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Pretty strong opening. I think the main issue was that it didn't really play much with the concept of an insane Dalek, given we have had this guy in the past and he was cool:


They mainly just seemed broken and dilapidated. The Old Folks Home of the Daleks more like. :P



Neat twist ending, especially since she's down as the next companion. Wonder how they'll figure that out. I figured something was up if only because her ship looked rather Dalek-like with the round screen n such. Nevermind her being able to hack into systems and such.


Also there's a very strong vibe on the whole "make them remember you" thing. Both in the Doctor saying that to Amy early on, and the Daleks not knowing who the Doctor is. Which btw is currently his main weapon: e.g him making the other Dalek self-destruct, the whole reason the Daleks brought him there, Silence in the Library, getting the Atraxi(eyeballs) off earth, etc.


My younger sister invaded my room about mid way through (well two, but the elder one was less disruptive), so I think I missed something important on why Amy didn't turn into a Dalek/require reversal etc. I did hear Rory pointing out he did hang around for 2000 years, and her saying she's infertile (cos adoption isn't an option...). It was around that period of the show. I'll probably have to rewatch.





Okay as pointed out, she does have a slightly different name (Clara Oswin) and is also not a Dalek when he could potentially meet her next (in his timeline, this will probably a River-like situation). So yeah I've a feeling he won't quite know who she is if he meets her pre-Alaska. So that issue is kinda sorted.


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I thought it was all related to the stuff at the end of last series: "It's the only way, then they can all forget me. I got too big, Dorium, too noisy. Time to step back into the shadows." and "the question that must never be answered" Doctor who? The Silence wanted to kill him to stop "the question that must never be answered" being asked.

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That may explain stuff like the level of genius, but the Daleks would be much more interested in having a timelord than a smart human. I think if you were to go through you'd find a fair bit of set re-use, aswell as actor re-use so maybe best to not dwell upon it all. Of course Moffat does like leaving stuff in to hint at later on. Also he is the one that requested a script change to have her come back to life, Russel T Davies* had the episode end with her dead.


* type "Doctor Who writers" into Google. That's kick-ass.

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The first two episodes were good but I feel they really didn't compare to the Impossible Astronaut two-parter from last season. That one was just so good and it actually set up the season with something specific to build up to. I was kind of hoping they'd use the first 5 episodes to set up a mini story arc to send off the Ponds or something rather than stick to self-contained stories.


Also, on a semi-related note, a few days ago I ended up starting a new netflix trial account to watch a movie I couldn't find a torrent for (gotta love how they require a new email address but let you re-use the same credit card over and over again lol), and turns out Torchwood is on there. So I finally watched Children of Earth. Man, that was good. Ended up watching all five episodes in a single sitting last night.


But man,

that show is fucking ruthless with its characters. After watching the season 2 finale two weeks ago, I did not expect them to just kill off another main character so soon. Considering Jack can't die, I'm really starting to fear for Gwen's life :(


Oh well, Miracle Day is also on there so I guess I'll find out soon



And while on the subject, I really want the 11th to run into Jack at some point. I don't care about the other Tennant companions, but this needs to happen.

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The girlfriend told me an interesting theory.

The Doctor has already experienced the loss of The Ponds. He's now moving backwards in time. That's why he's been so emotional this season, killing Filch, wanting to hand over the alien to the cyborg. It also explains why he said "give me a dalek any day" in the last episode, because Asylum of the Daleks hasn't happen to him yet. When he mentions Rory leaving his cellphone charger with Henry the 8th and Rory looks confused, that's because it hasn't happened to him yet (also if you look at the beginning of the preview for 7x04, you can see Rory with a cell phone charger). In Asylum of the Daleks, Amy off handedly mentions her mortality, and the Doctor gets upset, also, supposedly he looks upset every time the Ponds go home.


Also, unrelated, we've had three episodes with three things about light/light bulbs (Amy's makeup at the beginning of 7x01 + Rory's dad's home repairs in 7x02) and three mentions from the doctor about Christmas.

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Thanks for spoilering that for me. Totally slipped my mind. Sorry guys :(


EDIT: A little surprising Matt, Karen and Arthur haven't done any American PR. Especially with Doctor Who getting more and more popular in NA each season. I was hoping on seeing Matt and the gang on some late night talk shows again.

Edited by TheCowboyPoet
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I think now they're popular they've done their PR and it has worked, onward to new markets.


Episode at hand:


First, watch Truckers.



Amy and Rory are definitely dead and/or gone. He's made it somewhat clear to Brian. And as with all the parents (well apart from Marthas) he seems to have embraced the fact his kid(s-ish) may die but they'll have done so much more than anyone else could do. Also they're really piling on the years. Doctor Who doesn't tend to dwell much on the idea that tons of time can pass between adventures and a fair chunk of it somewhat mundane.


Also they have now met Hency VIII, which Rory hadn't but The Doctor had back in the last episode.


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