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Forum Suggestions


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Lots of people were complaining that the "Today's Active Content" link was too obscure to find and wasn't organized enough. I've been trying to code my own version of a "Most Recent Posts" mod/app similar to what we had on the old TAY forums, and while it is still a work in progress, I've gotten it working on the Portal. I am still tweaking the code for the Portal a bit here and there, so it might look a bit wonky, but at least now you guys can see a nice little list of the most recent posts on the forums. If you have any suggestions for what kind of content should be included in the portal and in what format, let me know.


You might also notice that a "chat" tab is appearing and disappearing periodically. I am trying to get this working, but it appears that there might be an error on IPB's end and I need to contact their customer support about it. So, until then, expect to see an error about not being able to find a channel or some such when you click that tab.


Tali there's an issue with that recent posts thing. It shows ALL recent posts. Not just talking New Vegas either.

So I guess it might need a bit more tweaking.

Looks very cool though.

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I just want to say I'm very excited at the prospect of having a View My Posts feature similar to the Old Country. All hail Reich!


Do you mean the "View New Posts" that I am working on now, or do you actually mean "View My Posts"? Because there should be an option for that already under your profile, so we don't have to make it.


The "Latest Posts" under the Portal are still a work in progress. You'll notice that they don't appear instantly either. I'm worried about the type of resource drain it would have on the forums if it was refreshing every minute.


No, I meant whatever it is you're working on. I don't keep track of all these similar feature names.

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