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Go metonymy.


Most of the time, it depends how you use the word: 'the grammar of a language' tends to include spelling, etc., but 'bad grammar' actually just refers to syntax.


So in this case, it could just mean syntax! But it's all subjective anyway.


I'm currently reading:




For class. By fucking god, it's really, really good. Everyone should read it. Amazed how nobody has ever heard of it.

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It's definitely not in my all time greatest list, but it's easy to read and if you are a child of the 80's (especially a gamer) then there's a lot to get nostalgic about. It's almost laid on too thick at times. I'm back on GoT now. It's much easier going second time around.

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It's got a pretty simple story. Which is a good thing in this case as it drives the narrative forward. Otherwise I do think it would get bogged down. The world should be pretty familiar to anyone who has read any old PKD/Asimov sci-fi stuff while still having an identity of its own.

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I finally got around to finishing Songs of the Earth by Elspeth Cooper.



It's a very good read and though it's not aimed at a young audience, it's quite an easy read. If I was to compare it to anything, I'd probably say it's a bit like Harry Potter but don't let that put you off. For a debut fantasy, it's quite a fantastic start and I'm very eager to see how the series progresses. If you look around, you'll see it's been highly rated across the board and it's certainly got my recommendation.

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Brandon Sanderson - The Way of Kings


Now that he's just about finished up with The Wheel of Time series, he's started his own epic series - The Stormlight Archive. I'm roughly half-way through The Way of Kings, the first book and I'm enjoying it so far. The book, like ASOIAF, is broken into chapters with each one having a different point of view and written in the 3rd person. It's then broken up into different "books" which are seperated by interludes that highlight the happenings of different characters. If you like Sanderson's writing, I'd suggest picking this up.



I've ordered the second book in the Songs of the Earth series this week as well so that's next on my To-Read list.

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Oh, I started reading another story by Chandler. I forget the name but the first sentence mentions something about a 'coloured neighborhood' and then it's just fairly racist, homophobic and sexist to some extent... I guess that's the character's perspective (who isn't exactly likeable and dislikes everyone, really) but he didn't have to phonetically type out how a Spanish receptionist speaks.


Haven't gone back to it for a while, but it seems pretty disjointed and there's another plot thread with which the story started, and I'm not sure it's even related to the main plot or will ever be related. Definitely not on the same level as The Big Sleep, anyway.

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Thats my next book. 3rd time reading for me. I love it.


Currently reading 'And Another Thing'. Part 6 of Douglas Adams Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy. It doesn't have quite as much charm as Adam's books, but the new author does a decent enough job. I'm about a 1/3 of the way through so far.

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This Book is Full of Spiders: Seriously Dude don't touch it. The sequel to John Des At the End It was recently released and I'm already about 1/10th of the way through it. I like the book's cracked humor, while some in here are not fans I'm not a picky person and it genuinely has a cult following. Can't wait for the movie.

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