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Hazards are pretty common in games. In Super Mario Bros., there are spinning fire beams. In RPGs, there are grues hiding behind every wrong door. In platforming games, there will probably be some force of wind to try and push you into an abyss. Then there's everyone's favorite, pools of lava.


Whether it's a trap, an obstacle, or just a harmful pool of Don't Swim In This, games are out to kill our characters. (Enemies don't count!) What are your favorite ways a game has tried to kill you? What have been your least favorite?

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I like big fans. Notable examples would be Half Life 1 and Psi-Ops, where not only can you get sucked into the fans, but NPCs can too!


if someone can find a couple good fan death videos on youtube, I'd appreciate. Damn internet; it's so hard to find what you're looking for these days b/c there's a million fucking entries.


apparently "fan death" is a fucking band or something.

Edited by HotChops
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Favorite Hazard? That sounds like an oxymoron!


Um, maybe ReDead or Wallmasters from Legend of Zelda. It's always intense when you're avoiding them. My least favorite would have to be the hawks in Ninja Gaiden. Yeah, I know they're an "enemy," but all a hawk does is make you fall when you're in the middle of a jump.

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God, Bouchart. Yes. THAT. I loathe that with a passion. I also don't care for spring jumps that require you to hit the jump button at a very specific time to get a jump boost. If you can just hold the button down that's fine, but when you have to tap it every game seems to have its own idea of when the right time is, and if you mess that up when you make the jump you're pretty much screwed.

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Well, today's game aren't the same like the early ones from the 80's/90's, those were a bitch. Especially games like Sonic and Mario, just one misstep and you're restarting the whole level. I guess you could say LittleBigPlanet has some hazardous levels, at least from the few times I did play it.


Man, I think my weakness is jumping. Some games make it that you either time the jump correctly, or fail, there isn't a "just barely made it".

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