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Regenerating health


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It takes so much of the tension out of games. I can go and do stupid shit and as long as I don't die, there is no punishment for being reckless. For some games it make sense but not for every game like it feels like they are doing now. Hell, even if I die there was a checkpoint 2 minutes back. I'm tired of being babysat. FECK

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  On 1/3/2011 at 12:10 AM, docsfox said:

It takes so much of the tension out of games. I can go and do stupid shit and as long as I don't die, there is no punishment for being reckless. For some games it make sense but not for every game like it feels like they are doing now. Hell, even if I die there was a checkpoint 2 minutes back. I'm tired of being babysat. FECK


I think the punishment is a ruined pace. The game becomes less fun and more tedious when you stop to heal so I actually view it as a motivator to do better.

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Regenerating shields, that's fine, as long as I have HP that does not regenerate without some form of first aid (See Halo: Combat Evolved or Borderlands.)


Take a hail of gunfire, a few explosions, and maybe a rocket, then chill out in a corner, not so fine.


Regenerating health in a Beat-em-up, it can work as long as health regen is not so rapid I feel like I am Wolverine.

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it totes depends on the game. i mean, ffxiii had it all the way at "regain life every battle" but anyone who played ffi knows that they were brutal with not even just the towns being so far away but sleeping bags and tents only repairing some and the expensive cottages being the most useful. so... i guess, it makes sense to walk around and regain some hp/mp most times. but i'm not particularly a fan when it makes shit too easy, i'd just rather it not be the damning factor that it used to be in games of olde.

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I like the option of being able to choose between easy, medium and hard which varies the health you regenerate depending on the injury. If I'm just interested in playing through the story, it's nice to not have to die every few minutes. But when I want a challenge, I'll play on the hardest level where I've got maybe two shots before I'm dead. Makes it a little more realistic.


The same geauxs for eliminating the enemy. How many fucking shots in the head/chest/abdomen does it take to bring someone down?

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Doesn't matter too much, if you're playing as a casual gamer (normal mode), the regenerating health isn't going to be needed that much in the first place. Like the above comments, if it really affected how I enjoyed the game I would just push the difficulty to the highest possible point and go from there.


I do notice that in so many games, you're just full of health packs. I think if there's any complaint I have, is the amount of health packs in game. Limit that a bit, it's far easier to heal than waiting to regenerate health (at least in some games).


Now if I was in a real fight with someone and he kept regenerating his health? I'd just give up on the spot, tell him to forget it and twitter to everyone that he's a Wolverine and no one should take him up on a fight. What the heck am I talking about? Whatever.

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I like the system in Lost Planet 2. If you collect thermal energy, you can use it to regenerate health with the start button (while walking). If you're out of thermal energy, you can no longer regen. This way the player is in control, if you don't want to use regen, you don't have to, if you do it's just a button press so it doesn't break flow. You do need thermal energy so it's not infinite, although it's easy to come by when you look for it.


It satisfies all possible demands, therefore it is perfect (in my eyes).


Well.. near perfect. The only (slight) gripe I have is the button. I would have preferred if Regen was assigned to either the R2 or L2 button. 90degree shifts aren't really useful to me, especially since you can up the sensitivity. Plus this way you can't manipulate the camera..


Other than that, it works perfectly.

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that's funny because I just got done playing the X-Men Origins: Wolverine demo :lol:


I thought Far Cry 2 would have a really cool health system because you'd have to mend your own wounds. But then it turned out to just be a set of healing animations, albeit very cool ones.


I think it would be badass if you actually applied a tourniquet or set a broken bone and then you had to hobble around for the rest of the mission.

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I think having regeneration can make some games easy, yet tedious. The duck-and-cover method works well, despite its slight cheapness. (I'm guilty of it too, haha.)


I know 2 ways to reduce the effectiveness of this tactic:


1. Do a speed run. You won't have all the time in the world to regenerate when the clock is ticking against you.


2. Unlimited enemy spawns, that you can't hide from. If they keep coming, there's always the threat of more showing up to damage you. And if not, suppose they're easy enough to kill practically just by looking at them, you should probably increase the difficulty level.

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It doesn't really bother me or break my immersion regardless of the game, but that's mostly because I look at it a bit differently.


I don't see it as me regenerating myself. More like, if I die, that's because I took one in the head or some other vital area.

But if I can go to cover and recover, then it just hit my flak vest or helmet or whatever.

Still hurts like a bitch and knocks the wind out of you, but it's hardly fatal.


I always hated it in older games when I was almost out of health and had to waste time looking around for health packs. It really breaks the flow of the action. Especially when there aren't any left because you already picked them all up.


Though I think the best solution is a mix of both. It's been a while since I played so I could be remembering the details wrong, but I remember Killzone 2 had a system I liked.

Think it was something like the health bar was divided up in blocks, and if you didn't lose the whole block, it regen'd after a bit. But to heal lost blocks you needed a health pack.

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  On 1/3/2011 at 6:44 AM, FLD said:
I don't see it as me regenerating myself. More like, if I die, that's because I took one in the head or some other vital area.

But if I can go to cover and recover, then it just hit my flak vest or helmet or whatever.

Still hurts like a bitch and knocks the wind out of you, but it's hardly fatal.

That's similar to how I look at it. I basically think of it as a retcon: if I really got shot, I obviously wouldn't still be going, so it must just have been a near miss that freaked me out. The ones that kill me/incapacitate me are the only "real" hits.


  On 1/3/2011 at 6:44 AM, FLD said:
I always hated it in older games when I was almost out of health and had to waste time looking around for health packs. It really breaks the flow of the action. Especially when there aren't any left because you already picked them all up.

This. So much this. And also the game saving you in an impossible situation because you simply do not have enough health to do what needs to be done (mostly only an issue when there are infinite enemies).


  On 1/3/2011 at 6:44 AM, FLD said:
Though I think the best solution is a mix of both. It's been a while since I played so I could be remembering the details wrong, but I remember Killzone 2 had a system I liked.

Think it was something like the health bar was divided up in blocks, and if you didn't lose the whole block, it regen'd after a bit. But to heal lost blocks you needed a health pack.

Yeah, that's how Halo: Reach does it too, and I like it a lot. Your health is divided into 3 blocks, if you lose a whole block it's gone until you pick up a health pack, but if you only lose part of a block then that block will regen. That's of course in addition to the shields, which regen completely, though in a game where shields don't make sense, like CoD or whatever, I'd still be perfectly happy with the block system.


Basically it means that as long as you don't actually die, you can regen at least up to 1/3 of your total health, and that's enough to give you something to work with.

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  On 1/3/2011 at 4:34 AM, TheMightyEthan said:

That's just a health-pack system...


I disagree, the therm en. can be used for other things, such as VS' and certain guns. This means it is not solely used for health regen. Also the fact that you get to choose just how much health you need is unlike the concept of health packs.


health packs are health packs, they are not gunpacks nor are they giant robot suit powering packs.

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I always see people say one or the other is better, and I don't really understand that. It really depends on the game ... I don't hate either one off the bat, it's how it's implemented on a case-by-case basis that matters for me. Same goes for things like saving points vs. saving anywhere. I can only imagine how lame Dead Rising would be with regenerating health and saving anywhere. And other games I like the regenerating health, or a mix of the two that they've implemented.

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