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Turns out being like the previous 11 Doctors is an important factor for the twelfth.


The raw data


Fun to see Doctor Who characteristics broken down by political affiliation. Lib Dems wanting someone unknown? UKIP thinking he should be a white british actor? Shocking!

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So tomorrow the new doctor will be shown off live. They're making quite a big deal out of it.




Capaldi has been in Torchwood before now though, in a major role, which'd be a bit weird for having him as The Doctor (they managed to cover up Martha and Amy easy enough due to smaller roles)

Which Children of Earth was a pretty damn good series, only 5 episodes long (it ran one a night over a week) and pretty much made up for all of Torchwoods past issues. Like the orgasm alien.

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Ugh, Billie Piper as the Doctor would terrible. But I don't see that happening. Idris Elba would be my favourite. Ben Whishaw would be great too, I've been a fan of his since I saw him in I'm Not There, though I see him being a little more in the style of Tennant/Smith's Doctors and I think it's time for a change, but if they want to keep things similar, Ben Whishaw has my vote.

But at the end of the day, my gut feeling is it'll be an unknown actor.

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That's a good point. The show, from an international perspective has never been bigger, maybe getting someone recognizable would kick that up another gear? Could be a smart move. Wasn't one of the 5 or 6 Doctors a fairly known actor when he was cast? This all goes with my theory that it could be Rupert Grint. 

Edited by The Cowboy Poet
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Yeah older would be nice.


Another thing in our discussion, obviously came to the woman/black stuff (seems we're all in agreement it'd be a bad/silly idea) and led to it being popular in America these days and I pointed out how there's been the speculation of it being a woman or black, but no one has even suggested the next doctor could be...American!

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Why would a black Doctor be silly?




Maybe not an American Doctor, I imagine British people would just complain the whole time but Australia and Canada are both part of the commonwealth and are just as culturally relevant these days. Not to mention the financial support DW has received from CBC and other parts of Canada over the years.

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Canadians started paying the UK TV License Fee?


Black/Female Doctor would be silly for the whole point that it'd be done is because they're a black/woman doctor. It's Doctor Who, not a government leaflet stock photo. Could make him gay while we're at it.

Anywho; "Hey look I've got ethyric beam locators too", "Ooh, the sonic screwdriver has three settings *bzzt*".

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Don't know what you mean by a UK TV License Fee but the CBC helped finance the show when it relaunched. Hence why the early seasons of the 9th/10th Doctor were shown in Canada way before the US. The whole revival series probably wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the CBC. 

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The UK TV License Fee that funds the BBC that funds Doctor Who. As best I can find at most CBC put forward an advance pre-order on airing the 2005 series, through BBC Worldwide, which is about as much financial support as any country would supply through broadcast rights, DVD sales etc. (BBC Worldwide is the commercial arm of BBC, and more of a sister company/necessary evil and not the BBC). In 04-05 BBC Worldwide accounted for £55million to the License Fees £2.9billion. I've a feeling the BBC of 2004-05 could cover the cost of making Doctor Who without needing to dip into the exhaustive revenue of BBC Worldwide.


As far as your edit on your prior post, reverse discrimination, having a minority for the sake of having the minority, would be the part that's racist. The actor chosen for the role of The Doctor should be for their fit with the role, not due to the colour of their skin.

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the black actor wouldn't only be there for the sake of it though? There are plenty of great black actors that would be a good fit depending on what sort of mood you're going for. Idris elba would certainly have the world weary aspect down to a tea and Richard Ayoade would be a logical "cool geek" choice, as just the two main actors I've heard mentioned. 


I could  see why you could argue his gender shouldn't change, from a logic-of-the-show point of view and would be a change just for the sake of it (though it's not like they haven't stretched believability to breaking point before) but there is nothing in the world to say of the doctor that shouldn't be black. Reverse discrimination would be putting someone undeserving there because they're black or only considering black actors, there's no reason to assume that's what happened if we end up with a black doctor.

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What Gerbil said. You're crazy if you think Idris Elba shouldn't get the role because he's a black man. He's more than suited and capable.


Also not sure what you're trying to argue about the CBC/BBC/DW thing. Has the CBC given money to help produce DW? Yes. Check out this article here, while they didn't put in any creative input, they did receive a co-producer credit. Even if they didn't, that doesn't mean the Doctor couldn't be Canadian/Australian/American/whatever as the show has become a lot less British under Moffat's rain and a Doctor without an accent could help sell it further to American audiences, which could help grow the show even further in North America, a much bigger market than the UK. That's really the show's next step, isn't it?


Great, Gerbil, I forgot about Richard Ayoade as a possible Doctor... now I'm going to be disappointed tomorrow no matter who it is :( unless it's him.

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  On 6/2/2013 at 10:27 PM, The Cowboy Poet said:

Also I saw someone suggest Richard Ayoade for the new Doctor... My reaction:

Yes... yes, a thousand times, yes.



  On 6/2/2013 at 10:35 PM, TheFlyingGerbil said:

ooh, that would be good. I'm going to be disappointed with anyone that isn't him now. THANKS!



  On 8/3/2013 at 11:50 PM, The Cowboy Poet said:

WGreat, Gerbil, I forgot about Richard Ayoade as a possible Doctor... now I'm going to be disappointed tomorrow no matter who it is :( unless it's him.


ah revenge.

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Going "The next doctor should be Idris Elba" is quite a bit different to "the next doctor should be black". The doctor being black/female for the sake of it brings nothing to the role compared to "world weary" "geek cool" etc.


The article on the wikia also repeats as such as posted in the BBC worldwide press release I linked in previous post that CBC paid upfront on broadcast rights to Doctor Who. Which as also mentioned in prior post BBC WW is a piss in the ocean that is BBC revenue. I highly doubt had CBC chosen to not purchase broadcast rights for DW that it would not have gone ahead. This wasn't some risque BBC3 comedy show but a decades old established show that'd been in the works for a revival quite some time.


Not sure how an American/Canadian/Australian could be without an accent. Nor do I understand how making the lead of a quintessentially british show non-british would broaden appeal let alone hope to retain it. If America wanted their own Doctor Who I'm sure they could always ask the guys who did US Top Gear to set them up with something. And I'm not sure how driving up The Shard on a motorbike in Moffats era is any less British than the London Eye antenna of Davies time. End of the day it's all done in a quarry in Wales.

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Except for the episodes they shot in USA...

EDIT: And anyways, the way you came across was pretty dismissive against ANY black or woman actor. Obviously they're not just going to give the role to some person just because they're black, but if it's an incredibly talented actor that's perfect for the role that happens to be black/white/woman I'd hope they get the role. 

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Which was done in a quarry in Wales. Everything in Doctor Who is filmed there. They don't actually go to the fifth moon of Gabong to film episodes, it's done on a film set. In a quarry, in Wales.


On a slightly more serious note US has counted for like.. 4 episodes in Moffats Who (the impossible astronaut, Mercy n city of angels). Davies Who had 3; Dalek, n Daleks in Manhattan two parter. One extra NA based episodes isn't much to be saying it's becoming less British. Especially when all of the Clara Earth episode have been in UK, not even surprise Germany or Egypt.

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