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I just finished season ("series") 5 and 6. Matt Smith is a delight to watch. Karen Gillan is somehow even more attractive in season 6 (HOW?!!?!). I preferred the overall plot of season 5 to season 6, but I felt on an episode to episode basis, season 6 was stronger.

Now, time to watch from the (sort of) beginning with season 1 and the 9th Doctor.

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At the request of a new friend I began watching Doctor Who on Netflix. I'm not entirely sure, but I believe I'm watching the series with the Ninth doctor and Rose. The only knowledge I had of this series was from a couple of Let's Play series on the most recent adventure games, all I knew was that the Sonic screwdriver is kind of like a keyblade that opens just about anything and that the Daleks were scary for some reason. Three episodes in and I loved it! My friend warned me that it might be a little "goofy" since it's science fiction, but I actually like said "goofy-ness". My friend also told me to watch the spin-off Torchwood, but I'm planning on leaving that 'til the end.


I'm about to watch episode 10 "The Doctor Dances", is there anything else I should know or watch that's critical for my future viewing? It seems netflix only has some Doctor Who movies, but not the older series, should I try watching those first?

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There's only one Doctor Who movie (that's not the weird knock off one) and that's from 1996 (When they last had a crack at reviving Who). It's of the 8th Doctor. I'd say it can be skipped.


As for Torchwood, due to it running alongside Doctor Who it does kinda mesh in with Doctor Who. Captain Jack, who you're about to meet, leads Torchwood and comes back to Doctor Who a few times. I'd say go along lines of:


DW S01, DW S02, TW S01, DW S03, TW S02, DW S04 (then from here you can watch S03 n S04 of Torchwood at any point as it moves on to Moffat's Who and he doesn't have Jack come back again) DW S04.5(the specials, Planet of the Dead/Water of Mars/End of Time.)


The final episode of TW S01 then leads right onto the 3rd from last (it's a three part finale) episode of series 3 Doctor Who, so you could maybe watch both series at the same time.


Also if you got past "World War Three" with the Slitheen (farting aliens) then you've got past the worst of the goofiness and now you pretty much just have cheese. Daleks are considered scary cos this is a kids show. A 50 year running kids show. Many of the kids that watched it n got scared of the Daleks then grew up and became columnists n would write about how the Daleks are shit scary. One of them grew up and thought "you know what's really scary? Statues and gas masks and shadows!" And he was allowed to write for the show. (If at the start of the show it says "By Steven Moffat" you're in for a good episode. He's also the current lead writer of the show and he's planted a lot of stuff very early on.)

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I'd say go along lines of:


DW S01, DW S02, TW S01, DW S03, TW S02, DW S04 (then from here you can watch S03 n S04 of Torchwood at any point as it moves on to Moffat's Who and he doesn't have Jack come back again) DW S04.5(the specials, Planet of the Dead/Water of Mars/End of Time.)


The final episode of TW S01 then leads right onto the 3rd from last (it's a three part finale) episode of series 3 Doctor Who, so you could maybe watch both series at the same time.


Also if you got past "World War Three" with the Slitheen (farting aliens) then you've got past the worst of the goofiness and now you pretty much just have cheese. Daleks are considered scary cos this is a kids show. A 50 year running kids show. Many of the kids that watched it n got scared of the Daleks then grew up and became columnists n would write about how the Daleks are shit scary. One of them grew up and thought "you know what's really scary? Statues and gas masks and shadows!" And he was allowed to write for the show. (If at the start of the show it says "By Steven Moffat" you're in for a good episode. He's also the current lead writer of the show and he's planted a lot of stuff very early on.)




Whoa. Allright I'll follow that pattern! As for the Slitheen, the whole farting thing was kind of goofy, but they are a threat and that's not very goofy! As for the Daleks, Christopher Eccleston's performance in episode 6 definitely sold me in having a sense of fear against them and after seeing what they're capable NOW I understand why they're so frightening. And then I saw the inside of their battle armor, can not unsee.


I'm having more fun than I thought! It has answer lots of "What if"s I've had in my mind in a while and while there are many different interpretations of the end of the world, "ghosts" in our world I'm really enjoying Doctor Who's interpretation.

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I was actually just going to ask about Torchwood. I heard it described as a British version of Angel.


Ok so I've watched all of the 11th Doctor, really good stuff! I watched the 9th Doctor, which I have to admit, I did not enjoy. I am now part way through the 10th Doctor's first season. The Doctor, I like a lot more. Rose still gets on my nerve... "oh look, Rose wandered off and got in trouble ....again". Nor does she have them legs like Karen Gillan does. Hopefully she leaves soon. Still no one can touch the 11th Doctor... 11th doctors are cool.


I'm a little PO'd thoug, Doctor Who always starts in the spring, but this year we have to wait for "late 2012" c'mon!!! c'monn!!!!

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Ok so I've watched seasons 1-3 and 5-6 plus the first episode of season 4. I will say the second half of season 3 was the best non-Matt Smith who I've seen. Blink was an especially great episode.

Besides Amelia Pond, Martha is absolutely the best companion The Doctor has had. Not only is she beautiful, she's also useful. Unlike Rose.

Donna, so far... ugh. Just what this show needs, annoying middle aged lady.

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Just finished season (series) 4. Here are my thoughts (beware 4 year old spoilers):

Dean! You were right. Donna was awesome.

And The Altor (do people call him that? I watch a lot of Fringe so it fits) and Rose! Oh man, that totally left for the door open for Matt Smith and David Tennant to have some adventures together, that'd be fun. Though I do have a few specials left with Tennant, so we'll have to see if this is explored again.

The one thing with season 4 that I thought was peculiar was leaving The Doctor's Daughter alive. It'd be interesting if she ever made a return.

Also: I can't believe I didn't like the Daleks at first.

Edited by TheCowboyPoet
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The Altor? I assume from the context we mean The metacrisis Doctor? (aka the clone). It certainly does leave the door open.

Nothing yet, but it's 50th anniversary next year and Tennant has said he's waiting on the call.


The Doctors Daughter was meant to stay dead. Moffat re-wrote it so she comes regenerates,

but once again nothing has happened with her yet. I think it was meant to open it up for a potential spin-off, which could happen now Sarah Janes Adventures has ended (Elisabeth Sladen, the actress that played Sarah Jane with K-9, died IRL last year)



Just need to fix the binary binary binary. (Bonus is you get Wilf later on)


Oh man, if you've done Season 4 you've met River Song. There's a plot arc and a half. (Though the upcoming Season 7 plot arc was started back in Season 2) It's a treat cos you can get to the end of Season 6 then go back to Silence in the Library again and pieces slot together. Also feel more sad at the end since you've expanded from 2 episodes of knowing her to two seasons.

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Yes! Seeing River for the first time was awesome, especially since I watched series 5+6 first, it was sort of like watching it from her perspective.

Though, a little strange how she instantly recognized the 10th Doctor, but that's the only time she ever meets him. And her screwdriver was closer to the 10th's screwdriver. Continuity errors!!


So I watched the season 4 specials (Water on Mars, Planet of the Dead, The End of Time). Good stuff! Seeing the 10th Doctor's farewells was almost emotional. Especially that last one. Matt Smith's opening was great too "am I a woman!?!?".



Also watched the 1996 television movie. Oh fuck, that was bad. It didn't even feel like Doctor Who. The only saving grace was it was filmed in Vancouver, kind of neat to see The Doctor walking through Stanley Park. Oh and time lords only have 12 regenerations? What the hell?


Anyways, besides a few Christmas specials I've saved for this December, I'm officially done with Who till it returns :(

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As far as I'm aware she knows of all the incarnations of the Doctor (at least up to 11th), which could either be learnt of through the TARDIS' in-built wiki,

or as part of her training in becoming the Doctors killer. As for the Screwdriver, no continuity errors yet, they've not had the Doctors final goodbye.



Yeah 12 regenerations, but the Master ended up with about...I think Simms was his 16th. There's ways around it and it's sort of implied it's less a biological thing and more of a "No drinking until you're 18" kind of thing. With the Timelords gone he's potentially able to wizz on right past it. There will no doubt be ways written into the story that extend his lifespan, they already did it for The Master and others in the past.


The Xmas specials aren't exactly focused around Xmas btw, you can watch em now if you want. Also the trailer for 7th season is due today apparently.



In fact: http://www.bbc.co.uk...videos/p00qfq58




Hmm let's see:

Cowboys, Daleks, Argus Filch, Arthur Weasley, oh n Amy n Rory are back.

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I had to close my eyes on some of the posts above, but anyWHO! I've begun watching Torchwood S01 and so far I love Gwen Cooper. I gotta say though, it almost feels like an entirely different series, more edgier, darker and violent. Not that I'm complaining, it's just that it felt like I went through some pretty strong transitions of "Yay! The Doctor saves the day once again! Oh boy that was fun!" Then Torchwood "CSI: Cardiff AND ALIENS". The friend who introduced me to Doctor Who is also an avid fan of Torchwood, unfortunately she told me that Series 3 is pretty terrible? In any case, next up is episode 6 "Countrycide" of Torchwood! c:

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Wait, she said series 3 was terrible? Is your friend Bizarro, cos series 3 is generally considered not only the best series' of Torchwood, but a pretty strong piece of TV all around. It was the shows swan song, it was up on the axe but Children of Earth was strong enough that the show got picked up for a fourth series. (albiet by an american studio, so it kinda changes flavour a little)


And yeah I guess I'll be a bit more vigilant on the spoilers.

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I'm also watching season 1 of Torchwood. Just finished the 3rd episode last night, pretty good series... but Cap'n Jack just doesn't seem like the Cap'n Jack I'm use to, maybe it's because he's the leader and not just a companion... but I haven't once heard him say "Captain Jack Harkness... and you are?".

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I think it's kind of a case with the Doctor he's hanging out with a guy he's friends with and he knows he's gonna have a good time. With the Torchwood guys he's their boss and he's kinda like having to babysit what to his eyes are a bunch of kids (and they do tend to cock up a fair amount when messing with alien tech). So he's a bit tougher on them than he would be with, slightly his senior, the Doctor.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just saw an episode of Torchwood that tried so hard to be Fight Club it was embarrassing.

Currently watching the last episode of season 1. A rocky season, with some really good episodes like "Random Shoes" and some episodes that felt like rejected Doctor Who episodes with some f-bombs thrown in.

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