoking it would be if you only killed two or three people and you had to weigh up if it was really necessary at all? It should feel like a failure if you're wading through a pile of limbs to pick up the radio you needed not an achievement.


Anywho, I know that was really incoherent and repetitious, so sorry but if I edit it down i'll end up just deleting the whole thing :/

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I gotta go with Jack here. We can't expect a reboot of a series that, let's be honest, has seen way better days to break out of the mold before they can establish themselves again. If this were a much smaller scale project they might be able to do something weird and artistic.


You bring a good point Gerbil. I think part of the reason I wanted like Far Cry 3 more than I actually did was because at the beginning they gave you the illusion that your character was disgusted about killing and new to shooting. But once you get past the tutorial you're basically a stone-cold killing machine with the aim of an experienced soldier.

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the problem is I just don't see this selling that well, precisely because it is just another shooter, and while the name used to have caché no one nowadays is going to buy it just because it's the new tomb raider. They'll just stick to one of the other dozens of similar game series they've become accustomed to over the last generation where TR hasn't really had any impact.


Seems like this is the sort of game that brings down a studio. If they'd made a shorter/downloadable game with a different focus it could have caught some people's attention and seen if it was worth making into a triple A extravaganza.

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I dunno, I wouldn't go that far. There aren't many games like Uncharted around (or Uncharted itself anymore). And Assassin's Creed seems proof that there's a lot of demand for third-person climby actioney games.


It is odd that they went a bit overboard with the violence but it's an aspect of so many games I'm not sure it's as egregious as the GT review would have you believe. Hopefully, The Last of Us will blaze a new trail for exploration with short sharp bursts of tense action. Though, it's Naughty Dog so I fully expect it to devolve into a shooting gallery by the halfway point.

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uncharted it just like any other tps, only you climb between fights instead of walking. I was SO disappointed when I played it from what my expectations were. Assassin's Creed is the only successful action series I can think of* that doesn't rely on shooting, I was really relieved that shooting was still optional when it came to ACIII, given its relatively modern setting. Though even that series where you're supposed to be an assassin it is all to easy to end up with a gigantic pile of bodies at your feet.


Now you've brought it up actually wouldn't Tomb Raider be more suited as an AC clone rather than Uncharted? With it's greater emphasis on getting around problems rather than ploughing through the middle of them. Plus there is less out there like AC than Uncharted to it would have had a better chance of standing out. Lots of people thought AC may be interesting in a modern setting and/or with a female protagonist. TR could have scratched that itch. Hopefully it's just the way they've showcased the game though and it will be a bit less death or glory when it comes to actually playing it.


*I'm sure you all can name plenty of others, and please do - I'd love to play them.

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Which Uncharted did you play, or do you mean all of them? I can't really comment on the first one but the second and third had a little more exploring and puzzles (well, 3 had decent puzzles SPOILED BY SULLY YOU JERK). It did involve a lot of shooting though, yeah.


I always hoped AC would place an emphasis on being fairly stealthy, which it almost does at some points (optionally) in the third game; just that the mechanics can't support it very well. I miss the tombs of AC2 and it seems this game includes a bit of that as well, at least. Crystal Dynamics also did Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, which is a great game for puzzles over combat.


Watch Dogs certainly seems a bit more like the modern Assassin's Creed I wanted.

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i played the first uncharted and was so disappointed that i have had the 2nd one sitting there unopened since it was released - maybe I should give it a go if you recommend it. and then harbour  a burning hatred when I'm disappointed by it.


Watch Dogs is my next hope for this sort of game so I've got my fingers crossed for that. Hopefully the fact it's by ubisoft means it's got a better chance than many of being like AC.

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Only played an hour or two of the second Uncharted and about 30 minutes of the new Tomb Raider, but they definitely feel similar, at least outside of combat. I enjoyed what I got to play of Tomb Raider and am looking forward to resuming play Wednesday after work.


It runs quite well on my i5/ GTX 570 rig. Prettier than Uncharted 2, but, well, duh, I'm on a decent gaming PC. The touted hair effects engine isn't as slick as I was led to believe, but it's better than helmet hair.


Edit: Oh yeah, the death scenes are extremely brutal. If you are disturbed by gore, this is not the game for you.

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Is the TressFX AMD-only?

Edit: Oh, you're probably referring to the FPS drop with TressFX on since everything I've read, aside from forum posts by children, indicates that TressFx works on nVidia cards. My criticism is that the TressFX don't really look as awesome when you're playing the game as the hype would elad one to expect. Specifically, you begin the game hanging upside down, more or less. Lara's pony tail is subject to gravity and hangs down, but the rest of her hair just poofs out a little but still points up towards Lara's feet.

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The first Tomb Raider was famous because her pony tail moved so I suppose people think it's interesting to see how far things have come along. Obviously not that much apparently.


@ Dr. Krieger: How combat-oriented is the game? Is it mostly all-out fighting or other stuff like exploring/stealth etc.?

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