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Yeah, this fixed width is way too wide. I don't know about you guys, but I don't maximize the browser, so this is going off the edge, thusly:




Let's just change it back to fit it to the browser then.


*Edit* - I mean, the whole reason some people wanted fixed width is cause it was too wide, but now it's even wider than it was before.


*Edit Edit* - I'm sorry to dog on all your work Reich, but it just looks like the best compromise is to set it to what it was before. If people want it smaller that bad they can shrink their window.

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It's more counter-productive to use your entire screen for one thing (especially since most sites don't need an entire widescreen display to see everything properly). I typically have my browser taking up most of the screen, but centered, with other shit like IM windows and folders and such open in the background and slightly off to the either side.


In other words, go fuck yourself, you fuck. <3

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