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Cyber Rat

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I can absolutely buy that in the case of big established franchises. If you already know people are gonna buy it, releasing a demo just runs the risk of those people realizing the game isn't as good as they thought it would be.


Smaller stuff, though? I think a demo can go a long way towards convincing someone that something new is worth their time.

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Ironically, I tend to only download demos of games that are sequels or made by developers I like. So by the time the demo comes out, im already well informed and anticipating it. Without the demo, I would have bought the game either way, but if the demo sucks, its potentially a lost sale. Some games have bad demos after all.

But yeah. I hardly ever download a random demo ive never heard of. Mostly because PSN demos tend to be at least 300mb up to even 2GB. Im sorry, but I dont have time for that shit. I shouldn't wait an hour or 2 to play 15 minutes.

Thats what I think anyways. In a way, demo discs are STILL a good idea. Id try shit on demo discs I had never heard of. I used to do it all the time when OPM had them.

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  On 4/11/2012 at 9:53 PM, Deanb said:



Friend linked this on FB. Personally I hate the "one page per item" format, but does a decent round up of all the various reasons folks pirate.


I still think #1 is the top reason a lot of people pirate even though they use the others as justification.


I know for me if a game has really invasive or horrid DRM, I refuse to buy the damn thing entirely. I think it's one reason I still prefer console games (even with my new sweet PC setup) is that I don't have to worry about getting a keylogger or something calling home just so that I can play a damn game. Pirated games run this same risk and as an IT guy I've had to fix a few PCs of people who got their computers loaded with spyware and viruses while trying to download the latest game.


Also, as for the rent prices being too damn high on games, just be patient, grasshopper. Prices almost always come down. Buying day one and complaining about prices is just plain idiotic.

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Just sayin' that paying $50 for one game isn't as bad if you happen to pay $30 for a dozen of other platform games.


It occurred to me last night that I have, as of now, 40 PS3 games. The two consoles had about a similar sized library a year ago, but I've somehow double my PS3 games within the year!


(It's probably because of Amazon.)

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But my point is that I would buy more Nintendo games if they would actually drop in price eventually. It's not an issue of not having enough money to spread around on various games, it's an issue of whether this game is worth this price.


As far as PS360 retail games go, I've got 14 PS3 games and 41 360 games atm, and that's with me having bought 6 PS3 games in the last 2 months and only 2 360 games in the last 6 months.

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Yeah, the Wii's game prices were freakin' weird. The good high quality games hardly ever dropped in price and the shit games were like 20 for a dollar. I paid 40 dollars for a used copy of Twilight Princess when i got my Wii in late 2008. Im sorry, but that's fucking crazy. Its not like it was rare or anything. Not only that, but GS had tons of used copies.


But I have over 50 games for my PS3, and thats after ive sold a bunch of them. You can get stuff like Brutal Legend or Mirror's Edge for 5 bucks brand new sealed. Thats just awesome.

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Directing this back to PC games, I've had to pass on The Darkness II, but if I had a desktop I'd have it because Amazon has the download for $15 every now and then. Sadly my laptop can't handle it so it's this PS3 game that's only ever gone down to $50.


This also reminds me of the Ashens video about collector's editions. I don't know how long this has been going on, but recently collector's editions become incredibly cheap after a while. You can go to Best Buy and get the Uncharted 3 CE for $65. I remember when the KZ3 "Helghan Edition" came out it was $130, but after a month or so it went down to $90.

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Yeah with collector's editions you're taking a gamble, cause sometimes they'll drop in price really fast but other times they're impossible to find.


As far as The Darkness 2, it came out like 2 months ago, give it some time. :P


Re: game numbers, I don't usually sell games, but I have sold a few. PS3's the weakest because I will almost always get a game on 360 or PC instead if I can. PC's the preferred system, and God only knows how many retail games I have for it, but I don't think that's fair since that counts games from like the 90's.

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I never liked spreading my games around too many systems. Plus, i was always poor, So I was never the kid who had the SNES AND the Genesis. Frankly, I hated those kids.

As an adult though, I try to just get a main system, then everything else is second place.

And by everything else, I mean a Nintendo console or handheld.

The Wii is actually the first Nintendo console ive ever bought. I try to avoid the most popular console and get the alternative. I dont mean to, but when I was a kid all my friends had a SNES and I had a Genesis. I could play all the SMW I wanted without ever owning a SNES. On top of that, I played Sonic too.

So yeah. Same thing with the 2 Xboxes. Ive played tons of Halo 1 and Dead Rising. I feel like I dont miss out on much that way.

And I always buy handhelds because my friends also never were too big on handhelds.

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By the way, I have tons of PS3 games because I used to snatch up every 5 and 10 dollar game I could remotely be interested in back when I had a job.I always bought them.


Also before I got a job, I used to have a bit of a problem with Kleptomania. Im not proud of it at all, but i got tons of games those 2 years I was doing that nonstop.

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Usually (past 2 generations, before that I was at the mercy of my parents) I buy one console, and then will get other consoles after a few years when they've dropped in price. We'll see how that pattern holds up now that I'm no longer a student and have way more disposable income, I could see myself caving and just buying both the PS4 and 720 at launch. WiiU I'll wait until either the first Zelda or maybe a Mario game if people act like it's the best thing ever.

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  On 4/12/2012 at 12:57 PM, TheMightyEthan said:

Nintendo prices never come down. :(


Well, that's not entirely true. Metroid Other M went down pretty quickly (I liked it, I'm not going to argue about its perceived lack of quality.) and I've picked up some great deals on many Nintendo games recently (I got Mario vs Donkey Kong for $11 new at BJ's.) Plus now they have their "Nintendo Selects" series so games are quite cheap.


Of course with Nintendo games, the vast majority of them are high quality and sell well. Third parties have a much harder sell than Nintendo on Nintendo hardware since there are so many crappy shovelware games on the Wii.


That said, you can find some really great deals on good third party Wii games. I mean, for $100 I could get you at least 10 good games.

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@Mister Jack: Overall, I like the video, and it makes a few points I'd agree with. But I have to say they didn't exactly pick the most convincing anti-pirate to argue for that side. "The fact is, it's wrong" is one of the weakest arguments I've ever heard.


Then again, I guess that's what 90% of this type of video is always going to be.

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It annoys me that a large number of the things that were "censored" for "copyright" reasons would in fact have been [edit] potential trademark infringements. Also, using a short clip of steamboat willy to illustrate its fortuitously long © would have been fair use. I completely agree that copyright and patent time limits are too long. 120 years for © and 20 years for patents is ridiculous. There should probably be some form of "use or lose it" doctrine applied.


I would be fine with companies retaining ownership of © on a 5 year rolling basis requiring them to apply for renewal and show that the work was being commercially exploited. If you fail to reapply or are found to be just squatting on the IP then it becomes public domain. That would solve a lot of copyleft issues as well as making sure that companies have to choose whether to continue to actively exploit a © work or to leave it to enter the public domain.

Edited by Thursday Next
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