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Tomb Raider: the Reboot


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@GOH: Hahaha. I know, right? I actually quite that one after trying it for 30 minutes then came back later and did it in two tries.


@Ethan: It's just a matter of taste, really. I think it would work well as an adventure-only game, though I'm not quite sure how that'd explain some of the things going on with the weather. I just prefer mythology. It makes it that much more interesting for me.

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They would have to have changed some of the specific events re: the weather, but it wouldn't have had to change the core story or flow of the game much.


Could even have done something as simple as had a volcano erupting and spewing ash into the air, making it impossible for aircraft to approach the island until the eruption's over.


*Edit* - And yeah, I know it's a taste thing, but after the Uncharted's and this I just feel like it's EVERY SINGLE game in this vein.  It just starts to seem too formulaic.

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You need to close the shutters, and wait a few seconds to raise the platform. If you raise the platform too early, it will drop before the shutters open again. So you close them, wait a few seconds, raise the platform, then jump on.


FYI: it takes about 11.5 seconds for the shutters to reopen entirely.


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Man I feel like you guys and my friends have completely different tastes. My friends would never ever allow someone to say this is better than Uncharted. Unrelated but those in here who are Game Grumps fans might remember Arin completely bashing this game. Though I think it was more of his commentary on modern games.

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I wouldn't say it's better than Uncharted because it's a different kind of experience. Uncharted delivers a charming, Indiana Jones-style story, with adventure and bigger setpieces whereas Tomb Raider has a cool metroidvania style, with more refined gameplay (dat cover system).


To make an odd analogy in terms of general gameplay, it would be like comparing God of War to the Batman: Arkham games.

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Hot Heart didn't realize those would be his last words as the ps3 fanbois heard his statement and arms collectively burst out from his computer screen, clawing at his eyes and throat. Blood was everywhere. Everywhere but the Esc key. Though that was missing. Th- the point I'm trying to make is that there was no escape. I'm Morgan Freeman.

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The combat is 3rd-person cover shooter, that's definitely comparable.  Like Tenshi said, bullet sponges fucking ruin games, and Tomb Raider had a billion times fewer than Uncharted.  In Uncharted I dreaded the combat sections and they felt like just a barrier between me and the exploration (which was good enough for me to slog through the combat).  In Tomb Raider, while the combat wasn't the best part, I didn't feel put-off by it like I did in Uncharted.


Just because the games aren't identical down to every last mechanic doesn't make them not comparable.  They're both third person cover shooters with a lot of free-climbing and exploration, particularly of ancient ruins.  I disagree that it's like comparing God of War to the Arkham games, I think it's more like comparing Bioshock Infinite to Halo.  Yes, there are some major design differences, but it doesn't make the comparison without warrant either.  And yes, you can compare Tomb Raider to the Arkham games too, just like you could with justification compare Infinite to Dishonored, but the one parallel doesn't invalidate the other.


To a lot of people, myself included, Tomb Raider just feels like Uncharted in a lot of ways, so of course we're going to make the comparison.  And with the combat system, climbing/exploration, and set-piece events it really confuses me why a bunch of other people act like it's not a justifiable comparison.

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Obviously comparisons can be made, that's not my point. Just that I got different things from both games/series. I can go away from an Uncharted game thinking back on the adventure, the setpieces, the characters and overall charm. I go away from Tomb Raider appreciating the gameplay, animation and mechanics while thinking the characters and story were a bit crap.

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It's not just that though. It's the overall tone. For the most part, Uncharted games are much lighter, zippier. In Uncharted, if something you're climbing on falls apart you think (or Drake will say) "Oh, crap!" and then something chaotic but generally harmless will occur. Whereas, with Tomb Raider, you're thinking "Oh, crap, what do I have to avoid being impaled on now?" :P


If pushed, I would actually say I preferred Tomb Raider to Uncharted, but I still think those games offer something that TR can't.

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