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Even the "Coral Theme" TARDIS was new (as the 5th Doctor noted in Time Crash)






You can tell over time that they got bigger and bigger sets.


The Matt Smith Doctor has this whole River Song thing going on too. That "Silence in the Library" two-parter (with the vashta narda, flesh eating shadows things) was done by Steven Moffat and he was really laying down the foundations for taking over.

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Nice. Really loved that two-parter.


I was thinking I'd wait a bit before watching Tennant's last few specials. Space them out a bit, make it last. Maybe catch up on Torchwood a bit. Children of Earth is supposed to be pretty good.


But now you got me curious and I kinda want to just rush through it to see the new stuff :P

Edited by FLD
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Need to finish season 2 first. I think the last episodes I watched were



the one where Owen "dies" and the one after that, with like.. Death or something?

Maybe I should rewatch them... but not the whole season. I remember season 2 having a few weak eps in its first half. I think that had something to do with why I stopped watching, actually.



Still got two about 2 weeks before uni starts up again, though, so that should leave me more than enough time to get up to date on both.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I'm almost done watching the fifth season. So far Matt Smith is... pretty good, actually. I'm still not sure if I like him better than Tennant (I actually teared up a bit during the last 15 mins or so of End of Times) but he's certainly not inferior.


At first, I still preferred Tennant, but then this happened

and suddenly I wasn't so sure anymore :laugh:


But really, I feel like the overall quality of the show has significantly improved. It actually feels like a completely different show, which I guess was a smart move. Like you said, new Doctor, new TARDIS, new companions and everything. But not only that, the feel of the show has changed. I'm really loving the darker tone and the season arc feels more organic and focused.


Also, looking back at old episodes' credits made me realize Moffat actually wrote some of the darkest episodes of the past few seasons, most of which are among my favorites. Stuff like the Empty Child two-parter from season one that introduced Capt. Jack Harkness and the Silence in the Library one as well. Was also really glad to see the weeping angels again.


So, yeah, not disappointed at all.

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Yeah, I agree that it's very hard to compare Smith to the others. And I think that's what's brilliant about Doctor Who. In the right hands, that show can never get stale.


And thanks for the recommendations. I'll definitely check those out.


Actually, Sherlock's been something I wanted to watch for a while now. Think I even downloaded it at one point, but never got around to it. Didn't know it was Moffat, though.

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Sherlock is amazing show. I'll agree with Johnny that Jekyll is nothing amazing, but it was the essentially the "pilot" of Sherlock, in so far as showing Moffats skills at adapting older Victorian era literature for 21sty century. Reason Matt Smith ended up as the 11th Doctor was cos he auditions for the part of Watson, Moffat felt he was too wacko, but awesome for the Doctor and here we are. As mentioned in the Hobbit thread Watson is Bilbo and due to that Sherlock is Smuag. So if you're looking forward to The Hobbit it's a preview of the chemistry you'll see in Pt 2.

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Ugh... double post. :unsure:


Oh well...


So, I imagine I'm probably quite late to this but I just found out about Chameleon Circuit.


Not quite sure yet of the actual musical quality, but I find the idea of Doctor Who-inspired music to be pretty cool.




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Ok people! My girlfriend wants to watch Doctor Who, but I have no idea where to start with. I know the show kind of starts over every now and then... do we pick it up with the revival from a few years ago? Or do we start with this latest Doctor? (I really just want to watch the cute red headed Scottish girl.)

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I posted this a few pages back but I'm now gonna add it to the first post.




The red head, Amy Pond, would be with "The New Guy". It's the shortest route to get caught up since there's only 2 series with him in up to now. It's also a good watch if you're into Sherlock as they have the same writer. Starting from Tennant isn't entirely recommended as Eccleston and Tennant are tied at the hip via Rose. But Eccleston is only in for one series so it's not too much of a bother, not a bother at all since it's all rather enjoyable (apart from the slitheen)


Basically how much time do you have. Watching Matt Smiths stuff only is about 25 episodes as opposed to the 80~ you'd have with watching all the new ones, Eccleston to Smith. You get a fuller, rounder experience if you watch them all but no one would blame you if you only watched Smiths stuff. You can always go back.

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I hated ecclestone's portrayal, as he seemed to be embarrassed to be playing the Doctor, so I personally wouldn't start there as it may put you off. Although I dont; think everyone disliked him as I did I think most people would say he is the least favourite of the new ones. I'd probably go Matt, then if you want more go back to ecclestone and then tennant so you have a good bad good sandwich.

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I've seen (parts of) two episodes, both Christmas episodes, one was with the latest doctor, something about an airplane pilot in WW2, and the other (which came on right after) seemed like the first episode with the 10th doctor. It had a Christmas tree that started spinning around breaking stuff. I liked the latest doctor episode much better.

But considering I'll probably have a hard enough time understanding the accents (my grandpa is Scottish... it took me till I was about 13 to understand what he was saying... it's tough, OK?!), I'll probably started with the 9th doctor, and work my way up, giving me the best shot of understanding what's going on.

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See thing is despite Tennant being Scottish he puts on a rather decent english accent. There's only one occasion where he uses his own accent:



And yeah Tennants first full episode is also the first Xmas special. With regards to the Christmas trees it is worth noting that yes it has time travel, yes it has aliens. It is not "sci-fi" in the strict sense. "timey-wimey" is not a strictly scientific term. (nor is "the suns gone wibbley"). It is a show that airs at 6pm on a Saturday and has a main focus upon kids. Though Moffats stuff does bring it up to a more twenties+ friendly level. So yes there's episodes with killer xmas trees, and aliens that fart a lot cos of a compression field they use. (And there's also an episode centred around a monster created by a child as part of a British kids show/institution Blue Peter competition which didn't go down so well)


But there's so much more. Martian Zombies, shadows that eat you alive, the family of blood, the face of boe, the daleks, the master, Stormageddon dark lord of all, aquatic vampires, Queen Victoria, Shakespeare, Pompeii, etc etc.

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  • 1 month later...

Watched the first three episodes of the 11th doctor. A few thoughts. Karen Gillan is beautiful. Those legs... those legs! Seriously!! The first episode was real good. The second was alright. The third was terrible. The Daleks are the worst thing I've ever seen. They also happened to be the worst thing I've ever heard. Oh lord, their voices.......

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