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Cyber Rat

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FDS, You can pause updates, and the last time I tried, you could not launch a game that was paused while updating. They assume you will run Steam 24/7 and it will just update in the background, but since I only used it while playing games, launching a game would start the update and it would be unusable until finished.


Thanks, Johnny, I have had a lot of practice explaining it, since on most gaming forums if you don't love everything about Steam, you get absolutely browbeat until you get tired/banned/downvoted into oblivion, etc.

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Note, too, that steam gives you the option to not update, but it also overrides it for some reason. Witcher 2 has overridden my setting, and we all know how big those patches are. So even though I bought it in steam, I pirated it too, retail copy without drm. I hope CDPR won't hold that against me.


Also, restoring games from backup, WILL force you to update... Witcher 2 again, restored from backup, no option to play the game using that version, you have to update and redownload the 8GB patch.


EDIT: Yes, i realize that 8gb patch is really an issue on specific games only... But this made me hate steam for a while

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Yeah I know! :lol: Even though I have Witcher 1 from GoG!


But I didn't want to buy it for another $40... or was it $49 before the sale, even $24 during the sale. Ah well.. I have both installed now, just in case steam decides to update, I can switch easily. However, patch 2.0 apparently stops steam auto-update for Witcher 2, and just patches via the launcher, it's what I read from the steam forums.


Not that it matters as I currently stopped playing it. Will do so again when I can run it above Low quality settings... it's being wasted...


But I'm veering off topic here... anyway to get back on topic:




I have nothing else to add. :|

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Also, restoring games from backup, WILL force you to update... Witcher 2 again, restored from backup, no option to play the game using that version, you have to update and redownload the 8GB patch.


I forgot about that since it hasn't been an issue for me. A friend recently reinstalled HL2 though, and he used to play with a mod called "smod redux." He tells me it's totally broken in the newer version, but he didn't get the choice to opt out of updating.

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Moved in the right direction with the single player? You're joking right? The singleplayer of Crysis 2 was a shadow compared to the first. it's linear as fuck and it's boring as all hell, nowhere near as epic as the first game was. the engine is fantastic though but yeah, I, as strongly as I can, disagree that they moved in the right direction. The right direction is forward not backwards and to the side.

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I loved the focus of it compared to the first game. A few sandbox areas would have been nice but IMO it works better in multiplayer. "Linear as fuck" only applies to how you navigate it through it, not how you play it. Also, while the second half definitely wasn't as good once it got all alieny like the first game, it was still loads better than the second half of the first.

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I think he does make some valid points regardless of that slip-up though. I think the ultimate point of the article was that there's only so far that you can defend piracy.


Re: Crysis 2 - We're definitely going to have to agree to disagree because I loved the second half of the first game. I found the biggest complaint about the second half to primarily deal with how linear it got, rather than the quality of the gameplay itself, though I've certainly heard plenty of complaints about fighting the aliens. Regardless, I think the first Crysis was a 10/10 game and the final level and subsequent bossfight et al ranks as one of, if not the most cinematic and exhilerating series of events I've played in a videogame to date.

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I know we all have different opinions and all, but you can't have played the "floating through the alien uterus while shooting squids" sequence and still thought it was a 10/10 game. I won't accept that :(


I did and I do. :D It was something different and unnerving.


@Spork: I think it was as much about the game as it was about the engine. I really don't get a lot of the criticism against the first game and HATE the whole glorified tech demo line. There was more game in the first Crysis, multiplayer included than there has been in MW2 and 3 and BF:BC2 and BF3 and Crysis 2....I'm actually having a hard time trying to think of an FPS since Crysis that had more game and I'm coming up blank.....but that could be due to lack of sleep right now - 5.19am here.

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I think my problem was that I played Far Cry 1 and Crysis back to back. Here's this island simmy game, open world, both made by crytek, and they both have aliens in the second half of them. That was a number of years ago, but I remember about halfway through Crysis going "I feel like I have already played this game before." To me it felt like a thinly veiled Far Cry remake on a new engine, or well, a tech demo.

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Catch 22


People pirate it, which shows that there is a demand for a game they may not get, so now Nintendo may go onto think they shouldn't release games because they'll just get pirated.


Indeed. I hacked my Wii to play imports because Nintendo wasn't releasing games in the US that I wanted to play. I imported instead of pirating. Sadly people don't take that route and it also ends up with a Catch 22. Now with the PS3 being region free I could get disc version of Arcana Heart. Sadly, publishers in the future may think that US consumers don't want more AH.

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Region locking + not releasing content in a certain region is one instance where I'm just flat out okay with piracy. If they want to make it that much of a pain in the ass for consumers to purchase their content I'm perfectly okay with the consumers just being like "okay, then I won't."

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Region locking + not releasing content in a certain region is one instance where I'm just flat out okay with piracy. If they want to make it that much of a pain in the ass for consumers to purchase their content I'm perfectly okay with the consumers just being like "okay, then I won't."


But why is the response to pirate rather than to not play it at all?

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