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  On 12/31/2010 at 5:08 PM, Chris said:

I found this:




...which adds a "Reputation" tab to someone's profile listing the rep they've received, the member they received it from and the date they received it.

Awesome. I am in favor of this.


Though we might want to see if it's possible to hide who the person that made the rating is.

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  On 12/31/2010 at 7:21 PM, Talizorah said:

It is possible to display negative rep as well, but I want more opinions on it first.


I see this being used in the exact same manner as those mods where you see who has friended/unfriended/followed/unfollowed you on Facebook or Twitter, and eliciting the exact same response.


Sure, at first, you'll like the mod, because with the mod, you can now truly fulfill your vanity, and see who has decided to willingly tune into your vapid thoughts… and you are satisfied…


But then, you are overwhelmed with a strong feeling of curiosity to peer into the negative zone of who has unfriended you… and you see negs, people. You see people who have unfriended/negged you, people who you have previously thought to be your friends… All sense of happiness is lost in this newfound wave of confusion and despair. Carelessly, you decide to see who else has unfriended you. And thus, you collapse from the overwhelming amount of negative votes that you see when you uncover and remove the clay top of the few positive reputation votes covering up the many negatives underneath.


Confronted with this sorrowful truth, you slump down in your chair and hold up the picture sitting next to you on the nightstand. With remorse, you peer into the eyes of the still characters frozen in time, all with smiles on their faces. What smiles could be real and which ones could be false?, you wonder. Burrowing down in your train of thought, a burdening question arises in your mind: "What did I do to deserve these neg votes? DId I do anything wrong? Why has this happened like this?"


Lying down on your knees, you face the mantel place and look upwards, as if someone is watching down on you, and yell out in anguish, "What have I done to deserve such a cruel revelation like this one?!" Tears stream down your eyes as you exhaust these 13 words, and the end, all you can do is sit down and cry in silence.


Overwhelmed with grief and tears, you look to your right to find a piece of metal, glistening in the light of the fire. It is your derringer, bought by your 'friend,' whom you now know to be a duplicitous and two-bit charlatan. Slowly, you rise up, and grab the pistol from its location, and walk in silence to the bathroom.


The bathroom lights are on. How convenient for you, as your hands are full at the moment. Entering the room, you turn around to face the mirror, and raise the pistol to your head. One last time, you look around you, and focus your eyes at your computer screen. This tool, whom you've once used to communicate and confabulate with your former international compatriots, has now all but been the catalyst for your heartbreaking discovery tonight. With one last breath, you slowly close your tear-ridden eyes, and pull the trigger…




And that is why you should not give us the option to see our negative rep. Do we really need any more dramas and catalysts for suicides than we've already had before in the past in the Old Country?

Edited by Mudkip
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Anyone who kills themselves over random internet people's opinions is probably better of dead though. I kinda like it actually.. the cyberversion of natural selection.


I'm pro. Mud has a good pitch, perhaps Marketing is your thing.

Edited by D-K
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I know, I just thought it would be nice for people to be able to see on their profile which posts got neg repped, but I would want it to be anonymous so that people didn't get into rep wars or whatever.


On this subject, I think we should add another tier at -150 rep, call that one Renegade, and have this be its symbol:




Here's the psd if you want to tweak it:




And the original Renegade symbol I used:




Obviously if we did that we'd have to rename -100 to something other than Renegade. Perhaps Warlike?

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  On 1/4/2011 at 10:17 PM, D-K said:

Actually screw the fish, is a new skin a possibility?


I suggest something with yellow in it. Yellow's always good. Actually, I'd take plain black over this current seasonal tablecloth thing we got going on.


Black, with red, and yellows would look nice. they would remind you of Kotaku, and if you got the right hues, and threw in some orange, retro arcades.


I second the motion for a new skin.

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