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Forum Suggestions


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This isn't really suggestion, but a complaint. Can it be a rule that topic titles actually represent what is in the topic? I've noticed a lot of thread from Chewie (sorry to pick on you, but you're the biggest offender I've seen) that have a title that (to my knowledge) have nothing to do with the content. It'd make the forums much easier to read if this was fixed.


Yeah in future that should be the case. Topic title for the meat and meaning. Subheader allows a little creativity.


Also for Suggestions:

PSN/XBL/Steam deets on the left under name of poster, rather than just on profile page. It was there originally. Tali felt it was too much info.


Also I'm sure someone asked about notifications but I can't find who:

It should notify you. Theres a box on the right under the Statuses and New Topics for watched topics. You should also get alerts if you get a direct reply (I think)

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fixed width goes off the edge of my screen, but i'm on a netbook so probably fuck this guy. maybe there's an option somewhere to let users choose something? like, fixed width or fit to screen? i dunno how this back-end forum creator stuff works


but on that note i'd really like to be able to view topics with the newest posts at the top if that's a similar option you can enable somewhere for people to choose

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