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Elder Scrolls / Oblivion


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Love/hate/neutral about the Elder Scrolls? Post things here. I'm gonna try and keep this Oblivion-specific, but I don't mind if you wanna discuss Morrowind and the other series, too.

Me, I started with a wood elf agent. I became so high in acrobatics, speed, marksmanship and sneak... I could just up onto some high ledge, stand still and be invisible and snipe something from miles away in one hit. My character eventually became the guild master of the Thieves guild. bun-YES.gif

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  On 1/1/2011 at 8:52 PM, Bouchart said:

Generally speaking, The Elder Scroll games are so large that I lose focus on anything and then lose interest. Same with Fallout 3.


My eternal dilemma.


I loooooved Morrowind and sunk about 300+ hours into that the summer before college, but I own Oblivion on PC and 360, and it's just been too daunting for me to ever really get anywhere. Same with Fallout 3.


I remember I used to wish every game was an open world type, but now my attention span has gotten so short, I can never complete games like that.


It's a bit frustrating.

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Well. I remember playing arena very sparsely when I was really young. Though I never played Daggerfall, Legend, or Adventures.


I played Morrowind as it was the first game I got for my Xbox (odd, considering Oblivion was the first game I got for my 360) and I really didn't know what the fuck I was doing for a good two days.


Then I eventually settled down and learned everything and made myself a Nord battlemage (Yeah. I didn't know shit about Nords). On my way to find the Dwemer Cube of some random metal, I couldn't find it. So I left the cave and went off and leveled up to level 50. At this point in time it was my junior year of high school (I didn't get the Xbox for a while) and I had been having a pretty stressful life and I'm pretty sure I was going through teen angst and thought I hated my life. At one point during that...illustrious playthrough, I went through Vivec and murdered everyone. Apparently I murdered the leader of House Redoran there and never got the "reload your save" message. At one point I went back to find the Dwemer cube and saw it sitting on a shelf.


I then literally breezed through the campaign up until I had to gain the allegiance of House Redoran. Then I failed.



Oblivion, while I felt was much larger and had more detail (obviously) than Morrowind, I felt that the game itself lost it's total class specialties. No longer were agents simply skilled at just short blades, but rather blades in general. This was kind of sad for me, but I at one point decided to deal with it. Throughout the ES tender of both games, I became master of each guild, the hardest being the Legion of the Dragon (I forget what it's called in Morrowind) because the duel to the death with the leader of that group had Chrysamere. I liked to call Chrysamere the anti-matter sword, as it oblitered everything in it's path.


Overall though, I feel Morrowind had more variety and all that, but I loved voice acting in Oblivion. I mean, Morrowind had voice acting, just very sparsely.

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  On 1/1/2011 at 9:00 PM, Chewblaha said:
Oblivion, while I felt was much larger and had more detail (obviously) than Morrowind, I felt that the game itself lost it's total class specialties. No longer were agents simply skilled at just short blades, but rather blades in general. This was kind of sad for me, but I at one point decided to deal with it. Throughout the ES tender of both games, I became master of each guild, the hardest being the Legion of the Dragon (I forget what it's called in Morrowind) because the duel to the death with the leader of that group had Chrysamere. I liked to call Chrysamere the anti-matter sword, as it oblitered everything in it's path.


Overall though, I feel Morrowind had more variety and all that, but I loved voice acting in Oblivion. I mean, Morrowind had voice acting, just very sparsely.


Terrible comparison, but I compare them to ME and ME2. They made a better cinematic, and story centric experience in Oblivion, but to me, they really ruined what made it fun. Everything was scaled to your level, and like you said, the classes were too broad.


If they bring back what they had in Morrowind, and keep or top the storyline centric gameplay they had in Oblivion, I'll be happy. I actually cared about the story in that one, I just wandered around stealing stuff and killing people in Morrowind. Oh, and I had an OCD habit; I had to fill in the little spots on the map that were empty, or not filled in because I missed a spot.




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I enjoyed Oblivion, what little I played it. I borrowed it from a friend.


I also broke the fuck out of it on my 360. I took full advantage of the duping glitch, downloaded the mage tower, fully furnished to gain the ability to make my own spells. By third level I had gone through like 5 arena battles and mostly won with one hit kills.

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I really like Obli.


The animations are crap, the world is populated by people with fishfaces voiced by the same 3 people that sound about as emotionally involved as a sack of doorknobs, my horse controls like like poo dangling off a bit of string on a stick, my magic spells are visually underwhelming, every cave looks the same, guards gossip about my antics telepathically and they never have armor in the shop that brings out the yellow in my uncanny valley eyes..


but I really like Obli.


The Oblivion segments are tedious and uninspired, the terrain is often unintuitive, you can lose complete mobility from picking up a loose sock, you can read tons of books that only have 1 page that never relates to anything, I can pick the hardest of locks and still only leave with about a defective chicken's worth in loot, I can't level to save my life unless I take a freaking nap, I always forget where the fences are..


but I really like Obli.


The menus are shit and clusterfucky, the omni directional quick select is pointless when only the four primary directions actually work, the armor/weapon powerbuffs are alwats located miles and miles of the location you'd actually need it, and they run out before you get there. I can slap an enraged pack of wolves to death with a single stroke, yet need to whack at my horse for half an hour to have it realize I'm not brushing his hair..


but I really like Obli.

Edited by D-K
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I'm a huge Elder Scrolls fan. I tend to make a custom class (usually magic and stealth focussed), and I like Dark Elves and Nords. The single most powerful skill in TES games is Alchemy, so that is always at the top of my list. Alchemy gives you real ultimate power. In Morrowind it was just insane how powerful of potions you could create. Going into battle? Mix up some dreugh wax and ash yam, and if your skill is at 100 with the best alchemy supplies, you'll kill anything in one hit. If you fortify Intelligence when mixing up a potion it's even better... it's basically cheating. I've made potions that restore over 100 health for over 2000 seconds (and restore magicka, and everything else you can name). Another one of my favourite tricks is enchanting a cephalopod helm to fortify intelligence (or if you really want to be cheap, enchant a daedric shield (which you can steal from a summoned golden saint before it hits the ground)).


In Oblivion the alchemy skill isn't quite as good, but I still find it powerful, especially with the ability to mix up poisons. Nothing like a poison that paralyzes and drains health. Minotaurs fall beneath your blade.


I feel like Morrowind is the better game (we won't go into Daggerfall and Arena), but Oblivion is more pleasant to look at and less glitchy. I liked that in Morrowind there were more skills, and more quests in general. I'm really hoping Skyrim turns out well, and maybe makes the game a bit more hardcore than Oblivion was.

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Oblivion is one of the only games I've gotten every last achievement on the 360 for. I never go out of the way for achievements, so with TESIV it just happened.


The time spent in Oblivion doesn't even come close to the time I spent in Morrowind, though. That game had my by my imaginary balls! I've also played through a lot of Arena and Daggerfall.

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Yeah, Oblivion was the game I had over 100+ hours into when my first Xbox red-ringed. I had hardly touched the story - just was doing Guild stuff - and I lost everything because of a corrupt HDD file that destroyed some system files. Awesome.


So, when I got my new box, I went back to Oblivion and did everything over, plus beat the game with all 1000 cheevos. And it didn't bother me at all. I was almost happy to get a chance to respec my guy.

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Even though I like the game, it's dull at times. Sometimes I think about going over to the dark side to spice things. Then I find a semi-interesting quest, and end up finding an alchemical ingredient that I haven't used before, and the game is interesting again. I have my dark elf as an adventurer because I couldn't decide which class to go with, and was too lazy to make up my own class. Next time around, I may go with a battlemage or pure mage build (I never played as a pure mage in any game before so it should be interesting).


Took me long to get used to horse riding though. Then I noticed that I could mako it up a mountain. laugh.gif


Hate the fact that you have to level up by sleeping, though. angry.gif

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While I normally prefer Mages n the like I kinda disliked the way Oblivion did magic, felt a bit week n crappy. Bit too slow for some stuff. Just felt if it had a bit of AoE it'd be a bit more useful. so I had a battle-mage type. I'd guess closer to a paladin, as my main use of magic was quick on the spot healing.

I never completed oblivion. I first played the PS3 version, spent a hundred plus hours on it. Then got my own copy on PC and I think most of my time has been spent modding it, testing the mod, then getting a new mod rather than actually playing the game :P

One day I'll complete it...one day.

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yea that was what I felt was missing the most with being a mage... the magic felt very lackluster. I wanted some pizazz.


I'd really like to see to them tap into some of the classic, D&D style spells with Skyrim.


Maybe DA: O will have some influence and prompt them to.

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  On 1/3/2011 at 7:01 AM, Deanb said:

One day I'll complete it...one day.

I keep telling myself that as well. Though deep down I know it's probably never going to happen :P


That new overhaul for Morrowind that was posted on Kotaku a few days ago looked pretty good, though. I might look into that.

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  On 1/4/2011 at 8:17 PM, FLD said:
  On 1/3/2011 at 7:01 AM, Deanb said:

One day I'll complete it...one day.

I keep telling myself that as well. Though deep down I know it's probably never going to happen :P


That new overhaul for Morrowind that was posted on Kotaku a few days ago looked pretty good, though. I might look into that.


Got a link for that? I can't seem to find it.

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  On 1/6/2011 at 7:32 PM, HotChops said:
  On 1/6/2011 at 7:00 PM, TheForgetfulBrain said:

I wanna see screeeeens.


There you go.


Come on nerds! Crack that code! I can't believe it's been a couple hours and they haven't figured it out yet! :lol:


Yeah but I saw that and that so doesn't count!

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  On 1/6/2011 at 7:52 PM, TheForgetfulBrain said:
  On 1/6/2011 at 7:32 PM, HotChops said:
  On 1/6/2011 at 7:00 PM, TheForgetfulBrain said:

I wanna see screeeeens.


There you go.


Come on nerds! Crack that code! I can't believe it's been a couple hours and they haven't figured it out yet! :lol:


Yeah but I saw that and that so doesn't count!


I subscribe to Game Informer. Hopefully there'll be some screenshots. If they aren't available at that time, I'll scan and post them.

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  On 1/6/2011 at 9:34 PM, HotChops said:
  On 1/6/2011 at 7:52 PM, TheForgetfulBrain said:
  On 1/6/2011 at 7:32 PM, HotChops said:
  On 1/6/2011 at 7:00 PM, TheForgetfulBrain said:

I wanna see screeeeens.


There you go.


Come on nerds! Crack that code! I can't believe it's been a couple hours and they haven't figured it out yet! :lol:


Yeah but I saw that and that so doesn't count!


I subscribe to Game Informer. Hopefully there'll be some screenshots. If they aren't available at that time, I'll scan and post them.



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  • 4 months later...

For a split second I was interested, but I haven't played Oblivion for a while because I can't be bothered fiddling around with the discs (base game, KoTN, Isles) & having to reinstall when nuking windows. I'd rather get a copy on Steam than have more Oblivion discs. :/

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