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It's only just August, it'll be a few months off yet. Won't have a date until a month or so before start. I'd say it'll finish a month or so before Xmas. So as not to have the Xmas one right in the middle of the series and to give a bit of breathing room between the finale n the nice n lovey dovey Xmas special.

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http:// may get hidden on browsers these days but you'll find it a fundamental part of a URL.


I'm gonna take a guess that it's not as obvious as "The Daleks kill Amy Pond". Cos they wouldn't put that in the trailer.

Weird, I usually just copy-paste from the url bar and never had this problem before. Oh well.


And yeah, I seriously doubt Amy's anything other than unconscious there.


And according to Wikipedia, 6 episodes are airing in 2012, including the xmas special, and the remaining 8 will air in 2013. So the special will actually be right in the middle of the series.

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Hmm. Maybe a split season? Next year is the anniversary btw. 50 Years of Doctor Who. And BBC are going to milk it to hell n back I reckon. I bet they've been on the phone with all the living doctors the past year at least seeing who'd be up for coming back on (and/or at least doing documentaries). Wonder if they could get Neil Gaiman back. He was pretty nifty.

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure there will be a bit of a break after the special. Hopefully that means the special will actually tie into the season arc. I hesitate to say any of them were downright bad but they're usually the episodes I find the least interesting because of their self-contained nature. I get that the idea is to make a christmas-themed episode but the last one with the forest... that one sucked.

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  • 2 weeks later...


A recap trailer of sorts. Quite well made.
I need to rewatch The Doctors Wife. "Fear me, I've killed hundreds of Time Lords". "Fear me, I killed all of them".

Oh and I think it starts in two weeks cos next weeks telly paper says at the back "Next Week: Doctor Who".

edit: 8th September. Fuck.
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Yeah it's 1st, thought I'd tweaked it since. Yeah I fucked my maths on when the next-next weeks TV paper (aka "next week: doctor who"). No longer a "fuck" too since it's a normal weekend n not in middle of nowhere.


As for "Pond Life" it's a sort of "what the Ponds did while away from the Doctor and off making perfume leading up to Asylum of the Daleks".


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It's an internet theory. All of the theories can be explained by other reasons, but some of it sort of makes sense... like River's timelord DNA, Rory always dying but coming back, him complaining about a "banging in his head" after River regenerates. I was being sarcastic, but on the other hand, I wouldn't put it past this show. :)


FLD, how long does it usually take for us to get new Who episodes on our side of the border??

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Okay, good. I was afraid you'd just posted a leaked spoiler or something. That would've kinda killed my excitement for the new season :/


As for how long it takes, I have no idea. I don't watch stuff when it's on, I just torrent the shows I want to watch. So I'll probably be watching the premiere a few hours after it airs.


On a semi-related note, I finally got around to watching the last couple episodes of Torchwood season 2 earlier tonight. That only took me about 2 years... :lol:

I'm looking around for Children of Earth now but can't seem to find it anywhere. :( I just might grab the bluray. Doesn't seem to be too expensive on Amazon.

Edited by FLD
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Oh no, I missed yesterdays too!


Okay so a catch up (these two are combined anyway)






(And Friday should bring us up to speed with the Ponds, then onwards to Doctor Who: Asylum of the Daleks.)



Oh btw some high-res movie style posters they did for the shows episodes.


(Spoilers in the titles though so be wary)

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