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Was back at my folks home today and watched 2 episodes of Doctor Who from Season 5.

Vincent and the Doctor, and The Lodger. The Vincent episode was near perfect, and that ending had me crying. So good. I'm like nearly at the end of the first season and nothing I've seen comes close to that.

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And suddenly these end up on the shelves of your local comic book shop.

So, the Christmas Special, eh?

I rather enjoyed it, though it was clear the focus was on the new stuff than the enemies. New stuff being the new opening, which I'm quite fond of.

The new TARDIS, which is harking back to the olden days, but I still quite like the brass one and feel that could have gotten more use out of it within the show. New TARDIS is much smaller and barer, I've a feeling real world reasonings on this.


There's a lot more galifreyian writing around this one too. I guess Moffat has noticed the fans quite like it(there's even sites online you can get your name done in galifrayen n such. Seems "whovians" are trying to turn it into the next "I know klingon".)

And a new companion, who obviously has some qualities of Rory in the whole "dies every time" and the qualities of Amy in the whole "is special to the universe". Sure the Doctor has never met anyone who isn't important, but he's got a knack of bumping into people who are very important. I kinda like the Rose and Donna in the "random person, through future events becomes temporarily important (aka Badwold/Doctor-Donna)" than the "starts of important, so Doctor drags them along until he can work out why and then they become less good after that is solved" of Amy and seemingly with Oswin too. Probably a good guess she's related to the "Doctor who?" in the same way Amy was related to Pandorica.

As for the episode itself, worked quite well. Loved Strax (helped by the stuff heading up to it), the "It's smaller on the outside" was an alright twist to the usual remark. I didn't quite understand what the bad guy was though, it seemed to imply it was Richard E Grant near the end (as in he'd made a sort of invisible friend, which grew up as he did and sort of became it's own separate thing), but then it turned out not to be, so..errm. Yeah. But still, it's a Christmas Special, and with a new companion. The bad guys don't matter so much.

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This was a pretty good Christmas Special, although I found myself...



getting a bit bored when the focus shifted from the girl (when she died) to the talking snow that I'm still kinda fuzzy about. It just seems weird. One minute they're talking about what the snow is, and then the memory worm sucks the, uh, memory (and life!) out of the old man, and then boom cold zombie. And then it rains and it solves everything.


I understand their explanation, though that part is really weak compared to the first part: Souffle girl's introduction, and her discovery of the TARDIS, and the Doctor's discovery that she's souffle girl while they're in the tardis.


Also, Madame Vastra and Jenny were there, I know the fans loved them in Demon's run but I don't think their appearance here is what the fans wanted from them. They're really boring here, IMO.


Strax is cool. As well as bow ties. The fish is still my favorite Christmas episode. But this is good too!


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I only just got around to watching the Christmas episode. I thought it was pretty dire.


I like the new girl, didn't like anything else about it. I was really bored and the whole thing felt stale and uninspired. I even felt bored with Matt Smith and that meat-headed sidekick of his was pretty annoying. It didn't help that I'm not a fan of Richard E. Grant either.


Pretty glad I didn't watch it at Christmas, as it would have been a right downer.

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