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Ridiculous achievements/trophies:


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I want to kill the asshole who came up with Got A Light?, ignite an enemy Spy flicking away a cigarette, for Team Fortress 2.


For the four of you that don't play TF2, one of the goofier features is being able to taunt your opponents with a special animation. Most of them have no purpose than to look funny and hear a snide remark from the class you're playing. The taunts change depending on what weapon you're currently wielding and the Spy flicking away his cigarette is keyed to his disguise kit.


The problem with this achievement is that nobody stays on the disguise kit for more than one second. Most people just hit the taunt key right after they make a kill so they're still holding a weapon. The kit does what you think it does, disguises you as someone else and nothing more. So for me to earn this achievement I would need to hope to come across an enemy Spy that decided to switch to the kit before taunting instead of whatever weapon he used.


Assuming he even taunts at all.

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I want to kill the asshole who came up with Got A Light?, ignite an enemy Spy flicking away a cigarette, for Team Fortress 2.


For the four of you that don't play TF2, one of the goofier features is being able to taunt your opponents with a special animation. Most of them have no purpose than to look funny and hear a snide remark from the class you're playing. The taunts change depending on what weapon you're currently wielding and the Spy flicking away his cigarette is keyed to his disguise kit.


The problem with this achievement is that nobody stays on the disguise kit for more than one second. Most people just hit the taunt key right after they make a kill so they're still holding a weapon. The kit does what you think it does, disguises you as someone else and nothing more. So for me to earn this achievement I would need to hope to come across an enemy Spy that decided to switch to the kit before taunting instead of whatever weapon he used.


Assuming he even taunts at all.


I actually played on a server the other day that had a server mod that turned the cigarette flick into a taunt kill- like, if the spy hit you with the cigarette, you died. So there were a ton of spies standing on the battlements, raining cigarettes down on the enemy team... and a bunch of pyros running up behind them and getting the achieve.

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The "Don't Touch The Sand!" achievement in HL2; if you touch the sand just ONCE you fail it, even if you don't spawn any Antlions. :(


Bah that stupid physics teeter-totter part drove me nuts. A pox on your mailman, teeter-totter! I eventually got it, though :3




As for only using the grav gun in Ravenholm...ugh.


I still need to get the sand one. But I got the Ravenholm one fairly easily...you can kill the zombies with traps, like the fire traps and the car-on-a-pulley traps, and it won't count against you since those are environment-triggered rather than weapon-triggered. I personally enjoyed lining them up in front of me and firing buzzsaws at them for multi-kills. XD


There were only 2 parts that I remember being especially difficult for me...the part with the car traps (there were quite a few zombies and not many objects to fling at them, the car traps are kind of hard to squish them all with if your timing is off, and not many backup options) and the part near the end of the chapter where you had to wait for the lift to carry you from the top of a building over towards the cemetery, while fast zombies attack you and you have like nothing to throw at them. I think I ended up retreating a little bit and using things from inside the building to kill them off, haha.


Then there was The One Free Bullet from HL2: Episode 1, where you have to finish the entire game firing only ONE bullet. But it wasn't actually that bad, since there were parts of the game where you HAD to use grenades and RPGs, and kills from those, as well as the crowbar and gravity gun, wouldn't count against you. Not to mention Alyx can fire as many bullets as she wants. I think the only tough parts were some of the parts with the "Zombines" (Hahaha, get it? Haha...yeah, k.) and the part at the end with the Strider, but I think that's tough whether you're going for the achievement or not.

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